Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

I am excited yet scared to get my analysis. I ordered last night. I hope my hair is in better condition than I think. Think positive, think positive, think positive!

Thank you ladies for all the great information and sharing your results.
I am going to email and if she will do this for someone in Canada.

Ogoma, can you let us know if Komaza would provide the service to someone in Canada. If no, then wondering if they would be open to providing the service to international clients with a US mail address ( I use a mail service who forwards mail to Canada from US vendors).
@Ogoma, can you let us know if Komaza would provide the service to someone in Canada. If no, then wondering if they would be open to providing the service to international clients with a US mail address ( I use a mail service who forwards mail to Canada from US vendors).

I sent them the email this morning so I'll let you know once I hear back from them. I have a US mailing address, but I want it as soon as possible. I don't want it sitting in my box waiting for me. I need to apply for a nexus card so I can stop being lazy about that long border wait.
i thought it was crazy that i should relax quick, but my new growth is healthy. i'm surprised by that, because i flat ironed a handful of times during this stretch. also because i just knew the new growth was catching hades during my detangling sessions.

lemme show ya'll the pics real quick before i get to yappin' some more:lol:
i combine/condensed them so they'd fit in one post


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  • healthy new growth.JPG
    healthy new growth.JPG
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ok, so after letting it all marinate, here's what i've figured out ( i actually wrote this all down:look:)

1)protect my old hair
-silk and plant proteins to help glue my hair together and prevent more problems
-least manipulation as possible (braids, maybe have to do a weave:ohwell:)
-get on a keratin-product schedule
-base the heck out of it before relaxing
-no skipping trims. that old hair needs to go
-use products with slip for smoothness when i'm combing

2)no long stretches for a while (also, why i need to relax already)
-those "elbows", though not bad, are a nuisance. they add to the rough feel, and i need as much smoothness as possible right now.
-don't need curly hairs wrapping up inside a split, or getting caught on an exposed hair fiber, thus breaking the strands
-she said if i don't relax, to at least put heat to the new growth

-she sent a document that said no cones, etc., but when we talked she didn't mention anything at all about what to actually use outside of proteins. i did say i used elasta qp intense with the silk in it, and she said that was good. eqp does have nono stuff in it, but it's cheap, easy to get, and does its job. going to get the silk h20 spray again that has silk too.
-jojoba oil, since she said jojoba protein was good. funny, 'cause i tried it once and liked it.
-coconut oil. it helps hold protein i believe, plus gives some shine
-detangler. no idea what to use. but i'll try oil washing maybe with coconut and jojoba oils. cocoba oil:lol:
ya'll, after i saw that, i had to apologize to my hair. i knew i messed it upwith my indecisiveness, but actually seeing the damage made me feel so bad. i'm glad it's not as bad as i thought, but then again, i only sent in some choice hairs. who knows what the rejected hairs would've told me.

i'm mad about the 3" though. the last time i tried for full official bsl, something was up with my hair, and i had to cut. a whole freakin year and a half of grazing it. now it looks like it'll be another year of that.

oh well. at least i know what to do, and not just guess. it'd be my luck i make it worse. matter of fact, i kinda did. i thought maybe if i stopped using protein, and try to shoot for moisture overload, my hair would get softer. not only did i make my damage worse, but ironically, protein helps your hair hold moisture. go figure.
me-T - how did you get your images uploaded? I keep getting an error message!? I tried doing right from dropbox as well as saving to my computer as jpg and uploading that way. i can't get the copy/paste function to work either. i don't understand, i've posted tons of pics on lhcf before?
ya'll, after i saw that, i had to apologize to my hair. i knew i messed it upwith my indecisiveness, but actually seeing the damage made me feel so bad. i'm glad it's not as bad as i thought, but then again, i only sent in some choice hairs. who knows what the rejected hairs would've told me.

i'm mad about the 3" though. the last time i tried for full official bsl, something was up with my hair, and i had to cut. a whole freakin year and a half of grazing it. now it looks like it'll be another year of that.

oh well. at least i know what to do, and not just guess. it'd be my luck i make it worse. matter of fact, i kinda did. i thought maybe if i stopped using protein, and try to shoot for moisture overload, my hair would get softer. not only did i make my damage worse, but ironically, protein helps your hair hold moisture. go figure.
Exactly!! Even though it might be another year, at least you'll know precisely what you are doing and that makes it so much easier to be patient, IMO. Congrats on your results!! :-)

ETA: interesting re: the coconut oil and helping to hold protein in your previous post - never knew that
i just used the manage attachments thing when you post a message (advanced, not quick reply. i don't even know how any other way.
i just used the manage attachments thing when you post a message (advanced, not quick reply. i don't even know how any other way.
Thanks.....well it's gotta be my work computer then. Sorry @virtuenow, I'll have to wait until tonight when I get home and do it from there. Maybe it's a sign i need to get my butt back to work

I heard back from Komaza Care. I assume this would apply to all international buyers.

The way our Hair Analysis works is we send a packet with the instructions, questionnaire and two self address envelopes to send your hair shed and completed questionnaire back.

We are willing to send you the instructions, questionnaire and our address via email and you can send us the questionnaire and hair shed. Once we are completed with your results we will set up a time to call you and you will have access online to view your results.

If you would like to purchase this please give us a call and we can take the order over the phone. Our phone number is 877 219 6227 and sometimes calls from Canada do not go through on the 800 number so you may have to dial 916 273 7615. Our hours are M,T,W and F from 9am to 3pm PST.

We look forward to talking to you.

@Ogoma, thanks for the mention. Good to know they offer the service outside the US. I plan on ordering the analysis. Based on the previous reviews, I love that the service is so personalized and the results are detailed...like a prescription for your hair care woes. I am curious to learn how well or poorly I have been doing with my hair journey It will be nice knowing if I should be doing things differently or continue with the status quo.

Not to hijack the thread but...question for you on your comment about the nexus card? Do you go across the border Buffalo to shop for hair products and if you do are there any good BSS selling quality stuff where you shop at? Inquiring minds wanna know.:yep:
hair4today said:
@Ogoma, thanks for the mention. Good to know they offer the service outside the US. I plan on ordering the analysis. Based on the previous reviews, I love that the service is so personalized and the results are detailed...like a prescription for your hair care woes. I am curious to learn how well or poorly I have been doing with my hair journey It will be nice knowing if I should be doing things differently or continue with the status quo.

Not to hijack the thread but...question for you on your comment about the nexus card? Do you go across the border Buffalo to shop for hair products and if you do are there any good BSS selling quality stuff where you shop at? Inquiring minds wanna know.:yep:

I am in Vancouver. I just ship stuff and pick them up across the border. I also go to Target and Trader Joe's when I am there. I've never been to a BSS there. I know people that go every week to do regular grocery shopping. It is about a 40 min trip from downtown, but the border wait can be anywhere from 15 mins to an hour. Very annoying watching the nexus folks fly by :lol:.
Ok ladies I've just ordered my hair analysis :grin:! I also have a customer code if any one would like to use it for any purchase on their website. My code is ZFACED8C. I've also learned that you must be a new customer in order to use an existing customer code.

I just used your code to place my order.
Here's my code in case someone wants to order under me. I'd really appreciate it.

I live in LA. Maybe I'll get my kit soon. (Crosses fingers)
mamaore said:
faithVA please let u sknow if you eventually decide to try out this product.
coyacoy do you know if they offer this service internationally? I'm in Canada. I would love to try this out in the future

mamaore: she'll ship to Canada but you'll need to call to purchase (see email above).

Did you say you got a confirmation email for shipment? I ordered on Wednesday, and I guess it hasn't been mailed yet.

Yes. I received a tracking number from whoever they shipped through.

They don't ship every day. It may be several days before they send your package.
I got my shipment confirmation the day after I ordered. Maybe check your SPAM folder?
ETA: Ordered Wednesday, shipped Thursday.

Yeah that's a good idea to check your Spam folder.

But I ordered on June 25th and it wasn't shipped until the 27th. They ship quickly but it's not always the same day or even next day.
I placed my order a few minutes ago. I got my instructions and will mail back the questionaire and the hair on Monday.
yodie I am trying t o use your code, but it is saying that has expired or is invalid

Darn. Just saw this message. They just gave me that code. Thanks for trying. I'll check it out. Thanks for letting me know.

Can someone else try to use my code and let me know if it works?

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