Just found out this guy I've been dating for months


Well-Known Member
has a girlfriend :sad:. My friend discovered some very recent photos of him together with his girlfriend, and got the confirmation through a close source that they are an item. I was so heartbroken and disgusted/chocked that I just deleted his info from my phone (bbm and number) without confronting him about anything. What pisses me off the most is that I met him though mutual friends and no one told me anything until now. Should I have at least confronted him first?
I probably would have at least sent him a text letting him know that I know about his GF and not to contact me anymore. Don't let it get you down, consider yourself the lucky one. (((hug))
You don't owe him anything. If he contacts you tell him he should be sending that ext to his girlfriend and end it there. You deserve better.
I probably would have at least sent him a text letting him know that I know about his GF and not to contact me anymore. Don't let it get you down, consider yourself the lucky one. (((hug))


At least you're not the one with the cheating boyfriend. Now, you have room for better.:yep:
^^ What they said. I wouldn't even give him the satisfaction of knowing why he was cut off. Just ignore his calls/texts/bbms let him go crazy wondering why, and you my friend just had a lucky escape.
Sorry to hear of this happening to you. No,don't contact him. Sooner or later,he will come sniffing around,wondering why he hasn't heard from you.
Once he does that,then you can lower the boom on his butt,and keep moving forward with your life.....
You need to seriously consider if these "mutual friends" are really friends at all. I am going to say they are NOT.

Take care of yourself.
People amaze me... it is so messed up that people you know let you go on dealing with this dude and they KNEW he had a GF. You need to evaluate those people because they are NOT quality individuals. It amazes me, if you wanted to steal a piece of penny candy there would be a line of folks trying to turn you in, but if you want to cheat the whole world turns itself inside out to accommodate it.
I would not contact him. However you should re-evaluate your friendship with the so called mutual friends who didn't mention it to you. Of course some of them may say they thought you knew... But
No, I don't think you should confront him instead wait for HIM to say something to you then drop the bombshell :yep:

As for your mutual friends....those aren't friends. It's almost as if they did this on purpose hoping that you'd find out, confront him and the GF and these mutual friends would just sit back and watch the drama unfold. Find new friends to roll with because the ones you have, don't give a d*** about you.
:( sorry about this....as for those mutual friends, please be careful of the company you keep, these people don't sound like friends to me!!!
Just curious, were your mutual "friends" male? This sounds like some guy player type stuff. I'm sorry you're hurt, buy you were wise in the way you handled things. I hate hearing about when people discover this information and they need to talk to the person to get closure. It puts too much control into the hands of someone who has already shown that they don't have your best interest at heart.
Wow, I dunno...after finding something like that out. It would be SOOOOO hard not to confront the person. If I held it, I'd sit on it until I exploded. I say confront his arse, let it out and let it go. BUT if you're a person that can handle news like that and you get satisfaction out of just walking away without a word...do so. I just couldnt do it. Ima have to hit you with a hammer (figuratively speaking) first.

Sorry this has happened. I hate trife life dudes.
has a girlfriend :sad:. My friend discovered some very recent photos of him together with his girlfriend, and got the confirmation through a close source that they are an item. I was so heartbroken and disgusted/chocked that I just deleted his info from my phone (bbm and number) without confronting him about anything. What pisses me off the most is that I met him though mutual friends and no one told me anything until now. Should I have at least confronted him first?

Hmmm, I'm going to have to swim against the tide here and say that you should definitely talk to him directly. I dont play that "he-said, she-said" BS. Were you dating exclusively? How do you know this is true when the info was through a third party? You have been dating for months so do you think you can have a straight forward conversation with him? How well do you know him?
Aww, I'm sorry this happened, but hey, did you really lose anything?

I'm wondering, did you ask him if he had a girlfriend and he said he was single at any point? Or did you not ask at all? Just curious.
I say dont contact him and when he does come around to you just ignore him.

What's the point of ANY further contact with him?

No matter what the 'story' is, he's not 100% faithful to YOU and that's all that matters. Snip him and keep it moving.

People posting above talking about dropping the bomb on him....wtf will that do? He won't care.

Cut your losses and find someone worth your time. He's obviously no where near good enough for you.

Sorry you went through this at all.

PS - who are these "friends" you met through? I'd consider snipping them as well... but that's just me.


Edited to add: how do you know you're not the girlfriend and the other chick is the 'other' woman? you saw recent pics of them together, did you see any older pics of them together?

(I'm not trying to start anything, I was just considering, maybe the mutual friends didn't know about the other chick at all when they introduced you two cuz maybe she wasn't in the picture yet)
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I'd let him wonder, that'll hurt him or at least let him know that you're not bothered by him (eventhough you are).