What Are Hypothetical Questions To Ask Future Husband?

I don’t remember what I said to him exactly but I made him think that I was okay with homosexuality and talked about people being on the spectrum and Kinsey and lots of psycho babble about sexual fluidity and how societal norms were too restrictive for black men. Boosted his ego a bit. “You are so cute I bet you have had guys come on to you?”

Then asked him if he ever had any experience. Said he went on holiday and rented a villa and he woke up to the grounds keeper giving him fellatio. He said it felt so good he let him finish. He said he never told anyone.

I was like “how fascinating! I wish I was there to join in!”:rolleyes:

He then went on and told me stuff he used to do as a kid.

Dude was bi.

He had his pick of women and I had the best dates with him. Very alpha in charge took care of everything, best restaurants best suits, dressed and smelled nice. Body builder in his spare time. wine and food connoisseur. Too good to be true and he was:cry3:friend zoned him.
Woooooow! And you would have never known unless he let it slip. That's crazy.