Friends Husband Bisexual?

ambergirl I would not do this unless I knew him really well, like we went to grade school together and he was really nice, and I knew his mama and 'nem and also knew none of them were crazy.
Thank you ladies so much. My heart has been so heavy with this. I could not sleep again tonight. I'm reading your comments about investigating the issue. I'm saying Lord please help me. So I spent some time on Google. Well low and behold there is a thread on another forum site that talks about the salon and the questionable status of the barber (friend's husband). This thread was created in March. There is even a detailed episode where he caught doing similar acts. There is a physical description of the guy he is messing with. So this will be extremely helpful. I will print the thread and share with my friend. I will approach it as Charlotte York suggested..."there are rumors going around..."
Thank you ladies so much. My heart has been so heavy with this. I could not sleep again tonight. I'm reading your comments about investigating the issue. I'm saying Lord please help me. So I spent some time on Google. Well low and behold there is a thread on another forum site that talks about the salon and the questionable status of the barber (friend's husband). This thread was created in March. There is even a detailed episode where he caught doing similar acts. There is a physical description of the guy he is messing with. So this will be extremely helpful. I will print the thread and share with my friend. I will approach it as Charlotte York suggested..."there are rumors going around..."

When I was reading your post I thought I had read it before but wasn't sure. Good luck op.

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If you feel responsible and think that she really may not know, you could tell her what the stylist said, but play it off as if you do not believe it yourself, or that it sounds crazy. This way it gives her a chance to save face if she decides to disregard it and hopefully keep the relationship between the two of you intact. Some women will ignore the signs even if they see the two men having sexual intercourse themselves. Also, maybe she already knows. You never know. Telling her puts the ball in her court. She can then decide what she wants to do with the info.
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I would simply recount the conversation to her-- not try to stand by it as if it's true and you don't need to do any investigation.

Just be like "girl the strangest thing happened today at the salon."

It's up to her what she chooses to do with that information.
I would simply recount the conversation to her-- not try to stand by it as if it's true and you don't need to do any investigation.

Just be like "girl the strangest thing happened today at the salon."

It's up to her what she chooses to do with that information.

Excellent advice!
This is a little OT but OP did you ever have any suspicions about your friend's husband? This whole situation is so messy.
This is a little OT but OP did you ever have any suspicions about your friend's husband? This whole situation is so messy.
No not at all!! That's why I'm in shock.

^ I was going to say that usually when something like that is true, there's usually more evidence out there. No one is that good at covering their tracks, especially when there is sex involved. I was going to suggest checking his facebook, myspace, google images, anything. But unsurprisingly, you found something already.

My heart hurts for your friend, but you really are doing the right thing in warning her.
I can't believe I saw that thread. She would have to know. He is well known and it is so obvious they are referring to him. I mean I can't believe I was the only person to see that who knows them. And again the thread was posted in March.
Just crazy.

*lights up a newport one hunnit*

When it comes to stuff like this, I would mail what you found online along with a typed (nothing handwritten) letter and mail it to her with no return address, but send it in a card, so this way she is guaranteed to open it.

Wait on it a few days. When you see the mushroom cloud explosion, then you know she has it. Either way, she has a right to know, and at the same time, you've told her, but anonymously -- and you still have a friend. She will need someone to talk too.

I feel bad for you and I know how you feel, but if you tell her, she may not believe you. Black folks need receipts....proof of purchase for the bullshyt.

This is the route I would take. Good luck and try not to tell too many people you know. It may get back to her in a strange kind of way that you've been talking -- that you may have put it out there, even though we know you did not. You know how we do sometimes. By the time you tell 5 people, the story is twisted.

Again, good luck jamaicalovely.
I knew this had to be Atlanta and wondered if it was one of two married men on the DL that I'm aware of. smdh! It's so sad that people cannot be true to themselves. People putting their selfish wants and desires above all else....
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I would be very careful about this. Taking salon gossip into someone's marriage is a very serious matter. If it is true then there should be direct signs that his wife should be noticing in eg. a change in his patterns etc.

If it is false and she confronts him over it then it can be a detriment to their marriage.

Maybe you can address the accusations as a rumor. For eg. "There is a rumor going around that xyz and you may want to address it for the sake and your children and what people may be saying about their father."

It's truly a situation that I do not envy. GL
Just mail her what you found on the internet from another county. Then see if there is any fall out. If no fall out then maybe she knows already.
If it is indeed true then shame on him for being so disrespectful and messy. Bad enough he's being deceitful and cheating but messy enough that he's being talked about on a forum? smdh
Did you tell your friend? What ever happened?

I do not always think the wife knows. Sometimes these DL men are great at hiding their dirt.
Oh sorry for being late girls. I haven't spoke to her about it yet. Now is NOT the time to share this info.

Please keep us updated when you're able to talk to your friend about it. I'm concerned about your friend, I don't know what I would do if I were married and found out my husband was sleeping with other men and possibly not using condoms. Woosah.
The safest thing in my opinion would be to let her know that another woman said such and such about her husband while at the salon.
Hey there. No updates at the moment. I mentioned above that this was not a good time to tell her. I will be visiting her this week thought to test the waters and determine if it is okay to share (via in person or letter). I hate knowing this info. I am worried sick about her and the children.

There were a few ladies who tagged me to ask me for updates and can't see who they were. Inbox me and I will be happy to share more info.

Thanks for helping me with situation.
Hey there. No updates at the moment. I mentioned above that this was not a good time to tell her. I will be visiting her this week thought to test the waters and determine if it is okay to share (via in person or letter). I hate knowing this info. I am worried sick about her and the children.

There were a few ladies who tagged me to ask me for updates and can't see who they were. Inbox me and I will be happy to share more info.

Thanks for helping me with situation.

Hi, I came in for an update its been about 3 months, and your friends life (health and well-being) is at stake. I hope you have told her by now.:nervous2:Im praying for her...