Love and Harmony
Re: Says My White Supervisor About Other Black Women, "They're Just Jealous of Your H
A 1000 X Yes!
I never understood why people think that White folks tan to look like us. We all know that is not true. White folks (on a subconscious level) look at Black skin as something ugly, dirty, and undesirable. Even white people who claim that they are down and want to be us would never dream of having darker skin or "napping" up their hair.
I don't think many cultures do try to have what others do. Sometimes, it starts off that way: Black women relaxing their hair to look more white for survival, and things change along the way. There are still some Black women who do desire to look more White. It's not a happy-go-lucky thing. It is a result of racism. It's the same thing with Asians getting blue contacts, Indians bleaching their skin, and immigrants of all races adopting Anglophone names. It's not jealousy.
And Whites appropriate the culture of others not because of jealousy. They do it because they feel entitled, like they have the right to everyone's culture. It's not cute.
Because thanks wasn't enough.
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