My Komaza Hair Analysis (with images)

^^They ask what kind of vitamins you take, how often you exercise, how often you eat refined sugars, do you smoke, daily hair regimen etc and other things.
Great review! I'm finally doing this and purchased the analysis! In the process of collecting my hair sample.

I don't have any major concerns with my hair, I "think" its in pretty good shape, but it would be nice to get confirmation or find out otherwise and find out how I can improve.

I'm about 3 months post trim, so know its about time for that. I'm looking forward to learning more about my hair!

Yay!! I'm happy you did definitely won't regret it. Even if there isn't anything significantly wrong with your hair, it's nice to see the images and hear confirmation from an expert that you are on the right track!!

OP, how much hair did you have to send in? And did you have to send in hair from different sections of your hair?

I just collected all of my clean shed hair during my normal wash day (after shampooing and before the conditioning step). They recommend at least 100 hairs for a good sample, but of course you don't have to count them! lol Just a small bundle of a normal amount of shed hair will do. You don't have to separate out a specific area of your head unless you have specific questions or concerns about that spot. Then you'll just put that hair in a separate baggie and label it so they'll know.

I added myself to the wait list last year and never got contacted.

I'm glad you did it!! I can't wait to hear an update!!
She recommended that I look for aloe based products with silk and/or jojoba proteins. She stressed that I need to avoid using any products with glycerin (because I live in AZ and glycerin does more harm than good in my environment).

Shea Moisture has been my favorite product line and unfortunately, it is packed with tons of glycerin, so I asked her which products from her line she recommends. She told me their Califia line will do the most good for my problem. She told me that if I wanted to go out and look for other non-Komaza products, then I should find ones with the closest matching ingredients to the Califia line for the most benefit.

I always thought the DC was the most important component in our regimen, but in her opinion, it's actually the leave-in we use. She stressed the importance of me finding a good aloe-based leave-in and use it daily. I will be trying their products first...based on her recommendations.

Thanks for sharing your analysis! I have similar hair concerns as you and also had to up my protein for months! The Shea Moisture Hair milks (the orange/pinkish label) is glycerin free (at least my bottle is, they change formulas often). I use it in the summer to avoid frizz :yep:
Please keep us updated on your progress!
My products arrived yesterday! I was SO excited... I couldn't wait for wash day, so I hopped in the shower to test them out! :lol:

Impromptu Wash Regimen: I shampooed my hair as I normally would, then I applied the Protein Hair Strengthener. I let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinsed with cool water. Then, I applied the Olive Moisture Mask as my DC. I also let that sit for 30 minutes, then rinsed again. I applied the Coconut Damage Control Serum as my leave-in and used the Califia Moisturizing Cream as my styler for my twist-out.

Review / First Impression: I LOVE the Protein Hair Strengthener. It's a thick, creamy consistency and I could feel it coat my hair very well from the first application. When I rinsed, my hair instantly felt stronger and my curls literally POPPED! I was very pleasantly surprised.

Although I love the smell and the consistency of the Olive Moisture Mask, it didn't WOW me. It worked well and my hair felt great, but it seemed to work just the same as less expensive DCs. I will use the rest of the jar, but I may not repurchase... we'll see.

The Coconut Damage Control Serum leave-in smells really good but it's a little thin for my taste. It has a very watery consistency which I'm not used to for a leave-in. Since it was the 2nd biggest recommendation for my hair by Jenn (next to the Protein Hair Strengthener), I will continue to use it. The consistency is not a deal-breaker for me.

The Califia Moisturizing Cream smells AMAZING (like buttercream frosting) and it's super thick and moisturizing which I LOVE and need. However, I don't think it'll work as a stand-alone styler for me. My twistout was so-so. My hair was shiny and soft, but the twists were not as bouncy and my ends were not as curl-defined as I could have liked. I will definitely continue to use it but I may still use my Curling Soufflé on the ends to get that extra definition.

So far, so good. I'm very happy with everything so far and I'm excited to see my hair's progress over the next few months. I'll be sure to keep you guys posted (with pictures, too). :)
It took about a week for me to receive a confirmation email that they got my samples. Per the email, I should have my results by today but no one has contacted me about it yet. I think I'm going to email them to see when I will have my consultation.
I want everyone to know that I have also done this test and my results were COMPLETELY different.


Do not look at her results and think you need to apply it to yourself.

However, I highly recommend you get the analysis! GET PERSONALIZED REGIMEN ADVICE! :)
I'm so happy for you! They should be completing your analysis any day now!!

It's ready! Unfortunately, I may have to wait until next Wed for my consult because I'm traveling on the earlier options...seeing if she has any earlier availability outside of my requested time frame. She sent the pics, but I don't know what it all adds up to big picture! Looking forward to getting the details.
Got my analysis, I'm glad I did it! Jennifer said my hair isn't in bad shape at all. Just a few tweeks to address some dryness and porosity issues. Also she recommended some additions my supplement regimen which would be good for things like my enlarged thyroid and occasional alopecia areata (its been a few years since my last outbreak) that can have an effect on the hair. She said it was time for my trim which I already have scheduled for this Friday and showed me a few pics that showed limited problem areas like single strand knot, weak points, breakage, diminishing root sheath (normal amount not to be concerned with hair loss or thinning). None of these in excessive amounts. My biggest focus is to address porosity issues which she said the monthly to bi weekly protein treatment should help along with limiting the amount of products I use with glycerin (no more than one) and to continue with regular trimming. My water intake needs to increase greatly (something I've been struggling with). She said do these few things and I should see improvement in a very short amount of time :) Below the summarized results/report:

Hair Porosity: High
Hair Texture: .086mm-0.110mm (Med-Thick)
Hair Length: 12 inches

Viewed collected hair shed under microscope using 60x to 1000x magnifications. Cuticles lifted, dryness and some breakage.

Recommendations: Cut ¼ inch every 12 weeks.

Protein Hair Strengthener: once a month or every two weeks: Wash hair with shampoo; rinse; apply the protein and let it set for 20 min; rinse; apply conditioner and let it set for 10 min; rinse. The Protein treatment will help to strengthen and protect the hair, minimize breakage and help the hair retain moisture. Protein will also bring your porosity to normal. When you want to keep wash n go style longer do not follow with a conditioner and use very little or no leave in and just apply your style product. (NOTE: she disclaimed that she only recommends this with their protein treatment. If using another brand then follow directions. If it says to follow with a conditioner do not skip)

Continue to wash hair with Shampoo once a week; do not cowash.

For scalp: Pre poo with coconut oil: apply coconut oil generously all over scalp and hair let it set for 20 min then wash hair. If you need a stronger pre poo for your scalp you can use our Pona Hair and Scalp treatment.

Apply leave in conditioner: Coconut Damage Control Serum( only If your leave in has glycerin); after you wash your hair; apply the coconut damage control and detangle with your fingers while smoothing the product in your hair. (keep your fingers close together when you smooth the product in. repeat the downward motion until you see the product has been absorbed by hair; do this to every section; then follow with a sealant/ styler.

I recommend you use your fingers more than any utensil. No Boars brush at all.

Do not use products that have mineral oil and petroleum.

Keep it really simple.
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I think I'm going to to this when I take these crochet braids out. I've gotten crochet braids regularly for several months, and I wonder if there is some breakage from the install process.
Got my analysis, I'm glad I did it!

I am SO happy for you! I love that by following the instructions in my analysis and using their recommended products, I don't have to guess whether or not I'm doing something good for my hair. I saw a noticeable difference in my hair within the first two weeks. Good luck on your journey!!!
I am SO happy for you! I love that by following the instructions in my analysis and using their recommended products, I don't have to guess whether or not I'm doing something good for my hair. I saw a noticeable difference in my hair within the first two weeks. Good luck on your journey!!!

Thank you!!

I can already tell a difference in the feel of my hair a few days after wash day. Usually by the 3rd day or so, it starts feeling dry, and crunchy to touch. I don't like to put lotion type moisturizers on my hair because it frizzes my hair faster and doesn't allow me to go as long without re-styling. Even lightly spritzing daily with a water based refresher, it would still end up feeling dry after a few days.

The ONLY thing I did differently was use the Komaza care protein treatment and followed her suggested usage (no follow up conditioner, no leave in). My hair is softer than usual and my curls still in tack. I used to think it was the styler that was cause the hard hair feel hard and dry (even though it had "good" ingredients), but used what always use and have really soft hair. Jenn did say the protein would help close my cuticles so my hair would retain more moisture. I recently got a trim/cut after 4 months since my previous one, so starting clean. I'm definitely going to stick with this through my next trim in 3 months.

Its been a loooooooong time since I've discovered something that improved my hair in a noticable way. I'm excited to see there is more I can do to make my hair even healthier and look even better :)

Who knew protein (which is something I thought I didn't need) was the key factor to combat dryness.
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It seems they always recommend more protein. Has anyone who used protein regularly gotten the consult? If so, what did they say? Komazacare is a line I've wanted to try but never have. This hair analysis thing is kind of cool.
I was using protein regularly. I did weekly or bi weekly mild-med protein reconstructor DC- Aubrey Gpb, alternating w/moisture DC. They said I still needed to incorporate a stronger Protein in my routine.

Eta: @nyeredzi here's my thread on my long term results:

I have another update I'll eventually post-- b/c since my hair loved protein so much, I stopped doing moisturizing DCs altogether. Komaza never advised this-- I took it upon myself to focus on only doing protein DCs about 6 months ago. That was a mistake and I recently got protein overload. I didn't even believe it existed-- but anyhoo- everything is OK by the grace of God.
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It seems they always recommend more protein. Has anyone who used protein regularly gotten the consult? If so, what did they say? Komazacare is a line I've wanted to try but never have. This hair analysis thing is kind of cool.
I use Drc 28 faithfully and will be submitting my sample sometime next week. I will be sure to share my results here.

Question do I need to really provide 100 hairs!?!
It seems they always recommend more protein. Has anyone who used protein regularly gotten the consult? If so, what did they say? Komazacare is a line I've wanted to try but never have. This hair analysis thing is kind of cool.

I was always afraid of protein so I never used it. Since my analysis, I've been using protein regularly. Lately I use Nexxus Keraphix (light protein) weekly and Nexxus Emergencee (heavy protein) monthly. As a result, it's like I have a new head of hair. Hair loss is minimal, my curls are outrageous, my hair is shiny, it take moisture like a champ. I have minimal SSKs and almost no split ends. Also, I think I've retained every inch of growth this year. I did a henna treatment on New Year's Day in order to track my growth this year (I check my greys) and so far I have about 3 inches of growth.

I hope this continues to the end of the year. I plan to do another analysis at the end of this year to see how I'm doing.
Any updates on how your hair is doing after the analysis?

I noticed a major difference in the moisture retention of my hair within the first few days. It's been about 2 months now and my hair is definitely stronger - I don't have nearly the amount of breakage I had before. I still have some ends that I need to cut which I will take care of within the next few weeks. I've repurchased a couple empties already, so I'm definitely pleased overall.
I use Drc 28 faithfully and will be submitting my sample sometime next week. I will be sure to share my results here.

Question do I need to really provide 100 hairs!?!

LOL! Give or take. They need a good amount of hairs to provide a comprehensive sample. If you wear your hear in a protective style for the week you should have a good amount of shed hair to collect on wash day. That's what I did and it was fine. :)