Hair Breakthrough with Komaza Analysis

I remember your post in the Komaza analysis thread, I felt bad for you and also remember thinking surely it couldn't be that bad? I've been eagerly awaiting your update. Thank you for taking the time to post and for giving such an honest account of your experience, I'm so happy for you that you have managed to turn your hair around and get on the right track. Your hair sure does grow fast, I hope your hair grows longer and healthier than before.
@virtuenow...If you have the information to correct, you will come out ahead in the long run. I want to get the service done.I will get the service done Lord willing! If I am in intense error, I want to turn from my evil ways, repent, pray, and seek correction.

I may need some deep correction. What is the point in driving 100 miles towards a destination andIam on the wrong route? I may need a u turn. Have you seen that sign, God allows U turns? If I get corrections, recommendations and paid professional microscopic advice, I am on the right road to a HHJ. Therer is no point going on and thinking I am looking good and I am a torn up hot mess in my hair shafts. I am sooooo looking forward to this being done. YYYiiiippppeeeee!!:grin:
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After reading the Komaza Care Analysis Services thread. I am fascinated by the analysis. I love looking at the various hair strands. Your bun is gorgeous!

Komaza Care Analysis thread was an eye opener for me. I will be taking my Iron supplements and vitamins faithfully. I will also be using protein to strenghten my natural strands. For some reason I got it in my head no protein was necessary since no longer relaxed. Wrong! I can see the bubble in my hair strands,split ends and ssk. Kicking myself for not taking advantage of a free hair analysis last year offered for free. :nono:

Thank you for Keeping us updated on your progress.
I don't think I've ever seen a link to buy the service on the Hair Analysis page. Do they usually pull the buy link down sometimes, or should I be looking somewhere else?
OMG thanks.. so how much does it cost in pounds?

MixedGirl It works out about £44 pound at the minute based on the current exchange rate it's $65

How can i contact komaza Angel of the North
Are they not accepting hair analysis at the moment

daae At the bottom of their home page there is a contact us tab, I clicked it and submitted my query and email they replied with an email within 48 hours. They have updated their website and I think they may have stopped taking clients for the service during this period, I contacted them in mid January and they were accepting clients at that time.

I don't think I've ever seen a link to buy the service on the Hair Analysis page. Do they usually pull the buy link down sometimes, or should I be looking somewhere else?

Vanthie On the left hand side of their web page there are tabs you can click underneath their logo, the first on says home, you want the fourth one for the hair analysis service.
Vanthie On the left hand side of their web page there are tabs you can click underneath their logo, the first on says home, you want the fourth one for the hair analysis service.

Hey thanks. When I go to that page there has never been an option to buy. Just information. Do you see an option to buy?
Hey thanks. When I go to that page there has never been an option to buy. Just information. Do you see an option to buy?

I was going to say they must have stopped taking orders again, when I clicked the tab last time it came up with payment options.

The hair analysis will be back on tuesday. I got an email confirming that this morning.

Thanks for clarifying, I bet it's LHCF members that have put their service into overdrive :lol:
@virtuenow I'm so happy for you! Your hair does grow fast. Now that it is healthy, I can tell that you are enjoying it even more.

I have a question. What made your hair get in such condition? Was it the weave? Did you used to flat iron a lot? I mean the results you've received just from keeping it simple, moisturizing, and protective styling have been nothing short of amazing. Was your old regimen drastically different?

Sent from my SGH-T959 using LHCF

Thanks. My old regimen? I was a heat training natural. Blowdry, flat iron once a week. And before I offically called myself heat training, I was all heat everything. The blowdryer was my friend :). You couldn't convince me that heat was damaging-- I was sure it was loose haired naturals spreading that propoganda. My hair shrinks so much I didn't think it was possible to style w/o at least blowdrying it. As far as I was concerned, airdrying was not even an option. Also, my hair felt at it's worse while it was wet.

Since my hair was not thriving w/heat, I decided to embark on a sew in journey-- to grow my hair out. At the time of the analysis, I had been in weaves for about a year. I left the front perimeter (large horseshoe) out. I flat ironed my leave-out for most of my weave journey; then I put micro's in the last few months. I was deep conditioning once a week while in sew-ins and spraying w/water-aloe vera juice and sealing w/jbco.

I had never really worn or styled my hair in a fully natural state w/o heat. So the five months on the Komaza program was also an experience of me getting to know my hair. I tried wearing wigs when I sent in my sample and b/c I wash my hair so much and I'm so active, the wigs tore my scalp up!

I would have to create a whole new thread to tell you how I finally learned how to detangle my natural hair and then how I learned how to stretch it for styles (like twists and buns). Things I originally thought were impossible, became possible through building the strength and moisture of my hair. That really made the difference.
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I remember your post in the Komaza analysis thread, I felt bad for you and also remember thinking surely it couldn't be that bad? I've been eagerly awaiting your update. Thank you for taking the time to post and for giving such an honest account of your experience, I'm so happy for you that you have managed to turn your hair around and get on the right track. Your hair sure does grow fast, I hope your hair grows longer and healthier than before.

After seeing my first analysis, you have to agree, it was "that bad" :yep:. In fact, everyone else had at least some good things said about their hair. It was hard to read that thread and see that I had the worse analysis of them all!!!
My thoughts exactly...I was reading the other thread and thought for sure that I would do it but then I started reading the newer comments and thought "maybe not." This thread has definitely convinced me to give a try. Thanks for sharing virtuenow.

Dare~to~Dream I saw those comments, and every now and then I had to interject. The ladies at Komaza went above and beyond the call of duty. The time and attention they took to hearing my story; and then just talking to me, comforted me and and focused me back in on the fact that I could turn my hair around. I really thought it was over but they knew it wasn't. I'm only giving a small snippett of all they did. So if anything, they truly did get swamped and happen to be a small new company. I hope everyone gives them a chance!
virtuenow I'm so happy for you! Your hair looks awesome! I was so in shock when you first posted that your hair was awful and had to be cut; I'm so glad the plan they outlined really allowed your hair to thrive! Jenn sounds awesome.

Now I want to try the Komaza protein conditioner since we are still AO sister-wives.
OP, it doesn't sound like you chopped much hair or BC after the first analysis? The hairs repaired themselves with the right products?

Congrats btw! Your hair is gorgeous!

I'm so happy for you! That's awesome progress.

Can you tell me more about the treatment for your scalp issues? I was stationed in South Korea for a year living in mold infested dorms with brown water coming out of the faucet and got a bacterial infection under my scalp. I now have a fist size thinning/balding spot in the middle of my head. The infection seems to have finally cleared up but the hair has still not grown back. And the hair that's left seems to not grow anymore. This has been going on for 4 years now. Thank the Lord that my hair is so thick that you can't tell I have the thin spot unless I part my hair off & show it to people.

The derm prescribed steroids & antibiotics but what seemed to clear up the infection was colloidal silver applied topically. I have been using pure aloe Vera gel on my scalp a few times a week. But my follicles seem to be "clogged" or still inflamed. I just know something still isn't right.

You said Komaza recommended aloe Vera on the scalp, colloidal silver internally and a special concoction. Can you tell me more about it?


Sent from my iPhone 4S using LHCF
Great news @virtuenow....glad the service worked for you as well
coyacoy you started it all! Thanks for turning us on to this service!


Did they give you any recommendations about heat, or tell you not to use it?

She suggested I take a break from heat. I wasn't interested in using heat anymore or getting a heat routine at all.

@virtuenow I'm so happy for you! Your hair looks awesome! I was so in shock when you first posted that your hair was awful and had to be cut; I'm so glad the plan they outlined really allowed your hair to thrive! Jenn sounds awesome.

Now I want to try the Komaza protein conditioner since we are still AO sister-wives.

NappyNelle hey its my sister! Thank you, girl. Yes, AO will never leave my routine. But the Komaza products added that extra "umph" I needed. Thanks for doing the twist n bun challenges, it actually gave me styles to wear and helped me get used to wearing my real natural hair.

OP, it doesn't sound like you chopped much hair or BC after the first analysis? The hairs repaired themselves with the right products?

Congrats btw! Your hair is gorgeous!

Thank you! I cut about 8-10 inches up front; about 4-6 inches in the middle; and 1-2 inches in back. It was a lot of hair. I had to cut most of the damage at once; the rest I gradually trimmed off w/smaller bi-monthly trims.


I'm so happy for you! That's awesome progress.

Can you tell me more about the treatment for your scalp issues? I was stationed in South Korea for a year living in mold infested dorms with brown water coming out of the faucet and got a bacterial infection under my scalp. I now have a fist size thinning/balding spot in the middle of my head. The infection seems to have finally cleared up but the hair has still not grown back. And the hair that's left seems to not grow anymore. This has been going on for 4 years now. Thank the Lord that my hair is so thick that you can't tell I have the thin spot unless I part my hair off & show it to people.

The derm prescribed steroids & antibiotics but what seemed to clear up the infection was colloidal silver applied topically. I have been using pure aloe Vera gel on my scalp a few times a week. But my follicles seem to be "clogged" or still inflamed. I just know something still isn't right.

You said Komaza recommended aloe Vera on the scalp, colloidal silver internally and a special concoction. Can you tell me more about it?


Sent from my iPhone 4S using LHCF

Hey, I told you they knew what they were talking about. I actually used the colloidal silver topically and took it internally too. If you buy the liquid version, it will give you instructions for how to take it. I got mine at GNC and the clerk there said her husband used it regularly for his scalp & skin. There is a little more, so I'll pm the rest later.

Thank you for sharing your experience! I am intrigued by this service and will try it once they start taking new orders. Your bun is gorgeous!! You need to post a how to video.

I don't really have any hair problems to speak of (that I'm aware of at least) but did notice my hair feeling a bit drier now that I've used henna and indigo a few times.
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