long hair must be fake??


Well-Known Member
okay, i'm off work today, and playing on the internet and watching tv. i'm watching what not to wear, and there is a young african american female on (i love when they have black women on the show, so i can easily relate). now, i usually love watching this show, especially when they get to the hair style section. and the girl that is on here today, has long hair, and didn't want them to cut her hair. her hair was close to bra-strap length, and nick (the hair stylist) kept commenting and asking her questions about if her hair was real or was it a weave. and he made a decision to cut it, so it would look more "real". now, i admit, that the final style was very pretty, and wasn't that short at all, it was a little past shoulder length. but for some reason, his comment about her hair looking fake b/c it was long, and wanting to cut it so it would look real sort of struck a nerve with me. i've never heard of such a comment being made about any of the caucasion women of the show. her hair wasn't crazy long like to her tailbone or anything. so, i got to thinking, did it look fake or like a weave, b/c she was african american with bra-strap length hair? and why is it that that combination makes it look fake? she had a nice grade of hair, and it happened to be long, why is that so unbelievable? just had to vent, b/c that really made me feel some type of way. :perplexed

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Well to me, her hair looks "healthier" cut the length that it is afterwards. Though this doesn't answer your ?, it's just a comment.

With her hair longer it looks greasy, oily and just yucky to touch! But after the clean wash (apparently), trim, make-up (lol), etc...her hair looks healthy, brilliant and has a better shine.

well that pissed me off!! Cutting her hair because it didnt look ''real'' is not a justification, doesnt make any sense!! Now we should give hair cuts to any past brastrap hair person:rolleyes:....

Black women's hair is a big misconception.:sad:

Well to me, her hair looks "healthier" cut the length that it is afterwards. Though this doesn't answer your ?, it's just a comment.

With her hair longer it looks greasy, oily and just yucky to touch! But after the clean wash (apparently), trim, make-up (lol), etc...her hair looks healthy, brilliant and has a better shine.

then why not just wash her hair and use the appropriate products? instead of cutting it to make it look more real:wallbash:..

i have not seen the episode.. so maybe the emphasis on ''long hair must be fake'' wasnt THAT big and im overreacting lol
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oh i definently agree. her hair looks better, and she looks better with the new hair style. i was just like, wtf about the comment, b/c he said it atleast 3-4 times. and he kept asking her, is all of this your hair? i'm like, you're a hair sytlist, running your hands through it, are you serious or trying to be funny? then even when he was cutting it, he was like, you shouldn't be mad about me cutting it, since it's not yours anyways, and although it was a joke, i was just like, wtf?? lol
Thanx for including the pics!
Wow, if he really did make that comment it would piss me off as well. So now he hair looks real because it's shorter. He could have hooked up her longer hair if he wanted too, but i guess she was o.k with the cut. Her cut looks good, but it's the comment that I don't like.

This along with the episode where he relaxed that natural girls hair is really got me like this
:blush: :perplexed :nono: :wallbash:
oh i definently agree. her hair looks better, and she looks better with the new hair style. i was just like, wtf about the comment, b/c he said it atleast 3-4 times. and he kept asking her, is all of this your hair? i'm like, you're a hair sytlist, running your hands through it, are you serious or trying to be funny? then even when he was cutting it, he was like, you shouldn't be mad about me cutting it, since it's not yours anyways, and although it was a joke, i was just like, wtf?? lol

With the natural girl, he kept asking her why she waited so long to put a relaxer in it. He kept pressing her about it like she was so wrong to go without one.
She seemed kind of shy and did'nt say much. I wanted her to be like "because this is the way it grows out of my head and I like it!"
Speaking as someone who was 'convinced' to cut my hair on a couple occasions, that pressure can be no joke and comments like that are just WRONG. If they washed and styled her own hair with the same products MINUS the cut, im sure it could have looked just as glowing
KEWLKAT103- wow, i would've been mad seeing that episode too. i was just thinking the other day that i've never seen them doing any type of chemical services other than color. on most of these makeover shows, i don't understand why they always want to cut the persons hair. why is that always the answer? i can understand if the hair was damaged. but, she really didn't want him to cut her hair, and was pretty upset when he said he would. but after wards, she did like the final look.
theres been reality tv shows aka... antm where the contestant doesnt want their fake hair to be revealed on national tv. meanwhile everyone on set knows its fake. as a stylist he should have been able to tell by one quick look through. i hoping thats the case....

but Nicks been known to be ignorant ..............
I agree with Longhairnwaiting, her hair looks better after the cut. I personally think that the stylist was just repeating what he's heard other black people say about black people's hair. When I look at the way people examine Michelle Obama's hair, I mean c'mon, and the woman is barely SL.
If it bothered you that much I would send them an email. Gives you a chance to educate... :look:

Highly unlikey they care about what we think. Most of the people on that show are not Black women.....

So - Oh Well....She let someone who does not have a clue about our hair cut it.

I would not make on that show...cause they would not be cutting my hair.
I would email anyways just so you know you at least said your peace about it, even if they ignore it.

I liked her previous hair myself. All Nick knows is straightening and cutting yet he maintains a curly head of hair. She probably just needed some products for curly hair and it would have looked great...i.e all the curly heads on LHCF. I wouldn't make it on there either...no scissors please..lol. I know there was one episode where a lady (white) refused a hair cut. His face was like wth...too funny! :lol:
ok, Nick is just ignorant and tactless. Looks fake?!!! WT...?!!! He could have just cut some layers or something without all the excess hot air but I suppose that's what he's paid to do, talk nonsense and then "style". Whatever...the girl's hair will just grow back.
I thought her hair was a weave and that they were making the weave look more "real."

okay, i'm off work today, and playing on the internet and watching tv. i'm watching what not to wear, and there is a young african american female on (i love when they have black women on the show, so i can easily relate). now, i usually love watching this show, especially when they get to the hair style section. and the girl that is on here today, has long hair, and didn't want them to cut her hair. her hair was close to bra-strap length, and nick (the hair stylist) kept commenting and asking her questions about if her hair was real or was it a weave. and he made a decision to cut it, so it would look more "real". now, i admit, that the final style was very pretty, and wasn't that short at all, it was a little past shoulder length. but for some reason, his comment about her hair looking fake b/c it was long, and wanting to cut it so it would look real sort of struck a nerve with me. i've never heard of such a comment being made about any of the caucasion women of the show. her hair wasn't crazy long like to her tailbone or anything. so, i got to thinking, did it look fake or like a weave, b/c she was african american with bra-strap length hair? and why is it that that combination makes it look fake? she had a nice grade of hair, and it happened to be long, why is that so unbelievable? just had to vent, b/c that really made me feel some type of way. :perplexed

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I would email anyways just so you know you at least said your peace about it, even if they ignore it.

I liked her previous hair myself. All Nick knows is straightening and cutting yet he maintains a curly head of hair. She probably just needed some products for curly hair and it would have looked great...i.e all the curly heads on LHCF. I wouldn't make it on there either...no scissors please..lol. I know there was one episode where a lady (white) refused a hair cut. His face was like wth...too funny! :lol:

Yea - girl - you are probably right.....:yep:

I watch that show alot.... He loves Cutting and Straightening.... Even the white girls with curly hair get a straight look.... I usually don't like it.
okay, i'm off work today, and playing on the internet and watching tv. i'm watching what not to wear, and there is a young african american female on (i love when they have black women on the show, so i can easily relate). now, i usually love watching this show, especially when they get to the hair style section. and the girl that is on here today, has long hair, and didn't want them to cut her hair. her hair was close to bra-strap length, and nick (the hair stylist) kept commenting and asking her questions about if her hair was real or was it a weave. and he made a decision to cut it, so it would look more "real". now, i admit, that the final style was very pretty, and wasn't that short at all, it was a little past shoulder length. but for some reason, his comment about her hair looking fake b/c it was long, and wanting to cut it so it would look real sort of struck a nerve with me. i've never heard of such a comment being made about any of the caucasion women of the show. her hair wasn't crazy long like to her tailbone or anything. so, i got to thinking, did it look fake or like a weave, b/c she was african american with bra-strap length hair? and why is it that that combination makes it look fake? she had a nice grade of hair, and it happened to be long, why is that so unbelievable? just had to vent, b/c that really made me feel some type of way. :perplexed

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Lame. Yes she looks good after, but the "real" comment is stupid. As for just cutting it, these makeover shows do that for everyone so that there is a "dramatic" difference so to speak. But the comment really is annoying and I don't think that would've been for everyone. I do think her hair looks healthy afterward but it could've looked healthy at a longer length just with a style. So making sure it looks "real" is stupid. Let's not kid ourselves though, I get massive double takes with my hair when its out as it's past MBL. I get women coming up to me, walking behind me in stores, sizing me up. So I think even WE want to know if it's real. It's a shame, but that's society...and sadly our cultures, belief about black women and long hair.
^^^im really beginning the think that she had extentions,, i mean how could he NOT know??? it doesnt make sense. when youve got your eyes and hands in someone head for over an hour, id think youd know.....
Nick should just tell the truth. He only knows ONE haircut and that's the short bob with bangs. He does that on EVERY woman that comes on the show.

That girl had very pretty hair. I hope she finds this forum and signs up for a no trim challenge LOL
^^^im really beginning the think that she had extentions,, i mean how could he NOT know??? it doesnt make sense. when youve got your eyes and hands in someone head for over an hour, id think youd know.....

Hmmmm... Great point! Maybe he was trying to make her confess!
BTW your hair is getting so long!
Sounds like they were bamboozling the Black chick. Hook line and sinker. All they needed to do was wash, deep condition, air dry and style. Maybe a small trim IF needed. I guess it's true, there's a sucker born every minute! UGH! And it actually looks fake in the after picture. Oh well.
I think it looks great afterward. And I don't think he was rude for saying that. It's true, if it was a weave, than it should be cut at an appropriate length. If it's her hair, she should get something more flattering. I have started a thread a while back that, as many times I have seen the black women in my family with long hair, when I see other black women with longer, I am not too impressed because weave is always in the question...so shoot me:look:. But, maybe Nick did know what was under there.
I watched that episode this morning. She did have extensions. :yep: She even showed Nick how they were in her hair. I think it was little metal rings wrapped around her own hair that secured the tracts. :perplexed Her after definitely looked better that her before. :look: