Ladies, I need advice...I think I'm sprung..


Well-Known Member
So I'm a 21 year old college student and I met a really nice guy on OkCupid from my school. We hit it off online (talked for two months or so) and skyped for 3 hours (and could have skyped for longer!). We met the next day at school and hit it off in person! He's very physically attractive to me (white guy, blue eyes, 6'2'' and 240..all muscle ;) ).
We recently went out on a dinner-movie date his treat and it was exceptional! We talked in his car for a couple hours afterward and we both didn't want to leave!
However, he's moving back home to San Diego after he graduates in late August..I still have a year left of college and am taking a year off before I go to medical school. In the back of my mind, I don't want us to get into something serious and then leave each other and our relationship suffers. I also am kind of worried about physical intimacy with him (we are both SO attracted to each other...and I just want to jump on him..but I'm not sure if I should wait..). Do you think that we are moving too fast? Do you think that it's just a waste of time pursuing a relationship with him because he's moving to CA (I live in FL)? *sigh* I just don't want to mess this up..
Long distance is fine but eventually someone has to move to keep it going.
If you are positive that you or he would not be able to find work/family ties/needed lifestyle in the same place, it's a no.

However I wouldn't be deciding all of that after one date.
I agree with the above. I think you are thinking too far ahead. A lot can happen between now and August. I think you should just take it one day at a time and enjoy his company but also keep focused on your goals.

If it is meant to be, you all will find a way to make it work. If not, you both will move on and things will still be fine.

What you do not want to do is not pursue something you think could be wonderful and then always "what if" the situation later.
Enjoy what's happening now and live in the moment with him. If things develop, should there be a problem, it will come up naturally and I'm sure you guys will deal with it then. Even still, if it were not to work out, by the way it sounds with you two, I doubt you'd regret letting whatever happens happen with this guy. :)
You are acting like me: STOP thinking so much. Like someone said it is only one date. Just see how things go.

I love big men! Congrats =)
Thanks for the reply guys, I'm just going to let things happen naturally and stop overthinking/analyzing! Keshieshimmer they are yummy aren't they...? :lick:

We're watching movies after class tues woohoo can't wait to see em' again :drunk:
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yeah it sounds like youre getting caught up over the would only increase the intensity of your worrisome thoughts. OMG and dont let it be good! lol :lol::lol::lol:

Continue to spend time with him and get to know the real him. You gotta keep your mind clear, it sounds so cliche but DAMN, its so true. Also, it helps to date others as to not get so caught up/sprung on this one bloke so soon.....
Hold your horses. In terms of face to face dates and the things you can pick up in person, you don't know him. A man should be worrying about messing up, not the woman.

Has he said he wants a long term relationship, with you? Is he ok with long distance relationships in general?

I say meet up, get to know each other. Think about whether he's good enough for you and whether you want what he's offering. Enjoy the dating for what it is. It will stop you getting "caught up".
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You better go read why men marry *****es and create a bit of space so you don't overanalyze yourself out of his sights. Be smart about it!
yeah it sounds like youre getting caught up over the would only increase the intensity of your worrisome thoughts. OMG and dont let it be good! lol :lol::lol::lol:

Continue to spend time with him and get to know the real him. You gotta keep your mind clear, it sounds so cliche but DAMN, its so true. Also, it helps to date others as to not get so caught up/sprung on this one bloke so soon.....

I agree.....:yep:

OP, your new crush sounds like a cool guy. :yep: Seems like you two enjoy each other's company, so that's good! :grin:

As others have already mentioned however, try not to get TOO sprung....TOO quickly. :look: Men still like a little bit of space and like a little bit of a challenge. It's up to the woman to pace the relationship. Remember, the candle that burns twice as hot, burns half as long. :ohwell:

So, keep your head in the HERE and now, enjoy his company, and don't think too hard about the future for right now. I also think it might be a good idea to keep your eyes open for other guys you might find attractive. This new guy hasn't said that he wants to be exclusive with you no sense in trying to figure out what the future will hold, or if you should move to CA, or if he should move to FL, etc. :giggle:

Right now just RELAX, have fun, and live in the moment! :yep:

EVENTUALLY, you should also ask yourself more questions like: "What does this guy bring to the table?" "How do I feel when I'm around him?" Is he a good match for ME?"

Have fun! :grin:
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Live and enjoy the moment dont boggle it down with unnecessary stuff. Live in the now.

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and remember you just went out on one date after talking for 2 months. you must consider that he is dating other people. if you think this, it will slow you down.
6'2" and 240 lbs of muscle - Sounds like my kind of guy :) Based on what you know, I agree with the others, take it slow and enjoy yourself. You don't want a great relationship to fizzle over something that hasn't happened yet.
Alright so I thought I'd come back to thread and update some stuff..
So initially I started this thread because it seemed like he was VERY into me and was moving a bit too quickly..but I was also into him and just wanted to dive in. I saw him again and we watched a movie together and he is head over heels into I've been texting him:
***** : That's more like it. I can't seem to get you off my mind lol. I've been smiling like an idiot all week.
ME: I'm smiling right now honestly...I like how I connect so much with you! I feel like we are at the start of an awesome adventure.
*****: Lol I think that's an understatement. I feel like we are completely on the same page. I respect you a lot.

We're still not official of course but I think it's safe to say that he's not dating anyone else...
We're going fishing on Saturday...!