Most of my exes were Leos and I liked them all. I didn't marry one, but if it weren't for my wonderful Dh, I have a feeling I would have ended up with a Leo. They seem to be easy going and they are passionate. I think they love and audience and that was good for me considering I could have used some entertainment. The women and the men Leos are cool!
ive only dated one leo and if i can help it i will never date another one.
my leo was very charming and i loved that boy with my everything but he was the most lying-ness lier ive ever known. he would lie about stupid stuff like whether or not he went to the store. was very cocky, selfish and inconciderate.
and did i mention a lier? he was also very popular with the ladies:rolleyes:
My bf is a Leo. Here is his personality:

He's very loyal, puts people he cares about before himself a lot, (so much sometimes it annoys me and I tell him to think about himself for once!) he's generous. He's confident but shy at the same time so it's a sort of quiet confidence. He is quite charismatic, too. He's ambitious, will not settle for second best and that means he will not do anything half-arsed. He puts his all into everything he does.

However, his confidence does come off as arrogant sometimes, and he never wants to admit when he's wrong and will never change his ideas about something no matter how much evidence there is that he's wrong. He also doesn't like being corrected. I'm not sure if this means he's self centred but when I'm telling him a story sometimes he interrupts and starts telling me about something similar that's happened to him before I even finish telling my story!

I'm a Taurus, pretty stubborn, and I don't like to lose arguments so we argue (not serious arguments) and have debates a lot. LOL. My mum is always shaking her head and laughing at our arguments.

I'm the sane except instead of being corrected I HATE bring told what to do. I don't mind correction depending on how its done...and it must be done specifically

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Yes! These are the adjectives I would use to describe the last guy I dated :look:. He was too much of a liar for me...what sign matches well with a Virgo lady???

SN - Ever notice that Leos have great heads of hair?

Needs constant reassurance

The Leo man I used to talk to was lazy but bossy. He wanted to tell others what to do but wasn't willing to do the work himself. Selfish, very talkative, insecure, jealous, possessive, manipulative/controlling, lie alot, and he had a history of cheating. The sex was awful. The selfishness and laziness carried over to the bedroom. Once was enough and never again. I'm a Capricorn and Leo's are not a compatible sign.

Also, he was very friendly, outgoing and very open. He was easy to read and there was no guessing about how he felt about things. I liked him as a friend but as a lover/boyfriend he was not my type of man.
SN - Ever notice that Leos have great heads of hair?

Needs constant reassurance


I agree with all except lazy. Most Leos I've known were really hardworking. I've never seen lazy from Leos.

I they usually do have very nice, thick hair. :yep:
I agree with all except lazy. Most Leos I've known were really hardworking. I've never seen lazy from Leos.

I they usually do have very nice, thick hair. :yep:

I have. I'm a Leo and outside of working I can be very lazy. On my rare off days I like to lay around and do absolutely nothing. I think most Leos are this way. We go hard for the things we want to do and things that benefit us, like work, working out, etc. But things like housework, we would rather put off doing it.
The Leo man I used to talk to was lazy but bossy. He wanted to tell others what to do but wasn't willing to do the work himself. Selfish, very talkative, insecure, jealous, possessive, manipulative/controlling, lie alot, and he had a history of cheating. The sex was awful. The selfishness and laziness carried over to the bedroom. Once was enough and never again. I'm a Capricorn and Leo's are not a compatible sign.

Also, he was very friendly, outgoing and very open. He was easy to read and there was no guessing about how he felt about things. I liked him as a friend but as a lover/boyfriend he was not my type of man.

I've never dated a Leo man. But I have a close Leo relative who is hot headed. She hates being told what to do and if I suggest something, she will NEVER do it, just because it was suggested by someone else. So so so self absorbed and too damn proud. Can be vindictive. Manupulative. Lies. Quiet self confidence.

Doesn't like to be told their wrong, no matter what. We butt heads constantly because of this. I'm a Cap, and we're all for logic. If you're wrong, you're wrong. Just admit it and KIM.

IA with the thick hair!!

She is the last person I'd call lazy though. Extremely hard working and can endure A LOT in life and will never, ever sit there and wallow if life isn't going her way!

I LOVE her sense of humor too : )
My SO and my best friend (male) are both leos; I'm an aries by the way, and I love them! They're both very reliable, and both geeks. My SO is not self absorbed (neither is my best friend for that matter) and from the beginning he's valued the fact that I'm not either. He's very confident in his abilities and very realistic. In both of these close leos of mine, I'd say loyalty is very important to them and is one of their strongest traits. It takes a lot to get either one mad and I've noticed they like to deal with their grievances alone. Honestly, I love my leo man!
I'm supposedly a leo, and I've never dated one but I have had leo friends and when leo men and I come together it is soooo fun. I don't know why, but the energy is so cool.
I don't really get along with leo women though for some reason.
I've never dated a Leo man. But I have a close Leo relative who is hot headed. She hates being told what to do and if I suggest something, she will NEVER do it, just because it was suggested by someone else. So so so self absorbed and too damn proud. Can be vindictive. Manupulative. Lies. Quiet self confidence.

Doesn't like to be told their wrong, no matter what. We butt heads constantly because of this. I'm a Cap, and we're all for logic. If you're wrong, you're wrong. Just admit it and KIM.

IA with the thick hair!!

She is the last person I'd call lazy though. Extremely hard working and can endure A LOT in life and will never, ever sit there and wallow if life isn't going her way!

I LOVE her sense of humor too : )

Agree on the hot headedness. They definitely don't like being told what to do either. One good thing with my friend was that if you told him what he was doing wrong he would try to do better but I had to raise my voice to get him to take anything serious. With him it was more how I did or said something than the fact I did/said it. Also, he didn't like it if he thought somebody was better than him at something. He always wanted to be in the dominate spot. Being a Cap, I'm naturally good at everything I do without trying. Homie, couldn't handle it. :lol:
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I'm an Aries and I met a Leo on 11/11. I was dancing with some old white lady (don't ask) and he started talking to me. When he found out I was alone, he invited me to hang out with him and his friends. We clicked instantly and had a freaking ball. He laid "claim" to me pretty quickly though:rolleyes: I haven't dated a Leo in ages but me and my ex always got along great (but he was a whore). I will keep yall posted:grin:.
I have. I'm a Leo and outside of working I can be very lazy. On my rare off days I like to lay around and do absolutely nothing. I think most Leos are this way. We go hard for the things we want to do and things that benefit us, like work, working out, etc. But things like housework, we would rather put off doing it.

This is the truth. I'm a Leo and its one of my downfalls. when I am excited about something, I go hard. When I'm not....eh
I absolutely love Leo men, because I can read them like a book. I am a Leo myself and have dated three Leos in the past. We have always seemed to get each other. Yes, as a Leo we are bold, arrogant and opinionated at times. We love hard, we fight hard and we are fiercely loyal until you cross us then there is hell to pay and saying sorry will never make things right again. But underneath, the roar there is usually a big heart and a very passionate loving person in a Leo, you just have to have thick skin in order to eventually see that side.

One thing I can say about dating a Leo, don't let them walk over you, the roar is usually bigger than their bite and in the long run they will respect you.
Two of my ex boyfriends are Leos and they both ended pretty badlu

Im a Scorpio, btw...I can attest to the cockiness and the "my way or no way attitude." So i tend to stay far far away from them...

Too bad the guy im slightly interested is a Leo. He is quite chatty, but he seems nice so far. I did see a bit of his fractured ego on Halloween: he had a big party and only 15 ppl showed up, he was a bit upset, and i could tell he was trying to hide it.
The Leo man I used to talk to was lazy but bossy. He wanted to tell others what to do but wasn't willing to do the work himself. Selfish, very talkative, insecure, jealous, possessive, manipulative/controlling, lie alot, and he had a history of cheating. The sex was awful. The selfishness and laziness carried over to the bedroom. Once was enough and never again. I'm a Capricorn and Leo's are not a compatible sign.

Also, he was very friendly, outgoing and very open. He was easy to read and there was no guessing about how he felt about things. I liked him as a friend but as a lover/boyfriend he was not my type of man.

Two of my ex boyfriends are Leos and they both ended pretty badlu

Im a Scorpio, btw...I can attest to the cockiness and the "my way or no way attitude." So i tend to stay far far away from them...

Too bad the guy im slightly interested is a Leo. He is quite chatty, but he seems nice so far. I did see a bit of his fractured ego on Halloween: he had a big party and only 15 ppl showed up, he was a bit upset, and i could tell he was trying to hide it.

My dad is a Leo, I am a Cap. I never liked Leos because of him and the characteristics described above.

Funny thing is we JUST had an argument today and he said the same thing that I highlighted. He said its either MY WAY OR NOTHING. That just ticked me off.

You may have to pay me a good amount of money to marry one:nono:
I'm a Leo. I like Aries people because they will give it to you straight. They're not going to say something looks cute when t really doesn't.

Leo men. When they're smart, it's genious level. You better be able to keep up with the converstion.
Leo women. You don't know how smart they are until you sit down and have a real convo because otherwise it may not show.
My ex husband is a Leo. He didn't show any signs of the Leo trait until after we separated. Then that's when I first realized "I never even knew this man". I am a true Aries and it was NOT ginna work. My DH is a Pisces, he is my match. Lol

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I absolutely love Leo men, because I can read them like a book. I am a Leo myself and have dated three Leos in the past. We have always seemed to get each other. Yes, as a Leo we are bold, arrogant and opinionated at times. We love hard, we fight hard and we are fiercely loyal until you cross us then there is hell to pay and saying sorry will never make things right again. But underneath, the roar there is usually a big heart and a very passionate loving person in a Leo, you just have to have thick skin in order to eventually see that side. One thing I can say about dating a Leo, don't let them walk over you, the roar is usually bigger than their bite and in the long run they will respect you.

so true as a leo.
My boyfriend now is a Leo... and I will admit almost everything that you guys have described is true. LIAR!!! confident, talkative, PROUD!!! lazy as all get out. But i honestly think we balance eachother out it really blew his mind when we first started dating.
Im a gemini by the way.

He would never get away with lying... geminis are very intuitive, i always knew it was BS and would have no qualms calling it out. Hed be like WTF howd you know???
I combat his lazyness by my encouragement, and since he is so proud he has to do good.
I dont mind the confidence, i like standing next to a man that demands as much attention in a room as i do.
as for his A**hole qualities and most leos have them... sorry guys... LUV U! im usually the little angel on his shoulder saying "be nice" and he's the devil on my shoulder saying " you want me to knock him out?"... i never flipped the bird while driving until me and him got together, lmao.
After a while of him getting nowhere with the lying he stopped and we have a very healthy realtionship. I cant see being with anyone else, hes the ying to my yang
I'm a leo rising and my mom is a leo. I also have never met another leo I didn't like. I'm always telling my mom that I want to find a man like her lol.
Ive had some of the worst expiriences with leo men and besides aquarians thats all who i seem to attract, aquarians and leos, Im a libra. and everyone knows libras and leos do not mix.
I'm a Leo and can't stand Leo males....in fact I've only met 1 that I could tolerate....but not date. It's always all about them and so arrogant is annoying. Aside from some of the selfish traits we seem to have we are fiercely loyal and generous but with the men you gotta be able to see past their cocky attitudes ...I just can't
This is true for me also. My mom is a Pisces and we get along just great the majority of the time. I've learned to ignore and deflect when they start getting lil extra and overly emotional. My mom will call me all upset/sad, feeling guilty about something that happened in 1966. :lol: Pisces are similar to Cancers when it comes to their sensitivity, but they have way more redeeming qualities imo. :look:
Agree on the hot headedness. They definitely don't like being told what to do either. One good thing with my friend was that if you told him what he was doing wrong he would try to do better but I had to raise my voice to get him to take anything serious. With him it was more how I did or said something than the fact I did/said it. Also, he didn't like it if he thought somebody was better than him at something. He always wanted to be in the dominate spot. Being a Cap, I'm naturally good at everything I do without trying. Homie, couldn't handle it. :lol:

One thing I can say about dating a Leo, don't let them walk over you, the roar is usually bigger than their bite and in the long run they will respect you.


Really as a Leo my problem is not doing what it is that your saying...it's how your saying it to me that I have the problem with...and the second is very true to, once you stand up to me I'll leave u be
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My boyfriend now is a Leo... and I will admit almost everything that you guys have described is true. LIAR!!! confident, talkative, PROUD!!! lazy as all get out. But i honestly think we balance eachother out it really blew his mind when we first started dating.
Im a gemini by the way.

He would never get away with lying... geminis are very intuitive, i always knew it was BS and would have no qualms calling it out. Hed be like WTF howd you know???
I combat his lazyness by my encouragement, and since he is so proud he has to do good.
I dont mind the confidence, i like standing next to a man that demands as much attention in a room as i do.
as for his A**hole qualities and most leos have them... sorry guys... LUV U! im usually the little angel on his shoulder saying "be nice" and he's the devil on my shoulder saying " you want me to knock him out?"... i never flipped the bird while driving until me and him got together, lmao.
After a while of him getting nowhere with the lying he stopped and we have a very healthy realtionship. I cant see being with anyone else, hes the ying to my yang

My best is a gemini...and my ex used to call us ying and yang. She's always telling me to be nice and I'm always telling her to punch someone in the face...maybe I need to find a gemini man then.....
I'm dating a Leo and as of now, I'm not seeing any of these negative traits. We shall see how things progress, but so far so wonderful.
I'm a Leo to the TEE and I love Leo men even though they're crazy as hell.... much like myself. Yes, we can be some of the most self-absorbed, controlling, stubborn people out there, but if you're on our good list expect honestly and absolute loyalty. Leos, especially the men are very passionate about their interests from what I've seen to the point of being over the top in some cases. If you don't like compassion and occasional drama run fast from Leos!!
I'm a leo and I'm not typical leo. I'm quiet humble loyal and generous. However my cousin is a leo also and although we get along she is definitely delusionally self centered. One time she told me that when she walks down the street everybody comments on how fly she is and how beautiful her skin is and asks her where she gets facials...all this traffic stopping on the street to ask her skin care tips and her face is covered in acne. Ha