*~*~lhcf Black Love Connection*~*~

I am in love with this thread. I wish more black communities (forums, etc) would do this. I don't have any expectations, but if nothing come of any "hookups" I'm hoping to make some very good friends with the men I meet.

Thanks for the hookup NaturalDetroit.
hmm I"M checkin out Mr. Chicago. I love tall men. But SOMEBODY made me think twice about looking at these men on here because I have children. I aint saying no names lol

I hope it was not because of my posting of my own Mr. Chicago (I haven't been able to get him to agree to much of anything just yet about putting his info on here) He is just one of those people. They want what they want and that is all that they want. lol. :) I am not going to even bother with any of these postings on here because of my weight/size. I am hoping that this thread will force me to take my head out the sand and passively try meeting more men before I enter weird/crazy cat lady-land", even though I dont have any pets :lachen:. Happy stories give me hope for RL, even though it is fleeting. :yep:
I hope it was not because of my posting of my own Mr. Chicago (I haven't been able to get him to agree to much of anything just yet about putting his info on here) He is just one of those people. They want what they want and that is all that they want. lol. :) I am not going to even bother with any of these postings on here because of my weight/size. I am hoping that this thread will force me to take my head out the sand and passively try meeting more men before I enter weird/crazy cat lady-land", even though I dont have any pets :lachen:. Happy stories give me hope for RL, even though it is fleeting. :yep:

actually i wasnt talking about you lol, but now that you mentioned it, i'll add you to my list :lachen:. Well now I need to create a thread of available black bachelors who dont mind kids. hmph! j/k. I was messing with someone else girl. And for any ladies reading this thread NONE of the men I posted have a problem with kids. I dont even think I know a man that has a problem dating a woman with kids, as long as they are handling their business and dont have drama its cool with them.:drunk::drunk:
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That's what I was thinking! LOL. Thinking on everyone I know in Ohio and I'm like...ummm. they don't look nothin' like this and if they do, they aren't single. lol.

Great thread ladies!

Heather, I'm in OH too and thought the same thing! :lachen: I don't see men who look like (and as ambitious as) any in this thread that often.
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This thread has awaken my liking of black men again..it refreshing to know there are some brothers who are about their business and aren't gay..I know I may not get a connection here be it that Im of a fluffier breed but I'm open to long distance as I'm in the DFW Tx area..keep it coming ladies..
I'm moving to Detroit :look:

When I lived in Ohio, --right before I moved here to Chicago area -- I actually went out with a couple of guys from Detroit. Very very real men. Also very forgiving and sweet men. Their voices. OMG. :spinning: I wish my urge to come to Chicago was more well rounded and thought out.:perplexed Now I am stuck for at least the next five years because of work. :wallbash:
Loving the Detroit love... seriously... we do have some GOOD brothas here... I think I actually said this a loooong time ago on this board that y'all needed to move here. ;)

(Shoot, we need to regain some lost population too to get our federal $$$ back up!!! Come on over!)

Meanwhile, I say this as I consider moving to Ohio. :lol:
this is a great idea! haven't looked through all the pages yet but rastafari you make me wish i lived in nyc. you friend is a cutie! really like his style.
@Determined, your friend is a cutie. I went to FAMU too and he looks real familiar.

NC ladies, specifically Raleigh, I have a guy for you.

He's just turned 30, close to 6 feet tall, brown skin. He's a FAMU grad, worked as an engineer for 5 years, and now he's a law student at UNC Law School. He's an avid church-goer, likes to bowl & watch movies. Very sweet & respectful, and lots of fun to be with.

I know for a fact he doesnt want to do anything long-distance, he's told me that even Charlotte is too far for him, but I'm working on getting him to open up. If you're a nice young lady in NC & interested, shoot me a PM. I'm going to give him everybody's info regardless of where they are in NC.
I haven't seen so many beautiful, available men in my life. Goodness! ***JN fanning herself*** Thank you all for sharing. Now I want to see and hear about some action :)
Sooo... Not the best picture :lol:
This is my friend and his neice

Location: SoCal
Age: 29 (30 in April)
Education: BS, Works as a teacher, pursuing MS
No children, single, never married
Very intellectual and loves having long conversations; Great sense of humor; Loves to work out and interested in an educated Black woman

PM for more info...

For you ladies that live in other cities that say you can't date the man because he's in another city--do you have a problem with long distance relationships?

I realize it can be a challenge, but they can be rewarding--DH and I dated long distance.

Just curious.

My husband and I also dated long distance for 1.5 years. I was living in Los Angeles, he was in Houston. Web cams, cell phones, and flat rate land lines were part of our success. I won't say it's not a challenge, but for me it was well worth it. So I would encourage anyone to at least give long distance relationships chance.

I must say that I am so excited by this thread. Even if there is just one love connection, this thread was a great idea. Every 6 months a new thread with new cuties should be created.
Eligible Bachelor No. 6




Age: 26
Height: 6'5
Education: BSc. Marketing (UK); Post-Bacc. International Relations.
Profession: Research Officer - Ministry of National Security
Location: Caribbean
Interests/Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Aviation, Music, Basketball
What's he's looking for: I'm a simple guy. I'm interested in meeting someone who is down to earth who can sustain a conversation. I have no reservations when it comes to the color of you skin or your physical attributes. As long as you carry yourself well and look good doing it, I'm down.

His initial response when I relayed my recruitment pitch: "How come this sounds like there is a service fee attached?" :lachen:

Very simple guy here who enjoys flying aircrafts and is about to buy his first home. :grin: He's the type of guy who enjoys peace and quiet but knows how to have fun. He no longer wears his retainer ;). PM if interested.
Here's another yall!! He is also family so hoodrats need not apply. I will search the forum and whip out a pic of your worst protective style to give him. :lachen: JK!!



Location: Chicago
Stats: 32
Profession: CPA/Real Estate Agent

He's a God-fearing man, leader in his church, close to family, really laid back cool kinda guy, loves to travel (just came back from Africa 2 weeks ago) all over the states and out of the country. He says he is open to dating someone in the states or internationally. LDRs are not an issue for him.

PM me.
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