Length VS Play... Where do YOU Stand?

Length VS Play Which would you prefer?

  • I want the longest hair I can possibly grow! Even if I have to live in protective styles.

    Votes: 206 44.3%
  • Not me! I'd rather be able to play with my hair, even if that means it's a little shorter!

    Votes: 186 40.0%
  • Other. Please explain.

    Votes: 73 15.7%

  • Total voters
After losing about 90% of my hair at the hands of a not so caring stylist, finding LHCF and becoming a DIY'er by taking over the Care and Health of My Hair, I am in protective styles right now (wigs).

I am attempting to grow it out of the 'damage'. I'll be wiggin' it for a while.:sad:

So, for now, less is more, as far as manipulation.:ohwell:

*A Girl's Gotta Do what a Girls Gotta Do*:rolleyes:
I voted other...

I'm not a weave, wig, or braid wearer (althoughI did try them out years ago). I am more of a fan of low manipulation styles rather than protective styles. I think that roller setting, wash and gos, buns, and ponytails have helped me in retaining the length that I have retained thus far. I'm sure that if I were a fan of PS, my hair would probably be longer than it currently is, but I'm fine with the growth right now. My ultimate goal is HL...I started my HHJ (in January 2010) at full SL. Currently, I am below APL. I have a long way to go before I reach that ultimate goal, and the idea of not having access to my hair for three years would kind of defeat the purpose for me. In my opinion, life really is NOT about the destination, but the journey and I take the same stance with my hair- of course, ultimately I want to end up where I want to end up, but I want to enjoy the journey as well!
I voted for length even though I go back and forth between the two. I'm actually going back into the PS stage bc I noticed that when I 'play' with my hair I don't retain as much growth and my hair has been hovering around BSL for a long time. I'm ready to move past that length.
I am anti-protective style and never do ps' on purpose. I only (accidentally) wear them for the style. Definitely never a bun or anything like that. I don't like the way most ps look. It sounds like another trap, as if black women cannot grow their hair unless they hide it away and never wear their hair. It seems to be born of the same idea as we "have to relax" or have to wear straight hair to look good. So the next best thing is to hide the hair altogether. People of any other race can wear their hair out and grow hair down to their waist and so can we!

I tend to agree with this. I am not anti-protective style though because I ps about 99% of the time but that's just because I'm lazy. Buns are so easy. But I really resent the thought that black women have to hide their hair away. With all the knowledge we have all gained from forums like this, I don't see why the right regi wouldn't produce great results with or without protective styling.
I'd also like that add that having very long hair like waist length and definitely hip length and longer can be uncomfortable. When I wore my hair straight like in my avatar, I had to be careful doing simple things like using the bathroom, washing my hands, and even sitting back in a chair. I know this is TMI but who really wants to get feces, urine, and dirty water in their hair, lol?! I've also had bugs get caught in my hair too.

I frequent the Long Hair Community and many of the ladies with waist length or longer hair wear their hair up for convenience. Having hair that's constantly getting caught in things, etc. can be pretty uncomfortable at times.

I agree Schipperchow that hair should be enjoyed. No one should feel compelled to keep their hair hidden. I keep my hair up as much as possible to keep it out of the way, not because I'm hiding it or feel like I have to. At home I try to keep my hair in one braid. I don't think keeping the hair up or in a bun all the time is good either.

I agree with Janet' that low manipulation is key to retention more than simply bunning. Actually bunning the wrong way and wearing the same updos over and over can cause more splits and hair loss...
I have worn my hair out almost every day for the past 2 years and my hair is the longest and healthiest it ever been. Some people can have the best of both worlds But, if I had to choose I would rather it be out and healthy. I didn't grow my hair to hide it.
When I started my hair journey, I ps'd 100% of the time under a wig. My hair was badly damaged from double prosessing (parts of it was green!). It was uneven and my nape was chewed up badly. So I hid it for a year then got a cut, then continued with wigs for a while.

After my hair got past shoulder length I decided to learn how to continue my hair journey without the wigs. This past year I have learned a ton about my hair. Now I wear my hair down 95% of the time and still was able to reach my APL goal on schedule.

Going forward I will continue to enjoy my hair as it grows. This journey is so much more fun when you can enjoy the ride!
I want my hair to grow as long as it wants, so if that means I need to wear protective style.. I'll do that, HOWEVER.. I want to be able to play in my hair occassionally too :yep:
Well I'm also newer to the hair journey (just a few months running) and normally i would very quickly say I want to have my hair out so I can play and feel and love it. But I am trying to get to a goal. I've never been longer then NL and that was with keeping it out all day, every day. If putting it into a PS all through summer and then after winter to see my growth then so be it!!! I want to see what my hair can do...

On the other hand, I do not think that wearing your hair in a PS even after you get to some hair goals and never being able to see it is worth it either! Why grow something no one but you in the mirror will ever see. As said previously, other cultures do it all the time and so should we! So, I say, PS until I get to my goal, and then break out the hair for stretches to enjoy what I worked so hard for!!!
My hair is always out unless I'm hot or it's in my way, which is why I bought a couple flexi8's because my regular clips were boring. When I'm home my hair is up or in a single braid or two and pretty much always covered with my scarf. I've never worn a wig, seems like it would be super hot on my head lol. Wigs/weaves just aren't for me, I just like to feel my hair move around when out and about and be able to play in it.
me twisting and pulling at my ends was killing my hair lol. It's a compulsive behavior that can only be tamed by keeping it pulled back. Now I torture my bangs, :lachen: since bang breakage won't effect your length.
I've been wearing buns or braids everyday since middle school and only wear my hair out occasionally. So I don't mind at all. Now, I wear my hair out on the weekends and keep it up (buns,clips, or ponies) during the week. My hair had always been long until I started using heat frequently so I'd say ps and low manip def works for me.
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me twisting and pulling at my ends was killing my hair lol. It's a compulsive behavior that can only be tamed by keeping it pulled back. Now I torture my bangs, :lachen: since bang breakage won't effect your length.
I keep mine pulled up when I'm at home for this reason.
I say length, wearing protective styles dont bother me at all. I will be wearing them prolly 90 % of the time, cuz im not to big on doing my hair, or playing with it... im growing it out in pixies, and even whn it get longer i will do pixies or buns/. i wear wigs, and will prolly still wear thm whn my hair reaches longer lengths,/ for me its just peace of mind to know i have my OWN hair. i dont care about flaunting it.
Taking care of and being aquainted with my own hair throughout all stages is one reasons I can roller set WL hair with ease, stretch for very long periods and would find it easy to transition to natural sans big chop if I so choose. :grin:

This is slightly OT, but I agree with this wholeheartedly!! Even though my hair is very short right now, I definitely have enough hair that I can put in some braids or some kinky twist or something, and believe me, the temptation is there! But, I refuse to do it because I have instead chosen to be intimately acquainted with my own hair during each and every stage of its growth! In previous years I have spent so much time in weaves and wigs, so I figure that I have already had that experience and have learned whatever I could from it. Now it is time to focus on MY hair and even though it can get super boring wearing just my own hair at times, I am learning so much about it and overall enjoying my hair more than I ever did as the self appointed weave queen! :grin: As the weeks and months go by, I have and will continue to experiment with my hair to see what it can do.

I am willing to do protective styles, mainly to promote laziness and to reduce manipulation, but I refuse to LIVE in them, even if that means that my hair will never meet its full potential as far as length.

As it was so eloquently said before, it's about the journey, and not the destination. :yep:

I don't know if I can ever achieve waist length hair, but IF I can, I'm definitely takin' the scenic rout!
I go back and forth. Sometimes my hair just needs a break or sometimes I'm just too busy to be patient enough to deal with it in the mornings. For example I've been half wigging it for the past month or so (probably a litte longer than a month). At night I would just wash my hair in braids, detangle braid back and airdry. In the morning my wig goes back on and I'm out the door. Easy. Now however the weather is warming up and my hectic month has slowed down so my hair is back in action.

Protective styling has it's advantages in my opinion. But I also make it my business to enjoy my hair otherwise there is no point to protective styling for me. Plus I think with styles like cornrows and buns with your real hair it still feels like it's out in a way.

P.S. When I was trying to get over the hump from SL to APL I think ps'ing helped tremendously. Now I do it for convenience but I think then I needed it to pass that point.
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For me its:

Work now Play later

I will reap the benefits and appreciate all of my Protective styling and Hiding my hair when the time comes :yep:
I don't protective style because I have no intention of wearing my hair in a bun for the rest of my life. It doesn't make sense to me to grow out long hair and then try wearing it out daily, I'd rather learn along the way how to wear it out daily and deal with the learning process now. It would suck to protective style for 2 or 3 years and then wear my hair down and lose a few inches slowly over the next 2 or 3 years until I was right back where I started.

It makes more sense to me to understand how to wear my hair down daily and retain length than to wait a few years until I've grown my hair out and then try to learn how to wear it down. Seems like a setback waiting to happen to me. If I have a setback I'd rather it happen now than when I'm at my goal length.
I'm shooting for just WL hair. Don't think I can handle much more than that.

But when I get there, I'll probably still wear so-called PS, not for growth purposes, but because they are easy. I think it's the 'bohemian' in me, but I LOVE thick, chunky, super long twists and braids. My goal is MBL, chunky twists. My hair would have to be WL to get there and I just don't think I'll be able to stand the density of my out hair once I get there.
In the beginning of my HHJ, the health of my hair was my main priority,then length. Now that I'm transitioning I have more play with my hair then before.
I like my hair in buns, even when I wore wigs I found myself bunning them too. I may have a change of heart if I ever make it to BSL without see through hair.
I don't see protective styling as a sacrifice. I like them, I think they are beautiful and they work well with my lifestyle. I have a toddler and a full time, early arrival job. doing both of our hair on the weekends only works very well for both of us. Some people think you're not enjoying your hair if it's not down and out. I enjoy my twists and my updos. I can't wait to do more with all of my accessories
I don't protective style. At least not on purpose. I live in ponytails because I'm lazy. I need to change that because I love wearing my hair down so I chose "Play".
i chose other because imo i do both

i wear my hair in a bun really most of the time. but, unlike some, i actually like wearing a bun lol its just easy to me. but i wear my hair out on dates or when i go out to the club.

why do i need to wear my hair out at work or to the grocery store? so i play in my hair when needed but i keep it up the majority of the time