*~*~lhcf Black Love Connection*~*~


Well-Known Member
Well ladies, this thread is inspired by the countless 50-11 threads on the difficulty of black women finding good black men. So, with the coercion :lachen:and inspiration of JustKiya and her recent thread entitled "Yes, it's another 'Single Black Woman' thread..... ", I've decided to share with LHCF sisters the good black men I know in my life who are single AND looking. These men have a preference for black women and desire us black ladies. :grin: They do not have children, nor do they have criminal records. They wish to marry and settle down one day but have yet to find that special someone. I have only obtained the approval of two of those men thus far but shall continue to update this thread and share these men with you ladies as soon as I have their approval.

I would love if other ladies can contribute to this thread and introduce the good black men in their lives to the ladies on LHCF. It will just give further evidence to the fact that good black men do exist and they are interested in settling down with their preference being from black women.

Without further interruption :grin:, I present to you two men in my life who I consider good guys. If interested in getting to know any of these men, please feel free to PM me and I'll relay their contact information. They are looking forward to meeting you ladies and perhaps maybe something more!!

Eligible Bachelor No 1.

Age: 26
Profession: Associate at major NYC Investment Bank
Education: Postgraduate. Currently in pursuit of an MBA
Location: New York
Interests/Hobbies: Basketball, Travel, Relaxing, Enjoying Life
Favorite Book: "Candide" by Voltaire
Favorite Movies: Coming to America, Iron Man, James Bond movies, etc.
What's he's looking for: Intelligent black woman who knows what she is about. Be real with me and I'll be real with you.

Eligible Bachelor No 2.



You know how to reach me if interested, ladies. :grin: :grin: :grin:
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i'm falling out because i just posted this in random thoughts a few mins ago! bwahahahahahahaha :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

*scrolls back up to look at the men*

i hope we find some a lhcf match.
They both sound like great guys (cute too)! Love this idea. I will definitely be subscribing :grin:

ETA: too bad I'm across the country...
I wont be as detailed as Rasta but I'll try to give the basics.

Mr. Fun/Intellectual/SweetiePie

This brotha is funny! He's grown and sexy at 30. Kind of shy but once he warms up you'll love him forever. He works for the Detroit Health Dept. Is currently pursuing MBA in Marketing and has alot going for him. So, for all you Detroit ladies, step up so you can step out. He's an all around great guy. I would love to introduce him to a lucky lady!
Mr Talented/Funny/Tall
He's the one to the far right (but those other guys are single and successful as well as well, he doesnt hang with low lifes )

Ok ladies in Cali, this military brotha is a great catch! He is tall dark and handsome! Very talented brotha, he's very serious about his keys and works hard, he's played for many talented artist in concert and also in the studio. This brotha's hard work has allowed him the luxury of driving that porsche you Cali ladies love and a Nissan Max for work. He's closing in on his house inthe next couple of days and is marriage minded. He has everything except that perfect lady, is that you? Hit me up Cali Chickas

Did I mention that both these brothas are saved God fearing men? Thats right, ladies, think about that for a sec.
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Oh!! Oh!! oh!! I have a few. I'll get their permission and be back to post pics and info about my guys.
Come on ladies, call up those eligible single men and ask them if you can help them meet beautiful black women in there area. There are some absolutely beautiful single women on this site and I think it would be fun. Lets step out of our comfort zone and actively do something about this singleness. Most men, confident men will say yes. Hell if I see a man in my area I may wanna meet him. I'm in Michigan. Lets go!
I have a 26-year-old brother who lives in Connecticut... don't know if he wants me posting his stuff up here... I'll ask!
So ladies, I'm trying to introduce eligible bachelors that are both national and international. The majority of these men I know internationally are from the Caribbean, many of whom are willing to travel. I will try my best to relay bachelors within the United States, but won't limit the options to the USA alone. Love knows no boundaries, right? ;)

Will add more shortly!
What a breath of fresh air!:grin: Whew...

For the past few weeks I been logging on here reading all those "Woe is the Black Woman" threads, and then I'd end up leaving out feeling all depressed and what not( kind of..sort of)......

But anyway, this thread is right on time....I'm so glad to see this going down here on LHCF: sistas helping sistas hook up with brotha's.....gotta love it!

I have subscribed to this thread.

Thanks a million!
^^^I'm like your mom Cyd. I was just telling my DD that I was going to find her a husband. She looked at me like :perplexed:.

I told her "Don't be surprised if you see a nice young man sitting on the sofa in a suit and tie with his hands crossed in his lap waiting to meet you" She died laughing :lol: But I was serious.
What a great idea! I have a best guy friend and will ask him if it's ok to post his info up here.

Ladies keep em coming!!! This is such a good idea!