Do you keep attracting men of the same sign?

I hope we aren't talking about the same guy. :look:

This dude wrote me a poem.... I STILL have it... It was ****** incredible and I couldn't believe he had written me something so beautiful.

But our love for the written word was the ONLY thing compatible about us. Too bad because he is a really nice, sweet guy and a good catch - just not for me.

Girl we may be. Does St. Patty's day ring a bell with you.....LOL
oh okay....well can i read some of your friends poetry???

Look at me trying to get my Pisces poetry fix!

Hee hee. Well, I don't know about sharing some of them... It's part of the personal collection. I never knew before that poetry could make you so.... hot. :look:
Astrology is so interesting. I'm a Virgo w/Aquarius rising. 85% of the people I've dated have been Aquarians........BAD MOVE!! We always have an intense intellectual or creative connection, then bam, things go quite awry. I've learned my lesson and avoid Aquarians like the plague. I love you guys, but :nono: on the romantic tip, ya'll make me feel insane in the membrane.

Lately I've been attracting/or being attracted to Capricorns. I think my "ideal" man is a Capricorn. The funny thing is my two best friends are Aquarius and Capricorn. I wish I could just combine them and make the perfect man:rolleyes:
I'm a Leo and tend to attract Leo men but it never works out. We usually remain friends because we have so much fun together and that's the extent of it. I wouldn't wish a Leo man on my worst enemy...well then again... :scratchch

Next are Cancer men. They ai'ight.

Virgo men.....definitely do not mesh because they are too analytical, argumentive, whiny and cheap for my tastes.

I am highly attracted to Capricorn men. :love: Most Cap men I've encountered are neat and/or well dressed, ambitious, all about building a legacy and are workaholics. The downside to Cap men is that they can be quite boring at times for a Leo, but once you open them up, they are loads of fun! Supposedly the Leo/Capricorn is a no-no, but I have the strongest attraction to them for some reason.
Safe the 2 signs of Virgo, and Scorpio... I have dated the rest of the zodiac signs.

Geminis are the ones that find me under a rock, on a speeding train, on a plane... in a club... at the supermarket... doesn't matter..Geminis find me...

However I think that is because at one time I really was into the whole this is who I was supposed to be best matched with (I am an Aries).... when I got over that... I started dating all of them...
What is it about Pisces men?? I'm curious and offended (not really) at the same time. My son is a pisces and the guy I'm secretly in love with is a pisces.

He is so freakin.....just.......ARRRRRGGGGGGGG! He lets absolutely no one in but that man can write poetry and say things in ways that just.....oh dear.

Oh and the keeping of secrets is soo true. WHY WHY WHY must you play with my emotions MAN!!!

besides being sneaky, secretive, and somewhat manipulative...i see they're undercover freaks too:lachen:....but i can't get passed that secret trait they have!! And i thought i was manipulative...i ain't got nuthin on pisces men! i'm backing up!
Dont know if its just me. . . but I love them pisces men but cant handle their emotions. They are honest but not as open and will go behind your back and lie to get THEIR way! but when they love you they are for you and only you!

I'm Leo and am with a leo man and he is a trip! I get along with every sign but some men are men and not their sign.weird.
I'm a LEO. I usually get approached by Geminis, and Scorpios.

I have dated a Cancer, and a Taurus. My SO is a Aries.

I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be compatible with though.
I'm a Taurus and lately I've been attracting Sagittarius. My SO is a Sag and we are not supposed to be compatible but us bulls are stubborn so we make it work ! :grin:
I stay away from Leo men, they are too controlling. I get along well with Virgos (love that analytical mind !). My ex-husband was an Aries and we clashed all the time. :nono:
Dont know if its just me. . . but I love them pisces men but cant handle their emotions. They are honest but not as open and will go behind your back and lie to get THEIR way! but when they love you they are for you and only you!

I'm Leo and am with a leo man and he is a trip! I get along with every sign but some men are men and not their sign.weird.

Yeah, I feel like Pisces men are some of the most sensitive guys out there. I can't date them for that reason... its like walking on eggshells.
I am a virgo and I attract Geminis. I have been with at least 3. I was married to a scorpio, but he was too secretive and lied all the damn time! The guy I am "talking" to now is a Cancer, but he is one day past a Gemini so he basically a gemini!
Yes. I'm a Cancer, and I can't seem to stay away from Libras. The guy I'm seeing right now doesn't seem anything like the other Libra men I've been with. So we'll see. My twin sis is seeing a Libra too..... and things are going great. So, I guess it's about the person and not the sign so much.
I used to attract Leos like clockwork. I'm a Scorpio, and that mess never worked out! I'm with a Sag now and my book told me we are a horrible match. Oh well, screw the book... he makes me happy :yep: ...sometimes.

ETA: Libras bore me to death. Never met a Leo who I didn't tire of quickly.
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I'm an Aquarius and I most attracted to Leos, even though I can't flippin stand them. It's like a moth to a flame. Even though I've had nothing but bad experiences with Leos I love me some them. Usually when I start a relationship and find out he's a Leo I already know that we're going to have fun, but it's not going to last. Leos are my love and my kryptonite. I have the best relationships with men that are Aquarius. We are so much a like that it's near perfect. I dated a Sag before but he was too cheap for me. Also dated a Taurus but he lied to much.
I might have answered this however, Taurus Men are my weakness and I am a Aries =)

I am I will Marry A Taurus Man! So Sensual and I am so Excited =)
I know exactly what you're talking about! I don't know what it is about them... they're like magnetic or something.

They do play games. I am confident that my Leo boy read the WMLB book and used that joint against me. :nono:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Yeah, Leos are something else.
I'm a Virgo; I always attract Fire signs.
I'm w/ an Aries now (on the Pisces cusp though :ohwell:...I guess. I've told him that he acts like Pisces and it never works out w/ them. Well, naw baby, I'm an don't have to worry about that :rolleyes: We'll see)
YESSSSS..I attract Sags...they are the most non-committal of all and I attract them because on some deeper level I was scared of therefore, convienient for them. :rolleyes: Can't stand them tho...very selfish.
Pices, cancer, virgo and taurus--all my compatibles(except for taurus but who's considered a compliment) I think I'd like to try a capricorn next. Then again, I've been thinking about that virgo...
I've never dated two men of the same sign. Always different. Had a long relationship with a Taurus and married a Sag (I'm a Sag too). Now dating a Scorpio
ima a cancer....mesh well with scorpios romantically and most of my male friends are pisces...i dated a leo a few years, and we were close but not very him to death still, but he is definitely a charmer and has women bending over backwards for him....I was with him so long because he bent over backwards for me, he handled everything I needed, even coming over just to make sure the trash was taken out.....but he threw up the fact he was a leo any chance he got....stubborn and I am king