Do I have a right to feel uncomfortable?

His treatment of her is a good indicator of his character. He should not have accepted anything from her if they didn't have a mutually beneficial relationship. And him distancing himself from her if their relationship made you uncomfortable is a good look, but skipping her father's funeral...:perplexed
Well, today is the day of the funeral and he didn't go. I expressed to him that I was uncomfortable, but he could still go. He told me he was still going, but this morning he decided not to. He sent a card and food to the repast (my suggestion) by another mutual friend. Thanks for the advice ladies. He also told me that he's going to stop talking to her because of how it makes me feel and she needs to move on.

Did you mention that you would go to the funeral with him? I'm curious as to why he decided not to go if they were really good friends. It just seems with her having supported him, he would have wanted to just show up.
Don't take the "insecure" bait! I hate it when common sense caution and justified possessiveness is translated into insecurity! You should be concerned about his many women friends and especially about the one who had admitted to liking him.

I agree with the poster that said she aint never had a hetero male friend who wouldn't hit it under some circumstance. Ask him if they've ever been intimate...Every chick a guy has labled "crazy" usually has a story behind it about how she got that way, and most of it is about the emotional rollarcoaster the guy has had them on (ie leading them on, having sex then saying they're not "ready" for a relationship). And just like you guys flirted off and on for years its possible that he did that same thing with her...just without the next step of a relationship. And we know how we can think as women..."If I wait around and be a good supportive friend he will eventually see that I'm the one for him and be with me."

If I had a guy friend and one of us was in a relationship and he declared his feelings for me I would immediately stop being friends with him! Nope...I will not entertain your unfaithfulness to your SO nor would I put my man in a position to be unconsciously competing for me. That is completely egotistical.

He may be a part of the 5% who have completely good intentions but weather or not he is, you really need to make your feelings known and check that in the beginning.

Though I would want to go to the funeral, I don't think its a good idea because you already know she has feelings for him and seeing him with a girlfriend at her dads funeral could be overtaxing to her emotionally. Just because she backed down doesn't mean her feelings disappeared quickly. No need to make a statement in her time of loss.

I agree...I have male friends but their SO know me as well. I couldn't have a friendship with a male friend where his partner is excluded or doesn't know. I think some people get off on that and it is silly.

My friend has this friend that is married, He calls her just about everyday, he may skip a day or two but. He sometimes calls two and three times in a day. He works down the street from her home, so he calls around his work schedule or on his way home from work. I have been at her home when he has called. She talks about how he's married and she doesn't want to be bothered.

Yet, she hasn't told him to stop calling her. Yet, she didn't hesitate to give her number out after running into him again. The wife has no clue they communicate as they do. I wouldn't even entertain a man in a relationship knowing his SO doesn't know. Why even put yourself in a situation like that. He says he needs an ear to talk to because he can't talk to his wife. I told her that should not be your problem and if she really wasn't interested and voiced it, he would go away!

Did I mention she herself used to be married! LOL!
I think deep down some people like the attention and don't want to end it, because of ego.
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No, I never wanted to go with him and I didn't ask. I just told him I was uncomfortable with him going. I don't know her and it would've been weird to show up to her dad's funeral.
Does anyone else think it's shady that he decided not to go once she said she wanted to go with him? Shady.

That's why I wondered if she told him she would go with him. If that was the case, he would rather miss the funeral than take her along sounds fishy.
I think a man should already know that his "platonic" relationships with women, would be of concern for his significant other. It is now a potential relationship deal breaker for me when I am getting to know a guy. If he is getting female (other than his Mama or family) emotional support from somewhere already what does he need me for? I agree with the previous post... There is usually an attraction...between friends of opposite sex. By the "platonic" male (married) friend of 15 yrs. recently kind of sort of crossed the line with me. I felt he was dropping too many hints (I am recently single/flexible) and so I decided to put a little temporary distance between us. I didn't confront him about it......yet.