LHCF Bootcamp - 60 Day Check In - Session One is Halfway OVER!!

My current protective style is box braids. My motivation is doing an unbelievable progress pic the beginning of next year!:D
ok, so for my b-day I went and got a weave I know that I said that I wasn't gonna do one, but I really wanted to look cute for my b-day. I promised myself that I would only keep it in for a week and make sure that I moist. everyother day. Well I took down my weave today, not a week after but two weeks after. And the moist. part, yeah I think I did that maybe twice the entire time. I'm mad at myself more than anything because I didn't have the disicpline that I am trying to enstill in myself. I'm using the steam cap to do a recon and then a deeo cond. after. We'll see how I ruined my hair this time.

Before the weave, the breakage wasn't as bad as before, but that's because I was pooing once a week with a recon and a deep cond and cond in between the pooing. I was bunning with my fake sock bun that my lik sis made and starting to air dry instead of blow drying.

Three/four days before the weave I did a strong protein treatment with Aphooge<<<I think that's how it's spelled.
ok, so now I finally finished with washing and everything else. It's currently in a wet pony for air drying. When I detangled, boy the amount of hair that came out made me wanna cry. (Huge Sigh)........I'm soooo mad a myself ya'll. BUt I'll get it back. See you guys at the next check in.
january noir said:
Still going strong but unfortunately had to trim off 2 inches of thin ends but I still think it will be thin...:perplexed . I lost whatever length I had achieved. :( . But in the end I think it was the only thing I could do. My hair grows slowly, and now that I am 49 I can't expect too much no matter what I do.

It's all good though....i got a compliment from a co worker at work. She said, " your hair looks so healthy!" Thanks to henna/indigo (covered my greys) and deep conditioning tactics. ;)

It's okay chica. Your hair is healthy and growing, and that's all it takes to get more length. If it's growing slowly, the good thing is that you will not have to do your touch-ups as often. I can't remember who said this, but I've read it a couple of times from longer haired ladies, that sometimes if your hair is healthy, but uneven it is best to just leave it alone and try to determine the growth pattern of your hair. Maybe your hair grows in a V pattern, and your sides will always be 3 - 4 inches shorter than the back. I don't know, it's just a thought.;)
Still washing every week and rollersetting after deep conditioning. I did flat iron my hair a few days ago (length check), but now I'm back on track.
Everything is going awesome. I still bun/baggie. I noticed the other day that the longer my hair gets the thinner my ends are. I was feeling/touching my hair and when I got to the last inch or so my ends felt thinner than the rest of my hair. I don't have any damaged ends or nothing, my ends just feels thinner than the rest of my hair so what I did was put my hair in a ponytail and dusted my ends. I know that didn't really do much because I didn't cut much (never did a self-trim b4 but I'm going to start when my hair gets longer). Other than that I'm doing excellent:) Oh,,,I almost forgot...I think I'm going to get some braids in June and wear them til the end of the year to help me reach mb but I don't really know what kind of braids to get. I know I'm not getting micros.
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I am still going well. Bunning and deep conditioning. I dont use heat and I let my hair be.
Hangin in there.

Protective bunning. Washing every wk and deep cond everytime. no trimming. I'm 8 wks post now. Not combing daily. I actually like that part :)
I'm on cruise control....everything is going well. :yep: I dc weekly, cw daily, and wear my hair pulled back and twisted with a bear claw clip. At night I saturate my scalp with MTG, coat my hair with a combination of castor oil and conditioner, put on a cap/baggie and call it a night. :up:

I almost totally forgot about this, but I used HEAT (flat iron - oh, the horror!;) ) on March 3, after my touch up. I flat ironed to check my length, which I only do immediately following a touch-up. So, I'll consider that my free pass.

Other than that, I have no issues staying away from direct heat. I think my hair has really thrived without it. I feel so awkward using my flat iron nowadays!:lol:
I just joined the challenge this week, so I feel weird about posting but I still want to give an account for what I have done. I have been wearing my hair in a bun that I found on a fellow LHCF'ers fotki and it has been wonderful! I DC with every poo and for my additions I decided to take my vitamins daily, which I have been doing and I haven't had a perm yet. Since the challenge started 1 Jan. I am going to count 3 months past that and it would be 1 April when I am able to get another one. I believe that I am going to texlax around that time.
fullsizediva said:
I'm going to start with the next session, because this one truly has not been a success for me.

That's alright, maybe you can use the rest of this one to refine your regimen for the start of the second session on May 1st. Good luck,
I'm doing great!!! This has been a good month. My biggest issues were keeping my hair moisturized and curbing the breakage (I would have little bits everywhere). What has helped my was DCing with Silk Elements Cholesteral and whole head baggying with Scurl (stole this method from the Jherri Curl). No more breakage and my hair is soft. Also I'm taking Kelp twice daily, drinking more water, and I just starting drinking green smoothies. I should be at APL by summer.:yay: :yay: :yay:
I'm having a ball with this one! I'm still wearing kinky twists, planning to take them out in a week or two.

This month I've added castor oil (the clear one, until the bottle finishes. Then I'll start using JBCO.) to my deep conditioning and my hair loves it.

My regimen was simplified:

- I spray my hair every night with a homemade leave in and cover it with a satin scarf
- Once each week I deep condition and wash my hair with diluted shampoo
- Once each week, after washing and allowing my hair to partially dry, I oil my scalp with either warmed EVOO or warmed castor and coconut oil combined.

That's it.

ETA: I do remember to say something nice about my hair everyday. However, I fell off the supplements portion of my personal challenge. As per the rules of this challenge, my self-created "punishment" is to say an affirmation every day for 30 days.

My affirmation: I show appreciation for my beautiful hair and wonderful body by taking my supplements everyday!

The 30 days start today. I'll put the affirmation in my cell phone so I remember it.
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I'm doing very well with my braids, didn't have to use any passes. :D I did have a problem a few weeks ago thro, I went to the secretary of state to get my tags for my van. I was waiting all afternoon to get it and my phony pony tail fell off my baggy:eek: showing everyone in the office. A nice old lady said excuse me miss you drop somthing, I simply turn around and said thank you and pick up my pony off the floor. My son said mom do you feel bad. I told him no because I didn't know anyone there, and in the end my hair will be looking great:)
sholly6 said:
I'm doing very well with my braids, didn't have to use any passes. :D I did have a problem a few weeks ago thro, I went to the secretary of state to get my tags for my van. I was waiting all afternoon to get it and my phony pony tail fell off my baggy:eek: showing everyone in the office. A nice old lady said excuse me miss you drop somthing, I simply turn around and said thank you and pick up my pony off the floor. My son said mom do you feel bad. I told him no because I didn't know anyone there, and in the end my hair will be looking great:)

OH NOOOOO! :eek: I am always afraid of this happening to me. I'm glad that you had a good sense of humor about it. :)
I am hanging in there. I have been pretty good to my hair but I have not been taking my vitamins as promised :spank: . I will be posting an update in the April thread. I am going to add growth aid(s) in the second session so we'll see how I do.
Im still going strong!!! I added baggying my whole head to my reg. since im in the 3 month baggy challenge....Ive been doing alot co-wash n goes..and avoiding direct heat..I just got my retouch so this month ill be doing more up does durring the week and down on the weekends..Ive seen progress in my hair so its motivation to stick to it
I am still here. Just been too busy to check the board as often as I use to... My hair is doing wonderful. I did cut back on the washing to only once a week, but will start to c/o wash during the week again. It's harder when you are busy. Oh Well.......

Current lenght May 2nd (12 weeks no perm)

My hair evened out. Got thicker, because I changed to texlaxing. I wear wigs everyday. I taking multivitamins, and OMEGA 3-6-9. I still stretch 12-18 weeks between touch ups. I know I did not want to trim until Dec 07, but I had to. Actually, my fianace did (he took too much off) and I almost cried, but he had to. That was 2 months ago.
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hottopic said:
I am still here. Just been too busy to check the board as often as I use to... My hair is doing wonderful. I did cut back on the washing to only once a week, but will start to c/o wash during the week again. It's harder when you are busy. Oh Well.......

Current lenght May 2nd (12 weeks no perm)

My hair evened out. Got thicker, because I changed to texlaxing. I wear wigs everyday. I taking multivitamins, and OMEGA 3-6-9. I still stretch 12-18 weeks between touch ups. I know I did not want to trim until Dec 07, but I had to. Actually, my fianace did (he took too much off) and I almost cried, but he had to. That was 2 months ago.

Great progress girl. Come join us in the May session 2 thread: