Ladies are any of you fearful of...

If my hair was longer and/or live in different environment, I would be fearful. When I was younger, I had a cousin who has hair like camilla that went to her behind and she had to fight the neighborhood girls almost everyday because they kept trying to cut her hair. I believe they succeeded a few times.

I am more fearful of hairdressers (a hairdresser cut my long hair uneven on purpose forcing me to cut my hair short):mad: and MEN pulling on my hair. What's up with that? I had one ex-boyfriend yanked my hair of its bun while I doing the dishes to see "what kind of hair I had in the kitchen" .

My sister has BSL hair and a man yelled at that she was wearing a weave because he was mad at her.

Men are just as catty as women.
Energist said:
other women becoming envious of your hair as it grows longer? I live in an area of Oklahoma where a lot of Black women don't take care of their hair to the point that they will look at my hair and search for a weave track :( What makes it worse, is that White and Native people over here are convinced that Black hair doesn't grow, to where they will stare at my hair and search for a track as well. It's either that or they assume you're not all Black! I personally think it's ridiculous, because I still feel that my hair is in the baby stages of getting long, compared to many women on this board and would wonder what some of these women would do if they saw some of the head of hair on you ladies. Anyways, sometimes I feel self conscious about wearing my hair out and worry about how I'll feel when it gets longer. I think I feel this way, because a female almost tried to burn my friends hair off with a lighter in a club many years ago out of jealousy, because she had wavy beautiful long hair and was getting a lot of attention. If I didn't catch the girl, my friends hair would have gone up in flames. I think about this from time to time. I wonder if there is a price to pay for achieving long and beautiful healthy hair :confused:

Anyways, I'd like to be happy about my progress without feeling self conscious about it, but I don't know how. I smile and try to be friendly out of nerves, but I don't always get a smile in return. Am I making sense to you ladies?? Do any of you go through these fears or am I being irrational? :(

Just want to say that your hair is gorgeous and you are cute as a button!:)
tatiana said:
If my hair was longer and/or live in different environment, I would be fearful. When I was younger, I had a cousin who has hair like camilla that went to her behind and she had to fight the neighborhood girls almost everyday because they kept trying to cut her hair. I believe they succeeded a few times.

I am more fearful of hairdressers (a hairdresser cut my long hair uneven on purpose forcing me to cut my hair short):mad: and MEN pulling on my hair. What's up with that? I had one ex-boyfriend yanked my hair of its bun while I doing the dishes to see "what kind of hair I had in the kitchen" .

My sister has BSL hair and a man yelled at that she was wearing a weave because he was mad at her.

[size=+1]Men are just as catty as women.[/size]

Wow really :eek:? Typically I get nice hair comments from men about my hair. Some even commented that they don't mind weaves as long as they are kept up.
chocolatesis said:
Wow! She probabaly won't EVER try to put her hands in anyone else's hair again! :lol:

OT: KiniKakes, I've been meaning to tell you, that dress you're wearing in your avatar is absolutely georgous. I love it.

My husband is very protective of me and my hair. I think he is one of those freaky men when it comes to hair. I told him years ago that once I got it long I was going to beat him with it. Do you know that sucker has asked me many times when I am going to do it? Yeah, he's a bit freaky, freaky!
wow, now i must admit in here in london i've never heard of such things, at school there were only a handful of girls with long hair and there were never any bad comments to them as far i know

ok people do ask is that real but i guess its because we see so many black women with weaves, in the media and daily that its hard to believe black women can have long hair, till i came to LHCF here i just dreamt about it :p

now when i'm out and about i check for ladies who i think might be on LHCF cause their hairs looks hot :lol:
Edie said:
My husband is very protective of me and my hair. I think he is one of those freaky men when it comes to hair. I told him years ago that once I got it long I was going to beat him with it. Do you know that sucker has asked me many times when I am going to do it? Yeah, he's a bit freaky, freaky!

All men are freaky about one thing or another. Better that it's about hair and not something crazy.
Wow ou guys stories are pretty scary.

That one with the guy explaining that theposters hair was long becasue of race mixing in the South was both sad and funny to me( since I am born and raised inthe South and you hardly see anyone with long hair that is not a weave-by this I mean you see them in the salon getting their weaves redone or its just a bad weave)

I only plan on wearing buns once my hair grows out.
Wow these are some crazy stories. I didn't have long hair but my sister did and I don't recall anything like this. My issue is more dare I say "delusional" like I'm washing my hair and its shedding and I think "OMG" what if I get out of the shower and I'm bald in that spot, or what if this Hairdresser cuts all my hair off or ...what if this is a bad relaxer and it all falls out.

I need to stop thinking that way...LOA...think positive
shynessqueen said:
I nerved worried about it before, I am/was OK with getting the weave check. Until one day I was talking to a co-worker who is a RN. I was asking her my RN questions about how is it once your in nursing program. She told me something i never though about before. She told me when your going to your nursing class and you have a BW professor you should down play your looks until you find out how she feels about other BW. She said when she was in nursing school the professor would pick on the women who walk in to class with long hair and well dress. They would make them work the hardest and still gave them a lower grade because they didn't like them. This is scare because they hold your grade in their hands and will use that as a way to get at you because they are jealous of your looks.
I never would have believed this until my mom told a story about this when she was in college..all I could think was how PATHETIC:mad:
If I went out more often with it out, I would be a little fearful. This guy told me that he cut a girls hair while riding the metro. She wouldnt 'talk' to him and he got mad.

A girl cut my hair before. I was in junior high and they were commenting on my hair being pretty. I used to wear spirals back inthe day. I went home and my ponytail was shorter and I had hair on my shoulders. shudders:angry2:
BillyJay said:
If I went out more often with it out, I would be a little fearful. This guy told me that he cut a girls hair while riding the metro. She wouldnt 'talk' to him and he got mad.

A girl cut my hair before. I was in junior high and they were commenting on my hair being pretty. I used to wear spirals back inthe day. I went home and my ponytail was shorter and I had hair on my shoulders. shudders:angry2:
I am so sure you ran covering you hair...he and I could never have a convo
Energist said:
... I personally think it's ridiculous, because I still feel that my hair is in the baby stages of getting long, compared to many women on this board and would wonder what some of these women would do if they saw some of the head of hair on you ladies. Anyways, sometimes I feel self conscious about wearing my hair out and worry about how I'll feel when it gets longer. I think I feel this way, because a female almost tried to burn my friends hair off with a lighter in a club many years ago out of jealousy, because she had wavy beautiful long hair and was getting a lot of attention. If I didn't catch the girl, my friends hair would have gone up in flames. I think about this from time to time. I wonder if there is a price to pay for achieving long and beautiful healthy hair... :confused:

Wow, that's crazy for some chick to try to do that to your friend. It's good you caught her. But see that's why i go to the club with friends, sisters and cousins--we be deep. We can watch each other's backs too. I know there will be some annoying comments and bold females making stupid comments when my hair gets longer from what I hear because my hair is short now but I am pretty from what people tell me. I get a lot of Attention when I go places and I carry myself with a lot of confidence as well. Oh well...I'm already ready/prepared.

I will not be fearful to wear my hair down for the most part. I put A lot of hard work and care into my hair and I am going to show it. If other women are insecure because of their own hair condition--that's their problem that they need to work on just like I worked on it for my benefit.
Sheenaspelman said:
The only thing I fear is a hairdresser cutting my hair off. I don't fear women staring or making comments. Everyone always says I walk really fast, so I'd probably miss anyone staring anyway. I'm pretty open about my hair with people so if someone makes a rude comment, I don't mind telling them that I spend hours on my hair and that its my hobby. However, I know that my bestfriend from high school was hated on a lot. She is Nigerian and has thick waistlength hair. I have to admit when we first became friends I was shocked that it was her real hair as well, since I'd never seen a black girl with hair that long prior to LHCF. But it is her real hair. However, some girls I know really couldn't stand her because of it. She was constantly accused of lying about it being her real hair. People would also sit around and talk about how her hair was the only pretty thing about her.

I don't think I would be offended by people saying things like wow girl is that all your hair or asking if its a weave. Its good for other black women to know I think because it shows that we can indeed grow our hair.

This is what I try to tell some people who make comments that black women can't grow hair that long, and if a black women does have long hair--they assume that it's a weave. I have friends from different cities in Africa and they have beautiful, thick and wavy/curly hair all down their backs. And their mothers hair are the same as theirs. I met these friends in middle school, high school, and one in college which is why I never had a thought in my mind that black/African American women can't have long hair. Plus, a lot of black women have long hair when they are little girls IMO.
secretdiamond said:
Do you know I'm fearful of this too! Whenever I wear my hair out (even if it's a pony) and I'm around a lot of black females (particularly younger ones/teens), I actually get nervous b/c of the way they start looking at me. My worse nightmare is that one of them will cut my hair off without me knowing! They look like hyenas ready to attack!.......... I'm so paranoid. lol.

I am just...appauled at the fact some females are that jealous b/c of what they DONT have. I just can't believe it.

But you best believe this. Anyone who cuts, burns or anything else my hair had better have a gun. Cause TRUST me, her *** WILL be raw.

thicknlong said:
I am just...appauled at the fact some females are that jealous b/c of what they DONT have. I just can't believe it.

But you best believe this. Anyone who cuts, burns or anything else my hair had better have a gun. Cause TRUST me, her *** WILL be raw.


I heard that honeychile!
In actuality, I've had a guy yank the sh-t out of my hair. He want to see if it was real. He just walked up, YANNNNK ! That was crazy to me.

Then I saw him in class and my hair was in a bun, he said, how'd you get all that hair in that like that ? I gave him the eye like, no you DIDNT ask me a question after you almost broke my d-m neck !

Another boyfriend who was color AND hair-struct was feeling my new growth. I know what his disturbed butt has looking for. My real hair texture. How sad.

At work last week, one coworker that I do NOT like, got reeeeeal close to me and hair is ....ty.... all while lookin ALLL up IN my head. I was bending over doing something and she was bending over lookin for freakin tracks.

I started to jump up quick and let the top of my head hit her chin so she'd bite her d-m tongue.

Mmmm, Hmmm.
I'm afraid somebody will sneak up behind me and cut off my ponytail. My hair simply isn't that long to me though I have to admit it's the longest I can ever remember it being. Still not BSL, though. It's caught between APL and 1.5-2 inches above BSL. Drives me nuts. And my hair is so fine I can't even try to wear it down. Thus the ponytail.
Energist said:
other women becoming envious of your hair as it grows longer? I live in an area of Oklahoma where a lot of Black women don't take care of their hair to the point that they will look at my hair and search for a weave track :( What makes it worse, is that White and Native people over here are convinced that Black hair doesn't grow, to where they will stare at my hair and search for a track as well. It's either that or they assume you're not all Black! I personally think it's ridiculous, because I still feel that my hair is in the baby stages of getting long, compared to many women on this board and would wonder what some of these women would do if they saw some of the head of hair on you ladies. Anyways, sometimes I feel self conscious about wearing my hair out and worry about how I'll feel when it gets longer. I think I feel this way, because a female almost tried to burn my friends hair off with a lighter in a club many years ago out of jealousy, because she had wavy beautiful long hair and was getting a lot of attention. If I didn't catch the girl, my friends hair would have gone up in flames. I think about this from time to time. I wonder if there is a price to pay for achieving long and beautiful healthy hair :confused:

Anyways, I'd like to be happy about my progress without feeling self conscious about it, but I don't know how. I smile and try to be friendly out of nerves, but I don't always get a smile in return. Am I making sense to you ladies?? Do any of you go through these fears or am I being irrational? :(

Your hair is stunning. I love the curl and shine.

These stories are insane. The gum in the hair one is crazy. It never ceases to amaze me how cruel a person can be.
You and your hair are very pretty. You are the type of lady people notice, men and women. There will always be evil, jealous people in the world, so just be careful and aware. Try to enjoy yourself and your hair as much as you can because you have been blessed and you deserve to enjoy your wonderful blessings. Sometimes you have to whisper a prayer over things you are fearful about, maybe when you go out with your hair down whisper a prayer of protection for your hair, nothing bad has ever come to me when I've prayed beforehand.
Thank you ladies! I still can't get over the development of this thread... these crazy, sick, sorry stories. I showed my husband the development of this thread and he was amazed himself.
OP, you are beautiful and your hair is lovely. Please do not let other people make you feel uncomfortable because of it.

A boy cut off one of my mother's ponytails in elementary school. She was so scared of her g-ma; she cut off the other one when she got home. I guess she thought she would even it up and no one would notice. Nevertheless, g-ma was not having it. Mom got a whooping' and was forced to go back and confront the hair-cutting bully! She beat the boy up. (There was a small army of cousins to ensure the beat down took place if she would not deliver). Again, g-ma did not play. She was worried my mother would continue to be assaulted if she did not stand up for herself.

That is old school justice. I do not understand why the police are not being called when the hair pulling, fire starters get hold of someone's hair. Let somebody pull my pony and someone will be standing in front of a judge. Moreover, the fire, what are these people thinking. Do they think the hair is just going to disintegrate without catching the person's clothes and body on fire? That is crazy. But wasn't their a horror story on here about someone's friend sabotaging their hair products? That one made me a little paranoid. I made sure my hair and beauty products were not accessible to guests after that one. I am over it now, because as someone else said, people will always find something to hate on.
Thanks and I'm sorry that happened to your mom's hair. After reading through this thread, I feel more confident about wearing my hair the way I want to outside, but am still observant of who is doing what.

Yeah that one story here with the friend who had her cousin spray something in her hair which was equivalent to some growth inhibitor or something to that effect :( That is just too much! I've only let 1 girlfriend of mine in my hair, and that's because she is completely obsessed with hair and styling it... she would never do anything to mess it up. She, my mom, husband, and my stylists have only been the ones to touch my head.
Energist said:
Yeah that one story here with the friend who had her cousin spray something in her hair which was equivalent to some growth inhibitor or something to that effect :( That is just too much! I've only let 1 girlfriend of mine in my hair, and that's because she is completely obsessed with hair and styling it... she would never do anything to mess it up. She, my mom, husband, and my stylists have only been the ones to touch my head.

If I recall, it was a friend that was caught on tape adding cleaning products to her hair products while she was visiting. This was when I first joined the board or maybe when I was lurking. Low down!
dynamic1 said:
If I recall, it was a friend that was caught on tape adding cleaning products to her hair products while she was visiting. This was when I first joined the board or maybe when I was lurking. Low down!


Where was this? What did the person do to her friend when she found out? I hope she whooped the tar out of her!:mad: