Hair Breakthrough with Komaza Analysis

Thanks. My old regimen? I was a heat training natural. Blowdry, flat iron once a week. And before I offically called myself heat training, I was all heat everything. The blowdryer was my friend :). You couldn't convince me that heat was damaging-- I was sure it was loose haired naturals spreading that propoganda. My hair shrinks so much I didn't think it was possible to style w/o at least blowdrying it. As far as I was concerned, airdrying was not even an option. Also, my hair felt at it's worse while it was wet.

Since my hair was not thriving w/heat, I decided to embark on a sew in journey-- to grow my hair out. At the time of the analysis, I had been in weaves for about a year. I left the front perimeter (large horseshoe) out. I flat ironed my leave-out for most of my weave journey; then I put micro's in the last few months. I was deep conditioning once a week while in sew-ins and spraying w/water-aloe vera juice and sealing w/jbco.

I had never really worn or styled my hair in a fully natural state w/o heat. So the five months on the Komaza program was also an experience of me getting to know my hair. I tried wearing wigs when I sent in my sample and b/c I wash my hair so much and I'm so active, the wigs tore my scalp up!

I would have to create a whole new thread to tell you how I finally learned how to detangle my natural hair and then how I learned how to stretch it for styles (like twists and buns). Things I originally thought were impossible, became possible through building the strength and moisture of my hair. That really made the difference.

The bold sections are my sentiments as well.
Did you continue with the sew in to grow your hair out? This is what I'm trying to do, trying to gain enough length so that I don't need heat to stretch it.

Would you please share with us how and what you did to eliminate the blowdryer altogether and what you did to stretch your hair in it's natural wet state, i.e. method, products, hooded dryer?

@virtuenow Did you ever post that thread about your detangling?

Phoenix14 I said I would post a detangling thread if the ladies requested it. I don't remember anyone making a request! It would be great if I could also do a video tutorial b/c it's quite involved; but I will do a new thread on the topic. My detangling has gotten even better since I made this original post.

Thanks for bumping this. I needed to subscribe to her channel.

faithVA My channel? Do I have a channel??! Lol. Thanks!

@virtuenow Just wondered what you used to correct your porosity and how often? I also had high porosity with raised cuticles:ohwell:

Vanthie Balancing my protein and moisture is what corrected my porosity. I use a moisture/protein reconstructing deep conditioner weekly, Aubrey Organics GPB (AO Gpb). It's affects last about a week, adds strength, moisture, and I guess fills in holes. It truly does "reconstruct" the strands to act right! The hair gets stronger w/each application. I do a shot of pure protein once a month (Komaza's Protein Strengthener) and follow that w/a moisture DC-- Aubrey Honeysuckle Rose (AO Hsr).

I also cut out harsh shampoos which are drying and raise the cuticles even further. I dilute my non-sulfate shampoo (Shea Moisture) in an applicator bottle and only shampoo my scalp. Some of my ends were so damaged that I could not correct the porosity and I chopped those areas.

@virtuenow, I watched your bun video. Very nice! :yep:

How do you maintain your bun? Do you take it down every night? tia

faithVA thanks, you know that's not my video, right? But I used it to help me learn to style my 4b/c hair in buns! I take the bun down every night. However, I did not take the twists down that make up the bun until wash day. I did my bun journey the last session of the twist/bun challenge.

Daily, I spritzed w/water or my Komaza Califia Moisture Spritz, then added the Komaza Shea Lotion and sealed w/their Jojoba Hemp Oil. I smoothed down/added shine (and final seal) w/Oyins Burnt Sugar Pomade. I never really use gel on my hair (I do not understand it). Now I'm in mini-twists. When I do buns again, I will move it around a bit more so that I don't stress my edges.

The bold sections are my sentiments as well.
Did you continue with the sew in to grow your hair out? This is what I'm trying to do, trying to gain enough length so that I don't need heat to stretch it.

Would you please share with us how and what you did to eliminate the blowdryer altogether and what you did to stretch your hair in it's natural wet state, i.e. method, products, hooded dryer?


yodie I wore sew-ins for a year. When I got the analysis, I took the sew-in down, never to return to them (thus far). I will have to make a separate post about how I detangle and stretch. The process is quite involved. I will have to organize it and then present it in a similar (but more brief) fashion to this thread. It was a painful process for me to learn how to do this, so hopefully I can save some super-tight haired girls the pain and time I went through!
Thank you lady for your testimony :up: looking forward to see the detangling session :Smile:
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Congrats to your success!!! I was thinking of doing something like this in August..... That way I can rebuild my hair during the winter and gain a healthier head. Off to their thread!

Did you ever make the detangle thread with directions on your method? If so, please bump it.

If not, I'm making a formal request for that information/thread. TIA

Sent from my Speak & Spell using LHCF

Did you ever make the detangle thread with directions on your method? If so, please bump it.

If not, I'm making a formal request for that information/thread. TIA

Sent from my Speak & Spell using LHCF

No, I haven't made a detangling thread yet. It's such an intricate process, I'm thinking of writing a book. The good thing is, once you've got it, you got it-- and there is no fuss. But the process to get there-- to find your personal best detangling method/routine-- is quite a task. I'll bring in some snippet of my notes and copy you. And yes, divachyk I've had long term success since my Komaza analysis: to be exact, I've been gaining consistent length since my analysis; whereas I have never had regular length gain & retention before. This thread speaks to that, and still holds true.

I am glad the analysis has helped you improve your retention, this is wonderful! Its great that you have found a detangling method that works for ya as well. I think ppl are off put by the price not realizing the time/energy saved on hair as well as $$$ saved on products that don't work.

I think this service is also great for folks that naturals just starting their hair journey or those who have health issues that effect their hair too.
virtuenow, it's been a while since I've been through this entire thread. Often times we love something at first to later find it's not all that great in the end, or at least that's my experience with some things. Thanks for updating me that you're pleased with the overall process implementation from a long term perspective.
virtuenow Please whenever you make a thread or write a book in detangling, know that I can't wait. I have you pegged as my hair twin and I'm going through the same issues as you before your analysis. I just ordered some of their products in sample sizes and will be shampooing more and focusing on upping protein. Based on their advice for you and others, protein seems to be important for a lot of naturals and I rarely use weak protein more than once a month and I never use a stronger one. I was always afraid of protein since I hear it makes the hard hard.

I know I have mid shaft splits, frayed ends, spit ends, bubbles, and high porosity and I don't need a microscope to see that since it's so rampant. I hope I can turn my hair around like you. I plan on cutting my hair from BSL to APL all around to start fresh.

Thanks for sharing!
fluffyforever I'll try and tag you and everyone that has requested detangling info (hopefully not too much longer--time permitting), and thanks. A fresh start sounds good, happy hair growing (hhg)!