Didn't get married until your 30s? Tell me about it!

I am nearing 29 and I am more single than ever. I know I'm not alone, I see it on this board all the time. I want to hear from women who did not get married until their 30s. Where/how did you meet him? Was he everything you wanted or did you settle? Was he a new find or did you have to go look back in your discarded bin?

I know some on this board believe if it doesn't happen by 30, you're done, but I just can't get invested in thoughts like that right now. I need to hear encouraging stories!

A coworker (40+ White woman) is about to get married for the third time. She is recycling men from high school. I didn't realize it until recently that her most recent ex husband is a boy she dated at 16 years old. She had an old photo of them from high school on Facebook. The current soon to be husband was also introduced as someone she knew from high school. She has a child from husband number one.

I suggested to my BFF that she check out the college and high school guys to see what they're up to. She refuses to do online dating although it worked out for another friend (married with 3 kids now) and I know of other women who married met hey met via online dating.

Don't let having kids be the biggest reason to rush down the aisle. You have other options: freeze your eggs, IVF, adopt