I'm interested in knowing this as well. My best friend who's a woman, is a leo and although there are alot of personality quirks I wouldn't want in a husband. Such as, being self absorb, bragging, inconsiderate, self-absorb, talk excessively, sheesh~~~

But do tell ladies.
I'm interested in knowing this as well. My best friend who's a woman, is a leo and although there are alot of personality quirks I wouldn't want in a husband. Such as, being self absorb, bragging, inconsiderate, self-absorb, talk excessively, sheesh~~~

But do tell ladies.

Hey now. We aren't that self absorbed! Lol.

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Can't do anything with them. I can tell within the first conversation if a guy is a LEO. I rarely argue with anyone. But a Leo and I will have a huge argument within the first conversation. I end those relationships immediately. There is no hope.
I'm married 14 years to a Leo. He doesn't fit the characteristics though. I'm a Cancer, so maybe that helps me not shake the **** out of him every now and then. :lol:
Ugh! :lol: Thats my feelings about them. Selfish, not very thoughtful for the most part, right now Im mad at my Leo. Luckily there have been more good times than good and I would consider him a longtime friend.
There is already a thread here :)


I never dated a leo but my father is one and so am I. My mother said that when they were married he was very laidback and great provider but he was too laidback at the time for her young spunky self (she said that she would have grown to appreciate that now tht she is older). She also said that he had a hard time opening up, she said that not knowing his father really affected him (he has changed alot since then for the better and his daddy side of the family eventually found him, but his father already had passed), she could never break down that wall. She said me and him are alot alike but I think that we are both laidback leos lol.

I always get along with leos, I think its bc I understand them, even if they are the flamboyant ones.
I am a leo sun I don't fit the profile. I loathe leos, it's all about ME ME ME. and their outward appearance. Love there confidence and leadership ability.
I love Leos in spite of myself- ole cocky bastards :rolleyes:

I'm an Aries and we seem to get along like bread and butter. I also like Sags, Libras, and other Aries. I'm instinctively drawn to Cancers and Scorpios and while the intensity of the chemistry is electrifying, the blow-ups and moodiness combined with my irascible temper can spell f*cking disaster :nono:. I briefly dated a Cancer and I wanted to knock his head clean off his f*king shoulders after our first row :look:
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I love Leos in spite of myself- ole cocky bastards :rolleyes:

I'm an Aries and we seem to get along like bread and butter. I also like Sags, Libras, and other Aries. I'm instinctively drawn to Cancers and Scorpios and while the intensity of the chemistry is electrifying, the blow-ups and moodiness combined with my irascible temper can spell f*cking disaster :nono:. I briefly dated a Cancer and I wanted to knock his head clean off his f*king shoulders after our first row :look:

kblc06 I'm an Aries also, and I love Leos. My SO and sister are both Leos and we are like the three musketeers. Leo is really the only sign whose BS just rolls off my back. It's funny because every negative thing said about them in this thread is true. They are some cocky, conceited (nearly delusional), arrogant, selfish a$$holes. They can be moody and very flaky at times...They'll lie their butts off too. They're bravado can be completely annoying. I have to tell my SO to have a seat on a daily basis...and don't let us be getting ready to be around some people. :rolleyes:

But Leo's are very caring and really funny and FUN. I find Leo men to be faithful types (Don't know about the women cause my sister is a playa :lol:). And they are really hardworking. They are open minded people. And Even though they tend to be self centered half the time, they'll go above and beyond for you the other half. :spinning:
I'm Cancerian.The only thing a Leo man or a mealy mouthed Aquarius can do for me, is show me where a Taurus is!

Oh yeah, Leo is my rising sign too.
And the bolded is what I appreciate most about them. Being an Aries, I'm an extremely loyal person and will go above and beyond the call of duty for people that I love and for those that have shown they're worthy of it. And I expect the same in return. Hell, if I hate someone because they've done me wrong, YOU had better hate them too if you know what's good for you :look:...at least until I get over it :drunk:. When it comes down to it, I know I can count on my Leos to come through :yep:.Ironically, I also get along very well with Pisces too for the same reason, despite what most horoscopes say.
They also tend to be very ambitious and hardworking- for that reason I think Aries/Leos make good power couples. Leos are also one of the only signs that I would trust in a leadership position in which I'm following. Normally, I'm the more dominant one.

@kblc06 I'm an Aries also, and I love Leos. My SO and sister are both Leos and we are like the three musketeers. Leo is really the only sign whose BS just rolls off my back. It's funny because every negative thing said about them in this thread is true. They are some cocky, conceited (nearly delusional), arrogant, selfish a$$holes. They can be moody and very flaky at times...They'll lie their butts off too. They're bravado can be completely annoying. I have to tell my SO to have a seat on a daily basis...and don't let us be getting ready to be around some people. :rolleyes:

But Leo's are very caring and really funny and FUN. I find Leo men to be faithful types (Don't know about the women cause my sister is a playa :lol:). And they are really hardworking. They are open minded people. And Even though they tend to be self centered half the time, they'll go above and beyond for you the other half. :spinning:
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I can't deal with leos. Bad experiences with them. If I ever met another Leo man I'd turn the other way lol.

Leo women are nice though.
I'm a Leo, and my last boyfriend was a Leo. He was so self-absorbed, conceited, self-centered (almost delusional), strong-headed and cocky. He was fun sometimes though. I wouldn't want to date another though. I have a saggitarius man and he is more suited for me personality wise.
.Ironically, I also get along very well with Pisces too for the same reason, despite what most horoscopes say.

This is true for me also. My mom is a Pisces and we get along just great the majority of the time. I've learned to ignore and deflect when they start getting lil extra and overly emotional. My mom will call me all upset/sad, feeling guilty about something that happened in 1966. :lol: Pisces are similar to Cancers when it comes to their sensitivity, but they have way more redeeming qualities imo. :look:
This is true for me also. My mom is a Pisces and we get along just great the majority of the time. I've learned to ignore and deflect when they start getting lil extra and overly emotional. My mom will call me all upset/sad, feeling guilty about something that happened in 1966. :lol: Pisces are similar to Cancers when it comes to their sensitivity, but they have way more redeeming qualities imo. :look:

that is true, my sister who is a pisces would do that lol.
My bf is a Leo. Here is his personality:

He's very loyal, puts people he cares about before himself a lot, (so much sometimes it annoys me and I tell him to think about himself for once!) he's generous. He's confident but shy at the same time so it's a sort of quiet confidence. He is quite charismatic, too. He's ambitious, will not settle for second best and that means he will not do anything half-arsed. He puts his all into everything he does.

However, his confidence does come off as arrogant sometimes, and he never wants to admit when he's wrong and will never change his ideas about something no matter how much evidence there is that he's wrong. He also doesn't like being corrected. I'm not sure if this means he's self centred but when I'm telling him a story sometimes he interrupts and starts telling me about something similar that's happened to him before I even finish telling my story!

I'm a Taurus, pretty stubborn, and I don't like to lose arguments so we argue (not serious arguments) and have debates a lot. LOL. My mum is always shaking her head and laughing at our arguments.
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My Dad is a leo and I don't think I could date one. Even with him being over 50 he is very self-absorbed and arrogant. My Grandmother is one also and I'm a Virgo and lets just say her and I have never gotten along. LOL So with that being said couldn't do it.
My bf is a Leo. Here is his personality:

He's very loyal, puts people he cares about before himself a lot, (so much sometimes it annoys me and I tell him to think about himself for once!) he's generous. He's confident but shy at the same time so it's a sort of quiet confidence. He is quite charismatic, too. He's ambitious, will not settle for second best and that means he will not do anything half-arsed. He puts his all into everything he does.

That's me to a tee as a leo. I have learned alot of lessons from being so caring and generous.
I'm a Leo and I have never met a Leo I didn't like, male or female. I am very loyal and expect the same in return. I expect a lot from others (those I'm very close to) but I also give a lot in return. Love to have fun. Appear very confident to the point that I sometimes intimidate people but it's never intentional. Thinking highly of myself does not mean I think I'm better than anyone else. I love Aries and Sags. Dh, best friend, and mom are Sags. Other best friend is an Aries. Taurus and Virgos get on my nerves.
I'm a Leo and I have never met a Leo I didn't like, male or female. I am very loyal and expect the same in return. I expect a lot from others (those I'm very close to) but I also give a lot in return. Love to have fun. Appear very confident to the point that I sometimes intimidate people but it's never intentional. Thinking highly of myself does not mean I think I'm better than anyone else. I love Aries and Sags. Dh, best friend, and mom are Sags. Other best friend is an Aries. Taurus and Virgos get on my nerves.

This is me to a tee! Haha.
SN - Ever notice that Leos have great heads of hair?

Needs constant reassurance

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