LHCF Bootcamp 90-Day Check In (Session 2)


Well-Known Member
Blowdryer: Airdrying is for punks! Be a REAL woman and let me help you smooth those tresses with my powerful gusts of air. Your hair can take it...its strong and healthy. It wont hurt!

FlatIron: Yea and when you are done with the blowdryer...why dont you heat me up to 400 degrees. Dont you want your hair to be silky and flow in the wind? I can help you achieve that.

[LHCF Bootcamp participant looks longingly at the heat tools...the sternly looks away. Moments later she looks shyly at the tools with a contemplative expression....]

Announcer: Say no to hair drugs! Resist the temptation to torture your tresses and raise your hair cuticles with the powerful impact of heat styling tools. Reach your hair goals without heat...after all you're in LHCF Bootcamp.

[LHCF Bootcamp participant smiles and with a confident look firmly closes the drawer in spite of the protest cries from the flat iron and blowdryer. Amazingly, the particpant hears the cheers of her LHCF sisters applauding her decision as she exits the bathroom.]

So LHCF Bootcampers.....have you been giving in to the taunts and temptations of heat or have you been standing strong protective styling and deep conditioning?
Haha...Im laughing at my imaginary scenario :grin:

Anways, I have been doing very well with Bootcamp over the past 30 days. I had the itch to relax for a while but revisiting some old products and taking more time with my natural styles cured me of that. So Im fine...GOING STRONG and headed steadily toward APL.:yep:
:lachen: That was too funny!

I'm doing pretty good! I'm disappointed just a bit because I ended up trimming away the progress because of mats and tangles. :sad: I'm still on the wagon though! I have my hair in princess Leia baggy puffs as we speak. :yep:
For the most part I've been good. I did cheat once I guess, I went to the salon and relaxed (was natural) and she trimmed my ends, so I did penance for a week. I'm not really sure if it counts!
I'm doing great.

My regimen has been simplified and I love it. I've been consistent with my weekly deep conditioning and daily rinsings (previously CWs). My hair is doing great.

I blowdried twice (both times before getting hair cornrowed) in the last 7 months. I also expect to blowdry my hair in October and again in December (for the comparison pics). I don't feel guilty about the blowdrying. In fact, the last one gave me a wonderful surprise -- I learnt that my blowdried hair is long enough to put in a bun. Whooppeeee!!!! That gave me a wonderful boost. I needed it too. :grin:


I'm in a personal "use it up" challenge. So I've been taking my supplements consistently for the past week or two.
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I am still in. I have been doing more protective styles now that my hair is at shoulder length. I have also upped the biotin.
I have been doing good overall. I am going to step it up for the remainder of the year though. I had to use a pass for my friend's wedding last weekend (I used heat). I have been airdrying, deep conditioning weekly, and wearing protective styles.
LOL, that senerio was cute and :lachen:. I have been good, still air-drying or roller setting, more air-drying than anything. I'm in braids now and haven't skipped a beat with pooing and DCing 2x's a wk.

The only thing I've been slacking on is the vitamins, I just decided if I take them I take them and if I don't :ohwell:.
I'm still going strong. I've been washing and going for nearly the past week. I wore a wig yesterday and today though.
BSFG girl, you are too much with the scenarios. I'm cracking up over here.:grin:

No temptation at all. I've been doing my protective styling, deep cond 1 -2x/wk haven't trim, and everything is going well. I think my hair is pretty happy.
I've been good-no heat at all helped by the fact that I'm in braids most of the time. When I take them down and rest my hair for a week, I bun. Even in braids, I co-wash or wash daily with my sulfate free poo and condish and moisturize religiously. My scalp loves me. I'm wishing for speedier growth because I have to trim some ends to make up for a slow growing nape though. So I'm still on track. Fingers crossed tightly and hoping for close to apl in December or March at the latest
Blowdryer: Airdrying is for punks! Be a REAL woman and let me help you smooth those tresses with my powerful gusts of air. Your hair can take it...its strong and healthy. It wont hurt!

FlatIron: Yea and when you are done with the blowdryer...why dont you heat me up to 400 degrees. Dont you want your hair to be silky and flow in the wind? I can help you achieve that.

[LHCF Bootcamp participant looks longingly at the heat tools...the sternly looks away. Moments later she looks shyly at the tools with a contemplative expression....]

Announcer: Say no to hair drugs! Resist the temptation to torture your tresses and raise your hair cuticles with the powerful impact of heat styling tools. Reach your hair goals without heat...after all you're in LHCF Bootcamp.

[LHCF Bootcamp participant smiles and with a confident look firmly closes the drawer in spite of the protest cries from the flat iron and blowdryer. Amazingly, the particpant hears the cheers of her LHCF sisters applauding her decision as she exits the bathroom.]

So LHCF Bootcampers.....have you been giving in to the taunts and temptations of heat or have you been standing strong protective styling and deep conditioning?

I've been a :badgirl: as far as using heat :hide: but I am still deep conditioning weekly (and doing so as I type) and my protective style of choice is the pin curls. :look:
Im very glad to hear that you ladies are doing so well :grin:
Its very encouraging to hear the positive reactions that your hair and scalp are giving you ladies in reward for your discipline.

EMJazzy...you gonna make me find a switch for you...:spank:
I'm getting back focused. I've been a bad lazy girl, but no mo of dat!! Staying away from heat, deep con with every poo, protective styling and so on. I'm in it to win it!! Glad to see everyone doing so well. Very inspirational.
Ok Pvt. Princesslocks is reporting for :blush: excuse me I'm checking in...

I've been doing good. I'm aiming for a full thick BSL. It's currently touching the top. Once I've achieved this goal, I'm going to move on Midback. :happydance:
I have been doing okay. I haven't slacked on the weekly dc's but I have had to trim more than I would have liked too. I made it to shoulder length but after the trim, I an hovering right above it. As long as I don't have any major issues, I can be back at shoulder length by the end of the year.
I'm still in and doing well!
Bunning everyday and DCing once per week.
I've started doing cowashes almost daily because of the heat and my workouts.
I did use heat once. I flat-ironed for fun. It was my first use of heat in 8 months and I wanted to try out flat ironing.
Still going strong!