I'm tired of everyone thinking my hair is fake!

I'm dying because you said you have a long torso:lachen: Like, that's the funniest thing ever! but really, the day I have the problem where people think I have a weave, I promise never to complain.:yep:
*raising my right hand* I promise that I will not complain if/when I get to that point either!:grin:
Well, I wanna vent too! I'm tired of having gum and dirt getting stuck in my shoe length hair... humph! Oops... my bad... I have pics up...:lachen::lachen: just kidding... Girl, where are your pics?!!?:grin:
Pics of what? Child only a couple people thought my hair was a weave. I got loads of pics but no matter what KLB say....my hair aint that long! :lachen::lachen:At least its not as long as i want it to be.
I consider it a complement too. I loved it when folks would say your makeup is pretty but I wasn't wearing anything. I miss my old skin.
it is annoying. In high school people use to say that to me all the time and its annoying cause you are striving to grow your own hair long and when you do ppl dont even give you that credit ( not that they have to but you get my drift). Its true many people think that black women cant grow long hair which I understand to an extent but not fully because all my life i have always seen a decent number of black girls with their own hair and it was long.. and it was not a weave... so honestly i do think its ignorance of some ppl ..if you ask me most of the time you can tell a weave from natural hair.. and i quote most of the time... i think the fact that your hair maybe long is what threw them off .. cause say u have a weave but it was a short cut.. no one would ask you that. no one would care about that but when its long they gotta know...
Show your hair so I can be jelly and holla that's a weave.:lachen:

I know, we wanna see!

No one has asked me if this is my hair yet. I got the cuckabugs to show this is all mine. Oh, but wait, they do sell baby hair with lace fronts, right . . . hmmm, cuckabug baby hair to go with your afro wig . . . :lachen:
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Yea people do give you that, "Pish stop lying :ohwell:" look. Depending on who it is and how they approach me sometimes I say "You can touch it if you want." Then they pour it on (and who doesnt like a compliment?) "OMG! Your hair is so thick and pretty!." I love to talk hair so I start spilling my guts. Coconut oil, no relaxer, rollersetting, etc.

If they come at me sideways or I dont like their approach I say its mine and walk off. Once I was in a BSS and the lady behind me say, "What kind of hair did you buy to make it do that?" (I was rocking a wash n go that needed to be washed again.) The Asian guy behind the counter said "No, you no have a hair like a that, she grow that. She never buy gel!" And eh started pointing at her 5 pound jar of black protein gel. I just laughed!! Got my conditioner and left.
Yep ladies... I think we can chalk this one up... we ain't seeing no pix up in this joint....:ohwell: *flagging my arms out, fanning the crowd away like the cops* Go on... there's nothing else to see here!:grin:
I've been punk'd! :fistshake: After 6 pages, Still no pictures...ooh, well.

People usually assume since I wear weaves and wigs all the time that I'm "bawl headed," so every now and then I throw it in a nachal ponytail just to let them know I still standing. No one questions my hair, these naps speak for themselves.
Uuuuum, can I have your problem? :lachen:.................

Seriously :look:

Oh tiffers.... my mom was looking over my shoulder when I was reading one of your posts. She thinks your oldest is the one you have to worry about. She noted that her hand is around baby girl's neck!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
LOL...I SO enjoy having long hair but if I get one more person asking me if my hair is real..I'm going to scream!!

I was in the bathroom at my job the other day and this girl commented on how pretty my "weave" was...LOL....Ok it could have come across as being a rude statement but I dont think she meant to be rude at all,she just sincerely thought my hair was a weave. I do take it as a compliment that people think my hair is pretty enough to be a weave but at times I dont like knowing that everyone thinks my hair is not real.

I wear it straight,curly,in a pony tail,half up and half down...you would think they could see its real but they still dont get it.

I cut 8 inches off over the Summer because it was heading to waist length and I didnt like it that long. Since then,its grown about 3 inches and is getting long again....but its not like its SO long that one cant believe its mine...LOL....its close to bra strap.

Anyway...just needed to vent!

I used to think it was kinda funny when people thought my hair was fake. I use to just :giggle: to myself. The funny thing is, even after getting 6" to 8" cut, some people think my hair still looks fake. I thought that was even funnier. I say continue to take it as a compliment, and enjoy your hair. :)
Yea people do give you that, "Pish stop lying :ohwell:" look. Depending on who it is and how they approach me sometimes I say "You can touch it if you want." Then they pour it on (and who doesnt like a compliment?) "OMG! Your hair is so thick and pretty!." I love to talk hair so I start spilling my guts. Coconut oil, no relaxer, rollersetting, etc.

If they come at me sideways or I dont like their approach I say its mine and walk off. Once I was in a BSS and the lady behind me say, "What kind of hair did you buy to make it do that?" (I was rocking a wash n go that needed to be washed again.) The Asian guy behind the counter said "No, you no have a hair like a that, she grow that. She never buy gel!" And eh started pointing at her 5 pound jar of black protein gel. I just laughed!! Got my conditioner and left.

Everyone isn't into posting hair pics.

I don't know why y'all keep asking the OP. :deadhorse:

Hell. I'm surprised I have one in my avatar.


Let me see what else I can put up in there.
Everyone isn't into posting hair pics.

I don't know why y'all keep asking the OP. :deadhorse:

Hell. I'm surprised I have one in my avatar.


Let me see what else I can put up in there.

Ooooo weee. Y'all made Pink Ninja say 'hell'...and throw more pics up! :blush::blush::blush:
