I would like to join this challenge. Is it too late. I am currently on the Hide Your Hair til April Fool's Challenge so I don't think it will be too hard. How long will this challenge be? Oh never mind I saw where it said different intervals. What I think I would do it continue with sew in after my graduation in May. ( I really only want to wear my hair out for taht day and then go back to hiding (if I don't I am gonna want to trim and flat iron and use my blow dryer and all :lol: ) I'll see but I definitely want in. It will make me stay away from scissors (this was a major set back for me last year (getting more trims than needed).
brownsugarflyygirl said:
AddyDoll - If you wash twice a week with shampoo, I think a deep conditioning wouldnt hurt it. There are several ladies on the board with gorgeous hair who do this. However, it depends on your hair and what conditioner you are using for DC. I have no hard line on this for BootCamp...if you DC at least once a week that will sufficiently cover the challenge requirements. You could always alternate a moisturizing DC with a mild protein DC at every wash. Ultimately, I think you should do what makes your hair happy.

;)Thanks brownsugarflyygirl...I think i'll do that
Thank god I read this thread. I was going to flat iron my hair, but I'm on so many challenges I can't keep track of what I can and can't do and for how long. I think I might just weave it, fling a satin bonnet on it and pop my vitamins...:lachen: that way I'll pass all my challenges.
co-wash tues-sat; shampoo, DC and rollerset on Sun. Pin-up on Monday. Cycle repeats until April Challenge progress photo update.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Alright LADIES!! This is your OFFICIAL reminder that BOOTCAMP HAS BEGUN!!
That means 120, 240, or 360 days with:

NO DIRECT HEAT: No curling irons, flat irons, marcels, handheld blowdryers, pressing combs, etc. You CAN get those nice rollersets and deep conditioning with a hooded dryer though...gotta keep it healthy ;)

I need to get one - How much can I expect to pay? And where can I find a reasonably priced one?
Thanks for keeping us honest, BSFG!!! :)

I'm all henna'd, DC'd, moisturized and bunned right now! Ends tucked under... scissors well out of sight. :lachen:

We can DO this, ladies!!! :bouncegre
Got my hair pinned up right now in an octopus clip. I will be washing conditioning tonight with GPB conditoner for 45mins with a touch of alma oil. I got a good trim before the new year so that is the last of the really bad ends. I packed my flat iron in a rubbermaid shoe box and put it in the back of my closet;)
wheezy807 said:
So far how is it going for everybody else?

So far so good wheezy. I CO washed, DC'd, moisturised, sealed, and put it in a bun on Sat. I'll moisturize daily until this coming Sat., and then repeat.
Ummmmm......I did a flexi-rod under a hooded dryer UNDER A SCARF (added protection) does this mean I'm ok, or am I setting myself up for pushups?? :confused: If not...

Shaniquah reporting for duty!!! :armyhat:
ma'am yes ma'am. I am currently flexirodding at night with a little mango butter on the ends and mtg on the scalp..
This will be the 2nd week having my sew in weave...2more weeks of wearing it...and then switching to my fall for two weeks!

so far doing good, except i dont have my vitamins since i havent been home in a week :(
Washed and deep conditioned on Sunday and got kinky twists put in yesterday. Trying to make them last until Spring Break.

I'm in bunning as we talk.

OT can someone tell me how to post in the thread and not just a avatar pic:) I have my pics for 2007 but only know how to post in the avatar window:lol:
I've been "bunning" my hair since the start of the challenge and have deep conditioned with each wash....I'm on track with the other "No, no's" as direct heat, no trimming etc., etc.
GREAT!! YAY!! WHOPPEE!!:bouncy:

I am so glad that so many of you all are on track for the challenge....KEEP IT UP!! :)

I am glad that I reminded yall hough....some of yall was about to slip up already...LOL....SHAME SHAME SHAME :nono: I understand is a quadrillion challenges going on....

In response to questions/comments about the challenge:

Wheezy - I will create update threads as we go along

Jtsupanova - You can still deep condition with braids - You can just use diluted conditioner with a heat cap or a hooded dryer to avoid build up

HairIAm - You can get a roller set at practically any salon - hair schools are also a good place to go to get them - they usually do a good job and its cheap :grin: HTH

Shaniquah - are too funny - not a roller set with a scarf - thats great way to prevent direct heat but hooded dryers are allowed in this challenge - I like that extra step though

Shaffawn - You have VIOLATED the bootcamp :hammer: - you dont just get a pass to start over you need to INVOKE your consequence and then get back on track - STEP AWAY FROM THE HEAT!! :naughty:

Okay yall keep it up...I dont want to hear any sob stories:violin: :cry: about why you fell off the challenge....

STAY ON IT!! :whip:
LADIES lets keep every MM that grows!
I wanted to inform you all that I used my one and only freebee already :cry3:

My excuse is today I had to take my graduation pictures and it caught me totally off guard (today's the last day) I came to class this morning with my hair in a cute little bun (doing my protective styling) and I found myself running home to CW my hair, blow dry, and flat iron it :eek: Oh well I'll be back on schedule tomorrow.
Sorry ladies I had to dig this thread up from the grave yard. Just bumping to remind you....................................:grin:
Well, I've been doing well with the challenge, because I haven't did crap to my hair. I've been in the house since Wednesday (I'm on maternity leave, its cold outside and I'm exhausted) and I kept a scarf on my head and have been moisturizing here and there. I'm going to attempt a wash and deep condition tonight. I think I'm gonna put my hair in cornrows or something so I won't have to fool with my hair much and since the baby is due pretty much any day now.
I've been doing very well, I'm quite proud of myself because I didn't think I could do it. Especially taking my vitamins everyday...I think I just don't want to have to bear going through my punishment. :o

My hardest challenge is going to be the "No Trimming". I'm getting a relaxer at the end of February, and that'll be 5 months without a trim! :eek: Wow, that's a really long time for scissor-happy me...just realized how long it's been. I think it's safe to say that a tiny bit of dusting or something will be necessary...
I have been doing well also, and I just wanted to say that when I get my perm in April, I'll be getting a trim as well. I havent had one since Februrary of Last Year and I think it's time. After that no more trims until 2008.
I am currently rocking a wrap... mainly because honest to goodness it's low manipulation for me. Wrap, silk scark if, unwrap. Also, I've used heat I think thrice since the 1st... :(. I've been wearing buns and braid outs. I've realized a doobie is low manipulation to me. And I'll probably be pinning it up throughout the week due to workouts... :look:
HighlyFavored1 said:
I've been doing very well, I'm quite proud of myself because I didn't think I could do it. Especially taking my vitamins everyday...I think I just don't want to have to bear going through my punishment. :o

My hardest challenge is going to be the "No Trimming". I'm getting a relaxer at the end of February, and that'll be 5 months without a trim! :eek: Wow, that's a really long time for scissor-happy me...just realized how long it's been. I think it's safe to say that a tiny bit of dusting or something will be necessary...

Don't forget that it is ok to dust. It can be pretty effective at keeping split ends at bay.:)