Do you keep attracting men of the same sign?

leos and aquarius thats all i ever dated and attracted. i dont know what the deal is. lol its like I meet a guy and eventually i'll ask their sign and its always, always a leo or aquarius. and i've never gotten along with either of them and it never works out. i am a libra, from reading the other zodiac signs i think i'd be better with a cancer, but the last one i met jumped off the face of the earth in which i've heard they do often. oh well. i'm entertaining my first libra and pices nothing serious, but im hoping they can bring new and better expiriences
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I attract Pisces' and Capricorns like no other.:perplexed I'm a Scorpio so I'm supposed to be compatible with both but I have a lot of Sag in my chart so that squares the Pisces. I find Pisces men are weak, drama queens.:nono: Caps are cool but the ones I've encountered aren't willing to do what's necessary to make a relationship work because they're so caught up in their career goals etc. Scorps and Caps have a similar intensity we just focus it on different things.:ohwell:

I think I'd do well with an Aries, to complement my Sag influences yet match my Scorpio intensity; or a Taurus my opposite sign.:look:
I used to attract Leos like clockwork. I'm a Scorpio, and that mess never worked out!

I'm a Scorpio; I attract Tauruses (omg :nono:) and Leos (omg :nono:) the most. I dated one Scorpio; we even have the same birthday.:lol: My male friends tend to be Pisces and Leos. I am currently seeing a Cancer and I feel good about this one.
i always attract Cancers and Taurus .Cancers very very often and they all have some deep issues ,3 of them ranged from narcissist to schizo-like .Posessive and totally crazy .Scorpios are 3rd ...trifling men
Yes, Virgo men and I'm a Libra. I'm currently with one, because they just won't leave me alone. Lol
I'm a Pisces but my boyfriend is a virgo. Before him, I always used to get cancers, and scorpios( i can't Stand scorpio men). And I'll never date another Pisces again.
I'm a capricorn and I keep attracting libras. It never fails! I don't understand this because suppsedly capricorns and libras are not compatible.
kinda OT but please consider your moon sign, ascendant/rising sign, venus sign, mercury sign and mars sign lol
I'm Pisces and all I get are Leos and Aquarians. NO NO NO!
no more!
Just dated a Virgo... Never again! (i think that was a fluke though)
varaneka said:
kinda OT but please consider your moon sign, ascendant/rising sign, venus sign, mercury sign and mars sign lol

Yes! That is even more impt IMO...

I attract guys with strong Gemini aspects. I am a Leo with libra moon Virgo ascendant.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
kinda OT but please consider your moon sign, ascendant/rising sign, venus sign, mercury sign and mars sign lol

How do I figure that out?

I attract pisces for some reason (I'm a libra). After my last one I vowed to stay away from pisces men; I find them manipulative. You fall for them and they hurt you one way or another. My current pisces is interesting, lol. I wouldn't quite call him emotional. More like passionate, lol. I like him a lot. He's very much a gentleman and manly and absolutely nothing like the other pisces men I've dated.
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I learned that you attract a certain sign because you're "supposed" to be learning how to increase certain traits they have but not because they're your best match

I like that theory when I'm not attracted back to the ppl lol
varaneka said:
I learned that you attract a certain sign because you're "supposed" to be learning how to increase certain traits they have but not because they're your best match

I like that theory when I'm not attracted back to the ppl lol

I can see that being true which is why detached tend to be with the emotional.

I don't have a lot of earth so I wouldn't be surprised if I married one. I like how stable and responsible they tend to be. My mother is an earth so at times it can be annoying lol, that darn cap...

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I learned that you attract a certain sign because you're "supposed" to be learning how to increase certain traits they have but not because they're your best match

I like that theory when I'm not attracted back to the ppl lol

I feel better now :lol:
I'm a Libra, but my chart is made up of Taurus and Virgo. I've been in relationships with Cancers and a crazy emotional Aquarius. I've dated a Leo that I really liked but he played me when the "chase" was over, a Virgo that was amazing but had no depth, a scorpio that intimidated me because he was way too intense, a pisces that chased me for a year and a cool Capricorn that didn't want to commit etc. I would love to date another Libra or a gemini but I don't seem to attract them initially, they like me when they get past my reserved aura. I dont have a typical airy chatted Libra personality with all those earth signs in my chart.

Kinda weird but growing up my friends and best friends have always had the same birthday or their birthdays were within the same week. For example, three of my best friends are born on June 4th.
Mahoganybeauty said:
I'm a Libra, but my chart is made up of Taurus and Virgo. I've been in relationships with Cancers and a crazy emotional Aquarius. I've dated a Leo that I really liked but he played me when the "chase" was over, a Virgo that was amazing but had no depth, a scorpio that intimidated me because he was way too intense, a pisces that chased me for a year and a cool Capricorn that didn't want to commit etc. I would love to date another Libra or a gemini but I don't seem to attract them initially, they like me when they get past my reserved aura. I dont have a typical airy chatted Libra personality with all those earth signs in my chart.

Kinda weird but growing up my friends and best friends have always had the same birthday or their birthdays were within the same week. For example, three of my best friends are born on June 4th.

I like your post! I'm a Libra too and by nature reserved, almost shy however when VERY comfortable in my environment (read- when with close friends or family) I can be extroverted and exuberant. Still it's not something that comes easily so I always laugh when I read about how much of a social butterfly Libra is :).
I was once told I had Scorpio rising- whatever that means so who knows?
I'm a Cancer (with a Libra Rising and Pisces Moon) and I attract mostly Libras and Scorpios and as of lately Geminis...but they I find are only out for one thing and I can't take a Gemini lol. The guy I'm talking to now is a Libra-Scorpio cusp guy.