"suspicious" Older Man Asked Me Out

Okay, ladies, here is the rundown. I'm lazy, so ya'll are getting bullet points. :lol:

  • We went to a wine bar which was interesting, but it was full of 20 somethings. As they got more drunk, we clowned them.
  • Within 20 minutes he says he's too old for me (nicely, of course) but he just really liked me.
  • He talks A LOT. Wow. Not a bad thing, but he talked for an extra 15 minutes after walking me to the car and I was so sleepy. lol
  • He's very lighthearted and comes across as being younger than he is without seeming immature.
  • He's dated multiple black women. But he almost grew up being one of the few white kids in and all black area school, so that makes sense.
  • He has no biological children, but his stepson (late teens) lives with him. The mom lives on Maui.
  • Creepy coincidences - we were born in the same hospital! We were both raised in the DC area. He purchased his first house 20 minutes away from where I grew up.
  • I shocked both of us when I said I wanted to get together again. We're driving to the North Shore.
  • Is it normal for old guys to feel kind of grateful to be hanging out with a younger woman? The man seemed grateful for everything I did. I swear this man looked like he won the damn lottery after I hugged him.
Thanks for your support and encouragement!
Okay, ladies, here is the rundown. I'm lazy, so ya'll are getting bullet points. :lol:

  • We went to a wine bar which was interesting, but it was full of 20 somethings. As they got more drunk, we clowned them.
  • Within 20 minutes he says he's too old for me (nicely, of course) but he just really liked me.
  • He talks A LOT. Wow. Not a bad thing, but he talked for an extra 15 minutes after walking me to the car and I was so sleepy. lol
  • He's very lighthearted and comes across as being younger than he is without seeming immature.
  • He's dated multiple black women. But he almost grew up being one of the few white kids in and all black area school, so that makes sense.
  • He has no biological children, but his stepson (late teens) lives with him. The mom lives on Maui.
  • Creepy coincidences - we were born in the same hospital! We were both raised in the DC area. He purchased his first house 20 minutes away from where I grew up.
  • I shocked both of us when I said I wanted to get together again. We're driving to the North Shore.
  • Is it normal for old guys to feel kind of grateful to be hanging out with a younger woman? The man seemed grateful for everything I did. I swear this man looked like he won the damn lottery after I hugged him.
Thanks for your support and encouragement!
WOW, I am happy for you. Seems like you had a great time.
How do you feel about HIM? How does he make you feel when you are around him?
I am also glad to see you took the initiative to see him again.
What are you guys birthdays if you don't mind me asking?
WOW, I am happy for you. Seems like you had a great time. How do you feel about HIM? How does he make you feel when you are around him? I am also glad to see you took the initiative to see him again. What are you guys birthdays if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not sure what his bday is, but mind is 4/16. I'll try and remember to ask him when next we talk.

How do I feel about him? It kind of changed depending on what we were talking about. Not gonna lie. When he talked about his career and business, I was like:


I think that's a natural reaction to realizing a man is stable and can provide. I'm happy with the way my life is, though. The only "come up" that I'd be interested in is traveling more. My old crap car, so-so apartment, social service job, etc. suit me just fine. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world and I'm grateful for that.

I also experienced feelings of being safe, but self-conscious that some people were judging us. It was also flattering that he was really valuing my time and attention. I'm not used to that.
Okay, ladies, here is the rundown. I'm lazy, so ya'll are getting bullet points. :lol:

  • We went to a wine bar which was interesting, but it was full of 20 somethings. As they got more drunk, we clowned them.
  • Within 20 minutes he says he's too old for me (nicely, of course) but he just really liked me.
  • He talks A LOT. Wow. Not a bad thing, but he talked for an extra 15 minutes after walking me to the car and I was so sleepy. lol
  • He's very lighthearted and comes across as being younger than he is without seeming immature.
  • He's dated multiple black women. But he almost grew up being one of the few white kids in and all black area school, so that makes sense.
  • He has no biological children, but his stepson (late teens) lives with him. The mom lives on Maui.
  • Creepy coincidences - we were born in the same hospital! We were both raised in the DC area. He purchased his first house 20 minutes away from where I grew up.
  • I shocked both of us when I said I wanted to get together again. We're driving to the North Shore.
  • Is it normal for old guys to feel kind of grateful to be hanging out with a younger woman? The man seemed grateful for everything I did. I swear this man looked like he won the damn lottery after I hugged him.
Thanks for your support and encouragement!

He did win the lottery!! His a$$ knows he is lucky to have a woman like you on his arm.:bdance: So hell yeah! Make him earn it. :yep:

Thanks for sharing and keep us posted!
So, the old man and I went out for Italian which was nice. Way less loud that the first place. It was pretty much more of the same - chatting and telling stories. Thought it was more fluid this time. We told a lot of stories and just had a good time.

We were hugging good-bye and he grinned and kissed me on the mouth. It kind of felt like when your first boyfriend does it just to see what you'll do. :lol: I was cool with it because my body language was very relaxed and mildly inviting. He also held me for a really long time, but not in a creepy way. Does it make sense to say I can almost feel this sense of wanting? Not lust, but I dunno. It's like he's cherishing every second...
Aww, this is fun! I love that you love your life, and aren't looking for a traditional "come up" even though he fits the provider bill. Everything doesn't mean the same thing to everyone.
Well, I actually suffer from pretty severe depression. But I honestly don't think having a lot of material goods would help that. I need to surround myself with good people who actually care about me as an individual. I think that trying to use somebody in any way, shape, or form will end up negatively.
Well, I actually suffer from pretty severe depression. But I honestly don't think having a lot of material goods would help that. I need to surround myself with good people who actually care about me as an individual. I think that trying to use somebody in any way, shape, or form will end up negatively.

I believe you are correct. You are very smart and know what you need. Nothing more precious than being in loving, secure relationships. That's what you deserve. Money is not an adequate replacement.
I'm not sold on kids and he's too damn old to be someone's daddy. He'll be in a wheelchair just to attend his children's high school graduation!

African first name (like me), Hawaiian middle name, his Greek last name.
:angeldevil:yeah seriously who needs kids. seriously let loose and enjoy your time with him. you never know!!