Ladies who married in mid 30s and up..,


Well-Known Member
When did you start your family? Did you wait to enjoy your marriage or did you jump right into having kids? Did you face any complications since doctors state after 35 things become more challenging. I know everyone is different but I'd like to hear some inspirational stories of women who walked down the aisle a little older and were able to have kids right away. I want 3 kids and if I were to marry in the next year or 2 I would have to have one every year:( God willing my body can take that.
Have you thought about freezing your eggs? I think that's what most of these Hollywood ladies have been doing. Otherwise, all those twins don't really make much sense.

Either way, now would be the time to do it.
Have you thought about freezing your eggs? I think that's what most of these Hollywood ladies have been doing. Otherwise, all those twins don't really make much sense.

Either way, now would be the time to do it.

No I don't think I would do that. It's not a bad idea though.
How much does it cost to have your eggs frozen???

Keeping my eyes on this thread.

I thought about freezing mine before I turn 30, but the prices I saw were $5k to $9k. :sad:

Maybe I can donate my eggs and then buy them back with my proceeds. :lol:
My doctor quoted higher AND that's per egg! That doesn't mean that one egg will take either so you have to have a backup egg lol

I wish I could that cuz I don't see me landing all that (husband AND baby) anytime soon.
Now I was with my exH :look: for 15 years before we tied the knot. We got married at 30.

DD came at 34. There wasn't much 'getting to know each other' time cuz..well... we knew each other really well by then :lol: We were actually trying to not have kids, but one drunk night on my birthday :rolleyes: things went a little too far and DD is now 7 :look:. No probs with her and we had all the battery of amnio tests, etc.

Long fertility with healthy babies might be hereditary too. Both my grandmothers had their last and healthy kids in their mid to late 40s. And that was in the 1940s-'50s (one grandmother is signifcantly older) when it wasnt so common. I'm 40 and my cycles and ovulation are REAL regular and predictable still. I gotta be real careful.

So look at your female family history to see what's up with later fertility. And yes, you can still find Mr RIght later on in life. One of my grandmothers did and then had my dad at 45. He was born just fine and went on to be a physicist. Try not to sweat the statistics too much. We're not all statistics. :)
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Married at 32, dd1 at 36, dd2/ds at 39... I am done :-)
I think as long as u r healthy and strong u will be ok. I was concerned w being in my 30s as well so i traind for and completd a triathlon to get my body ready to carry my kids and to almost effortlessly bounce back to my pre baby shape and weight. It workd both times.
I did end up w high blood pressure aftr the twins. That twin pregnancy beat me up. I had to b on bedrest and was hospitalizd twice aside frm the delivery. All that to say that it is taxg on the body to b preg in the mid 30s, esp to carry twins. U will make it thru though.

The pregnancy, in retrospect, was the easy part. Raisg these jokers??!! whew! anybody else had 3 kids, 3 and under? And u r thnkg to have three that r only a yr apart... U gonna hav a nanny? Or some live in help? Bcuz that there is hard work! Imagine you r home alone tryg to potty train while your second is cruisg around pullg evrythg off your coffee table and u r in your third trimestr w baby #3?
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Married at 32, dd1 at 36, dd2/ds at 39... I am done :-)
I think as long as u r health and strong u will be ok. I was concerned w being in my 30s as well so i traind for and completd a triathlon to get my body ready to carry my kids and to almost effortlessly bounce back to my pre baby shape and weight. It workd both times.
I did end up w high blood pressure aftr the twins. That twin pregnancy beat me up. I had to b on bedrest and was hospitalizd twice aside frm the delivery. All that to say that it is taxg on the body to b preg in the mid 30s, esp to carry twins. U will make it thru though.

The pregnancy, in retrospect, was the easy part. Raisg these jokers??!! whew! anybody else had 3 kids, 3 and under? And u r thnkg to have three that r only a yr apart... U gonna hav a nanny? Or some live in help? Bcuz that there is hard work! Imagine you r home alone tryg to potty train while your second is cruisg around pullg evrythg off your coffee table and u r in your third trimestr w baby #3?

Wow you are truly blessed! I wish I could have twins then Id be good. I def want 3 but will settle for 2. I'll manage with them with help from my family. Not sure yet but the end goal is that I want kids before 40.
That's why I want to be fit now because if I do have one, it will be late in life unfortunately biznesswmn
Good job and congrats on the triathalon :)
I will be getting married next year a few weeks before I turn 38. I would like to be married for at least a year before we start trying but FH thinks we should just go for broke as soon as the honeymoon starts!:lachen:

Maybe I'm naive but I'm truly not concerned about my age at all. I'm healthy and come from a very fertile family. We'll have lots of sex, I'll get pregnant, and we'll have a kid. The end.:lachen:
My mother had me when she was about 46, my daddy was about 50 something. I wasn't her first child though, she had 4 other grown kids when I came along lol #UmSurprise :D
I think for the most part as long as you're still ovulating regularly and.periods are always predictable and ontime and no reproductive disorders like pcos, severe fibroids, ovarian cysts, you'll be ok having them later.

I am 40 and My ovulation is extremely painful, always been, and still alternating ovaries each month. I know since it's painful as hayle. Left side pain one month, right side the next... exact same day err month... It can still happen for me and for others as wanting babies later as well

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
Thanks OP for starting this thread! Hearing you ladies stories give me hope. I will be 40 next year and although I have no prospects at the moment, I am still looking to get married and to have kids.
Have you thought about freezing your eggs? I think that's what most of these Hollywood ladies have been doing. Otherwise, all those twins don't really make much sense.

Either way, now would be the time to do it.

I'm not sure if I want to get married but I believe in leaving my options open. Since I don't plan on getting married any time soon I will be freezing my eggs by 30 and already have a surrogate picked out, just in case.

I just dont see all the doom, gloom or worry some folks have about starting families in their late-30s and forties. There are so many options available including those related to carrying your own children. Not all moms are young moms. :)
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Well I married at 44 and have been pregnant twice within the last year an a half. Both resulted in miscarriages but that's my story. The one amazing thing I got out of it was that I was actually able to get pregnant after 22 yrs and in my mid 40s. That was actually nice to know. I never in life thought that would happen.
Well I married at 44 and have been pregnant twice within the last year an a half. Both resulted in miscarriages but that's my story. The one amazing thing I got out of it was that I was actually able to get pregnant after 22 yrs and in my mid 40s. That was actually nice to know. I never in life thought that would happen.



I wish you the best with everything. You are definitely someone I want to see happy:hug2: