Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

Thanks for sharing your stories coyacoy & faithVA w/this unique system. I'm glad you found it and the root of your problem (I knew it couldn't be protein alone!). It was such a mystery. Coyacoy your hair sounds like mine, I started doing weekly protein and my hair is so much better; and I no longer keep the conditioner on for long periods, only 10-30min like the directions state w/body heat/towel. Did they recommend a trim regimen for once you have trimmed all the damage off? Did your splits travel further up the strand initially? Did they tell you anything about using a blowdryer or any form of heat?
faithVA what kind of treatment or products did she recommend for your low-po hair once you do the cut? Was there a focus on opening the cuticle to get product in. You raised an interesting point of heat damage w/o a change in hair texture. These two analyses really help me figure out my own hair.
Good service, I am thinking of ordering the package.
coyacoy did you find that the recommendation given to you is helping your hair.
Xaragua said:
Good service, I am thinking of ordering the package.
coyacoy did you find that the recommendation given to you is helping your hair.

Xaragua.....yes! The recommendations helped tremendously....the breakage has almost completely stopped sans a few during wash/detangling. #knockswood :-) ....i suspect that it will get even better after my next prescribed trim. My strands i believe have become stronger thanks to the increase in protein and since i've stopped the practice of leaving dc on for hours at a time. The increase in water and vits has also helped with shine and overall health IMO. The analysis truly helped me to target my efforts and quit "aiming in the dark" i feel like i actually know my hair now and what it needs. No more guessing :-)
virtuenow said:
Thanks for sharing your stories coyacoy & faithVA w/this unique system. I'm glad you found it and the root of your problem (I knew it couldn't be protein alone!). It was such a mystery. Coyacoy your hair sounds like mine, I started doing weekly protein and my hair is so much better; and I no longer keep the conditioner on for long periods, only 10-30min like the directions state w/body heat/towel. Did they recommend a trim regimen for once you have trimmed all the damage off? Did your splits travel further up the strand initially? Did they tell you anything about using a blowdryer or any form of heat?

virtuenow....u r welcome and thank u! I was glad to share in hopes of helping someone the way that so many ladies on the board have helped me over the years! In response to ur questions....yes she did recommend an initial trimming schedule to get rid of the remaining splits and then a schedule for moving forward .....she also provided a recommendation for more frequent trims if using heat. Yes, my splits had been traveling up my strands and at the time of the analysis they were up as high as about 2inches in some places! There were also several weak areas that needed protein to help build them up. Re: heat..other than the trim schedule she recommended using heat protectant when using heat but otherwise did not caution against it as i recall. She did suggest a combo of comb and finger detangling to help mitigate breakage as well. This has worked for me since i am far too impatient to finger detangle completely :-) hth
[USER=10150 said:
virtuenow[/USER];16423221]@faithVA what kind of treatment or products did she recommend for your low-po hair once you do the cut? Was there a focus on opening the cuticle to get product in. You raised an interesting point of heat damage w/o a change in hair texture. These two analyses really help me figure out my own hair.

Last night she didn't suggest anything. But this morning I received an email that said she had put another document in my folder on how to care for my hair based on my porosity. I have not had a chance to look at that.

In the email she suggested I send in another sample in about 2 months because she can't give a full healthy hair care recommendation without a full strand of my hair. I only have 1 to 2" of healthy hair and she can't see my curl pattern.

She really does give very personalized service.
Now that I know I have to cut off most of my hair, I am mad about having to use my good products on my hair for the next 2.5 weeks :lol: I'm putting all my good conditioner on my hair that is getting cut off. :tantrum:

Where dat Tresemme Naturals stuff at?
Thank you so much coyacoy for starting this thread :grin:! I as well have been having issues with my hair. I initially had the Live Curly Live Free hair analysis, but IMO it was way to vague and I still don't understand my hair and I'm still having issues. I was actually waiting for faithVA to get her results back because she is my hair buddy and she has helped me so much throughout my hair journey and I love her so much for that. She is truly one of my best friends and we have grown close because of our hair issues :yep:. Thank you faithVA :grin:! She has encouraged me to take the Komazacare analysis so I'll be ordering mine by the end of this week. I want to see if their results are the same or different from the Live Curly Live Free results, but I have a feeling that its going to be different. Komazacare actually was the very first natural product line that I'd tried when I decided to transition from my heat trained hair. They were the ones who told me that my hair was heat damaged just by talking to a rep over the phone. That's what made me transition to slowly cutting off all of my heat damaged hair :yep:. I still think I may have some heat damage because I have flat ironed my hair at least 4 times since transitioning and I know that's one of the reasons why faithVA's hair have been acting up. Moral of the story is I'm going to order the analysis this week and I will post my results after my consultation :yep:.
Thank you so much @coyacoy for starting this thread :grin:! I as well have been having issues with my hair. I initially had the Live Curly Live Free hair analysis, but IMO it was way to vague and I still don't understand my hair and I'm still having issues. I was actually waiting for @faithVA to get her results back because is my my hair buddy and she has helped me so much throughout my hair journey and I love her so much for that. She is truly one of my best friends and we have grown close because of our hair issues :yep:. Thank you @faithVA :grin:! She has encouraged me to take the Komazacare analysis so I'll be ordering mine by the end of this week. I want to see if their results are the same or different from the Live Curly Live Free results, but I have a feeling that its going to be different. Komazacare actually was the very first natural product line that I'd tried when I decided to transition from my heat trained hair. They were the ones who told me that my hair was heat damaged just by talking to a rep over the phone. That's what made me transition to slowly cutting off all of my heat damaged hair :yep:. I still think I may have some heat damage because I have flat ironed my hair at least 4 times since transitioning and I know that's one of the reasons why faithVA's hair have been acting up. Moral of the story is I'm going to order the analysis this week and I will post my results after my consultation :yep:.

Aw thanks Tasha. I may be a good hair buddy but Tasha is a better person :lol: Just calling it the way it is. I'm a mean ol grouchy lady with a big stick. Well I'm going to get my big stick soon.

I think you will be happy with the Hair Analsysis tashboog. Even if it tells you the same thing, just the availability of a person to ask questions to and to speak to someone directly is invaluable.

I feel like Coyacoy. I am finally not guessing.
@virtuenow....u r welcome and thank u! I was glad to share in hopes of helping someone the way that so many ladies on the board have helped me over the years! In response to ur questions....yes she did recommend an initial trimming schedule to get rid of the remaining splits and then a schedule for moving forward .....she also provided a recommendation for more frequent trims if using heat. Yes, my splits had been traveling up my strands and at the time of the analysis they were up as high as about 2inches in some places! There were also several weak areas that needed protein to help build them up. Re: heat..other than the trim schedule she recommended using heat protectant when using heat but otherwise did not caution against it as i recall. She did suggest a combo of comb and finger detangling to help mitigate breakage as well. This has worked for me since i am far too impatient to finger detangle completely :-) hth

She suggested a 4 to 6 week trimming schedule for me too. But I don't want to fool with all that. I'm just going to get it cut and start all over. If I trim it then I have to do heavy protein on the damaged part but my healthy hair doesn't need protein :nono: Just sounds like I'm going to screw it up again. Maybe if it was longer a trim would work but its in that funky inbetween stage. So 2" off the ends just leaves it at that funky inbetween stage :lol:
Aw thanks Tasha. I may be a good hair buddy but Tasha is a better person :lol: Just calling it the way it is. I'm a mean ol grouchy lady with a big stick. Well I'm going to get my big stick soon.
Now don't get me wrong, because you do tell me how it is, but that's what I like about you because that keeps me grounded. Especially when I go off my path and start trying all types of stuff but don't really know why I'm doing it :lol:. Thanks again for encouraging me to order this hair analysis :grin:!
After my cut, I should be left with healthy hair. The following recommendations were given to me based on the hair she could analyze. I will receive an updated version after 2 or 3 months when more healthy hair comes in and I have modified my diet and supplements.

--Avoid products with petroluem, mineral oil, sulfates, parabens, cones

--hair is medium thickness and the cuticles lay flat (low porosity)
----low porosity hair looks great, grows well and shines easily
----hard to moisturize and hard to find products
----use products that are liquid and translucent; creams harder to work in

--deep condition weekly to keep hair soft

--Keep a simple regimen, using small amounts of 1 to 2 products to avoid build-up

--Trim when hair tells me to based on roughness of ends; every 3 to 4 months should suffice.

--Don't comb or detangle dry hair

--Twist/braid and wrap hair at night to minimize detangling efforts

--Drink plenty of water because my hair needs it.

Tips for opening cuticle
---wrap damp hair with warm towel/tshirt for 3 minutes then add product
---use steamer or dryer with conditioning option
---rinse hair with warm water
Imagine the money I could have saved on hair products had I known about this service when I first joined. I swear, this should be advertised to all confused newbies as soon as they sign up on the site. *sigh*
I'll be ordering mine shortly.
[USER=155092 said:
lamaria211[/USER];16425535]@faithVA when are you gonna start your new reggie now or after your cut. Do you know what products your going to be using yet?

She said my current products are fine. I told her I was using the Deva Curl line and the AO conditioners. She didn't see any problem with that. I don't have much in my stash as you know. Everything in my stash is free of the stuff she said to avoid : petro, min. oil, sulfates, parabens and cones. My hair rejected all that stuff long ago, so I ditched it.

So I will keep using the same thing. But the good news is that I don't have to avoid regular proteins so I can use many more products :yay: So now I can try some stuff and it won't be so hard to shop.

But she did say don't use more than 2 leave in products on my hair at a time.
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Imagine the money I could have saved on hair products had I known about this service when I first joined. I swear, this should be advertised to all confused newbies as soon as they sign up on the site. *sigh*
I'll be ordering mine shortly.

I soooo agree. If I had this the first time I noticed something wrong with my hair, not only would my hair probably be at APL now, I would have enjoyed it more and I would haven't have bought all of that junk in 2010, 2011, and 2012 :look:

And I would have saved HOURS of working on my head. :lol:
faithVA said:
I soooo agree. If I had this the first time I noticed something wrong with my hair, not only would my hair probably be at APL now, I would have enjoyed it more and I would haven't have bought all of that junk in 2010, 2011, and 2012 :look:

And I would have saved HOURS of working on my head. :lol:

Don't beat yourself up too much faithVA and LaidBak.....the service was just introduced this year when Komaza rolled out their new website.....it would be an excellent idea for newbies going forward!!!
Don't beat yourself up too much @faithVA and @LaidBak.....the service was just introduced this year when Komaza rolled out their new website.....it would be an excellent idea for newbies going forward!!!

oooh really? I didn't know that. I hope it is something that they continue.

One thing I liked, is they didn't give you an analysis and then try to sell you product on top of that. Its a pretty neutral analysis.
virtuenow said:
coyacoy wow your hair grows fast, 3/4in-1in per month? How did they know how fast your hair grows?

virtuenow...she could tell from the last trim i did because i cut in the middle of the split approximately and she could see where it had grown since then - it looked like fringes because i didn't cut the entire split. I will upload the slide that shows this in a bit - it is interesting!
faithVA said:
oooh really? I didn't know that. I hope it is something that they continue.

One thing I liked, is they didn't give you an analysis and then try to sell you product on top of that. Its a pretty neutral analysis.

Yes!! This right here is the truth. she even recommended to me that i eliminate one of their products i had been using from my reggie
@virtuenow...she could tell from the last trim i did because i cut in the middle of the split approximately and she could see where it had grown since then - it looked like fringes because i didn't cut the entire split. I will upload the slide that shows this in a bit - it is interesting!

I don't understand. Isn't the split at your ends-- how would that correlate to "growth"? Or was the split at the roots? Or did you cut a split that was near the root. I look forward to the pics!
virtuenow said:
I don't understand. Isn't the split at your ends-- how would that correlate to "growth"? Or was the split at the roots? Or did you cut a split that was near the root. I look forward to the pics!

Yeah sorry i don't know the science behind it enough to try and explain but i'll post the slide as soon as i can and hopefully that will clarify.
Yes!! This right here is the truth. she even recommended to me that i eliminate one of their products i had been using from my reggie

Now my interested is peaked, I was waiting to see how unbiased the analysis was. My left hand is really itching now LOL
ok, so i just got off the phone. I'll try to make this quick since i need to get to work:

background info: i tried heat training for a year last year, gave up and relaxed:perplexed... started noticing progressive dryness, tangles and roughness. porosity control, steaming, protein, nothing helped. i last relaxed in february.

the good news:taking prenatals, ensure, and msm has given me more or less 3 inches of the most beautiful healthy new growth. she actually wrote about how near perfect it was in her notes! also said that she's amazed at how much new growth i had in 5 months. i am too considering i usually grow 1/4" a month! it does look like a lot, but wow!

the bad news: i have midshaft splits, and some parts of my strands have the cuticle removed. without the cuticle, the hair fibers start to come out. these fibers grab onto the other hairs, or a shed hair with curly new growth on it. this is the tangles, roughness, and dryness i'm getting.

the solution:although i could tell she wanted me to stay natural because of my gorgeous new growth (perfectly smooth all the way down), she suggested that i relax pronto, and incorporate more wheat or silk amino acids to help prevent more damage. it won't heal anything, just keep my hair glued a little bit. i've been using eqp intense (silk protein) during my wait, and i have noticed a little improvement, so i'll keep it up. i also need a 3" cut, but i'll just take that slow:lol: i also need to keep up with my vitamins to keep the growth going.

oh, it is 3 months for the next sample. they have it wrong on the website. i'll come back and post my pics for ya'll too. i didn't know how much hair to send in, so i just send like 8 or so favorites. she was like "is that all the hair you shed?" lol, so next time i know to send in everything.
Yeah sorry i don't know the science behind it enough to try and explain but i'll post the slide as soon as i can and hopefully that will clarify.

It can be a bit technical. She started talking about some engens or something and my eyes glazed over :lol:
me-T...thanks for posting your results!!! So interesting the relaxer recommendation! So that is to help seal the strands?