Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

[USER=105443 said:
coyacoy[/USER];16260059]Lol...i know the feeling....i got my envelope after work one day and had it in the mail back to them the next day! I was literally counting the days

How long did it take you to get the envelopes after you ordered? I know we are in different locations but just wanted and idea.

Yes, my envelope will be in the mail the same day or the next day depending on when I get it.

At least I will know something about my hair. And I think it will be very useful if they can tell me about the products I am using. No matter what it will be more than I know now.
faithVA said:
How long did it take you to get the envelopes after you ordered? I know we are in different locations but just wanted and idea.

Yes, my envelope will be in the mail the same day or the next day depending on when I get it.

At least I will know something about my hair. And I think it will be very useful if they can tell me about the products I am using. No matter what it will be more than I know now.

That is exactly how i felt....give me something concrete, please! :-) The 3 month follow up is a huge plus as well so that we can see what has changed etc...

Re: shipping time i know they ship from CA so depending on where you are....i am in AZ so it only took a couple of days. They do use priority mail so that helps as well....
[USER=105443 said:
coyacoy[/USER];16260307]That is exactly how i felt....give me something concrete, please! :-) The 3 month follow up is a huge plus as well so that we can see what has changed etc...

Re: shipping time i know they ship from CA so depending on where you are....i am in AZ so it only took a couple of days. They do use priority mail so that helps as well....

Since you received the results what changes have you made so far?
faithVA said:
Since you received the results what changes have you made so far?

faithVA.... I stopped letting deep conditioner sit on my hair all day or all night now that I understand how it staying that moist for so long can contribute to my hair's weakness.... also no more baggying overnight for the same reason.... I've upped my protein usage from biweekly to every week now and I went ahead and trimmed another 3 quarters of an inch and then will do that again in 2 months per the hair analysis results and recommendations.... she guesstimated that my hair grows about that amount or an inch every month... last but not least I am simplifying my reggie and instead of doing henna every couple of weeks I am just going to henna once a month... I also cut out a couple of the products I was using again as per the hair analysis results :-)
@faithVA.... I stopped letting deep conditioner sit on my hair all day or all night now that I understand how it staying that moist for so long can contribute to my hair's weakness.... also no more baggying overnight for the same reason.... I've upped my protein usage from biweekly to every week now and I went ahead and trimmed another 3 quarters of an inch and then will do that again in 2 months per the hair analysis results and recommendations.... she guesstimated that my hair grows about that amount or an inch every month... last but not least I am simplifying my reggie and instead of doing henna every couple of weeks I am just going to henna once a month... I also cut out a couple of the products I was using again as per the hair analysis results :-)

Very Nice. Thanks.
This was a great post coyacoy! Thanks so much for the info. It would be really interesting to do this with my hair since I have been transitioning for 8 months. I would love to know the differences between my natural hair and my relaxed hair at this point, and maybe get ahead of the game in finding out what regimen and products might work best for my natural hair as it grows out. Thanks again for sharing your experience!
Lavendar said:
This was a great post coyacoy! Thanks so much for the info. It would be really interesting to do this with my hair since I have been transitioning for 8 months. I would love to know the differences between my natural hair and my relaxed hair at this point, and maybe get ahead of the game in finding out what regimen and products might work best for my natural hair as it grows out. Thanks again for sharing your experience!

Lavender....you are so welcome! Let us know if you decide to try it! :-)
My package shipped today priority mail. So I should have it Friday or Saturday. That's good because I need to color my hair :lol:
Thanks for the info! I ordered the LiveCurlyLiveFree Hair analysis about a year ago and learned some interesting things. I'm still having issues managing my low porosity, breakage, and moisture/protein balance, however. I may look into this as well.

I'm definitely waiting for faithVA's feedback, since we have very similar hair (low-po, 4b, etc.)
I am curious to do this, but don't want to know if there are any issues with my hair. :lol: So far, my hair has pretended to play nicely. I want her to keep pretending. Ignorance (in the right circumstance) is bliss. :lol:
Woot! Countdown!!! ;-)

I got my package today. Of course of all the days my hair decides it doesn't want to shed today.

Usually I have a pile of hair in my shower and sink filter. I went to look for hair tonight after I cowashed and what? :nono: Found like 2 or 3 strands.
This has never happened in the history of my hair :lol:

I cowash again tomorrow and will not hoping for shedding but at least a little bit.
Ogoma said:
I am curious to do this, but don't want to know if there are any issues with my hair. :lol: So far, my hair has pretended to play nicely. I want her to keep pretending. Ignorance (in the right circumstance) is bliss. :lol:

Lol Ogoma....hey well if it ain't broke don't fix it :-)
faithVA said:
I got my package today. Of course of all the days my hair decides it doesn't want to shed today.

Usually I have a pile of hair in my shower and sink filter. I went to look for hair tonight after I cowashed and what? :nono: Found like 2 or 3 strands.
This has never happened in the history of my hair :lol:

I cowash again tomorrow and will not hoping for shedding but at least a little bit.

faithVA - that dayum murphy and his laws! Of course they're no shed hairs when u need them!!!
JBunnie said:
faithVA, Clearly your hair is too smart for its own good, darn it!

Bet money if I buy it I'll have the same issue

JBunnie - here's a thought ....you could start saving your clean shed hairs right after you purchase the service and then that way you'll be ready to go once you receive the package
I received my call last night. She spent an entire hour on the phone with me explaining each one of the 11 images in full detail; and answered all of my questions thoroughly. She then summarized all the analysis data (including that from our conversation), guidance and recommendations for healthy hair (internal and external practices) into separate documents for my reference.

I have full access to the slides and can save or move them where ever I would like.

I learned that I have VERY high porosity hair - not on the lower side as I had previously believed.

I learned that overall my hair is in excellent shape (she actually showed me the coolest slide that captured the "kink" in a perfectly healthy strand - that was kind of cool).

I learned that even though my hair is healthy overall, I do indeed still have some trimming to do. She recommended an amount and timeframe to do so. She was able to assess the timeframe in which she believed the damage occurred based on the current location and as compared to the state of the rest of the strand(s) - which was a huge help in my getting closer to an accurate assessment of what specific hair care practices cause damage for me. This was something that has been an ongoing concern - if I'm not sure what caused it, how can I ensure I don't cause it again?

She was able to provide so very much insight into the state of my hair; including exactly how far up the hair strand she could begin to see some weakness.

I received feedback on my current vitamin intake as well as my current hair care reggie - including products! And she did not at all try to push products - as a matter of fact, she suggested I eliminate one of the KC products I had been using from my reggie based on my hair's needs.

Overall, it was such a wonderful experience and well worth the money. I just wanted to pass this along - especially if you have been struggling and can't quite get a handle on things to your satisfaction. This is worthwhile service.

HTH and HHG!!

Blessings :yep:

ETA: i forgot to add that in 3 months, I am supposed to mail in a second hair sample (assumably after having implemented their recommendations) using the 2nd envelope in the original package. They will then do a second assessment and call me again with those results!!!

coyacoy, As a high porosity girl myself, this was interesting to me cuz it seems like everybody on the board is low porosity. Aside from no overnight dc's, what else have you changed in your reggie?
@coyacoy, As a high porosity girl myself, this was interesting to me cuz it seems like everybody on the board is low porosity. Aside from no overnight dc's, what else have you changed in your reggie?
@Honey_Bee - i have recently started to ACV rinse after every other wash to help close the cuticle and seal in the moisture. I used to do this about a year ago, but for no other reason than bandwagon hopping...then i came across several posts warning that ACV rinsing could dry out your hair and lead to breakage, so i stopped. not really knowing or noticing the benefits of doing this i really didn't have any pros or cons of my own to weigh - just what i had read.

Since I've started the ACV rinse, I notice that when I slide my fingers down my shed hairs it feels much less bumpy, which is a good thing; i believe that it's helping to close and smooth the cuticle.

re: my porosity confusion...i have done that doggone hair in a sink of water porosity test 50-11 times and clearly I got it wrong - i have no idea how, but at first it seemed my hair floated forever, then it seemed like half the strand went under right away and the rest floated so i just stuck to my initial assessment that i was low porosity. not so much as it turns out, lol; and understanding that I am actually high on the porosity makes soooo much more sense now - a duh.

In terms of other changes I've made - I upped my water intake and started taking my vitamins more consistently. One thing I neglected to mention I learned through this analysis is that there were these sort of ridges on some of my strands that according to the analysis was a result of either heat usage (i.e. flat ironing on wet hair she specified is when she would normally see something like that) or a nutrient deficiency. Since I don't use heat, and had been seriously slacking lately/for the past several months on water intake and was sporadic with my vitamin reggie, I figured it had to be that; and have since stepped those things up. I am particularly interested to see if this has improved at the 3 month follow up mark.

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[USER=149048 said:
Honey Bee[/USER];16291709]@coyacoy, As a high porosity girl myself, this was interesting to me cuz it seems like everybody on the board is low porosity. Aside from no overnight dc's, what else have you changed in your reggie?

Most of the women on the board are normal porosity. There are very few low porosity women on the board. Not sure about high porosity but they are far less than normal porosity.

coyacoy, I don't think that water test is that accurate :ohwell: Just my opinion. It probably did work at one time but over time whatever details we needed to judge it accurately didn't translate over.
Most of the women on the board are normal porosity. There are very few low porosity women on the board. Not sure about high porosity but they are far less than normal porosity.

coyacoy, I don't think that water test is that accurate :ohwell: Just my opinion. It probably did work at one time but over time whatever details we needed to judge it accurately didn't translate over.
faithVA - yes, I think you are right about that re: the test
hey ladies, just an fyi if you were thinking about ordering from Komaza - they are having a 15% off sale for today only - prices are marked, so no code needed. I'm not sure whether it would apply to the hair analysis service, but definitely their products!

HHG! :yep:

ETA: well I'll be! it does apply to the hair analysis!! shux! I remember they had a 15% off sale like literally the day after I ordered mine and I took solice in my assumption that the analysis wouldn't have been included in the sale anyway so i never even went back in to check! so out of curiousity i just did and low and behold it's included :look:! That drops the price form $65 to $55!!!!
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big thanks to coyacoy! i saw this thread but forgot to renew my subscription so i couldn't reply, but if you got 100 komaza points recently, that was me! my analysis kit shipped earlier this week, so it should be in the mail soon. maybe i should go check the box real quick... my hair is always down for some sheddin', lol.

i'm relaxed, & about 5 months into an unintentionally long stretch, so i wanna make sure my hair is in the right condition to relax it. when i saw this thread, i was in my "prep mode" about to relax this weekend, so you were very timely!

oh, you keep saying 3 months for your follow up analysis, but the site says 3 weeks?