Just Found Out My Boyfriend Has a Wife. . .


New Member
I am in complete shock...... I had been dating him for almost 2 years.... He's older, Nigerian, and had just overcome a life-threatening illness when I met him. I am SO ANGRY with myself and with him at the moment. I really feel like an idiot b/c I kept making excuses for him time and time again..... I've wanted to write about this for a while, but I am so embarassed that I was so naive and STUPID.

I'll try to make this brief....

I met him in 2003. Nothing really happened b/c I was in a new relationship. I had emailed him a couple of times after my relationship ended but I never heard from him. Then, out of the blue in Jan 2006 he sent me an email telling me he had had a brain tumor and was just recovering. He asked to go out on a date, but I was studying for the bar and told him that it would have to wait until after the exam. He kept pressuring me so I decided to go ahead and meet for some down time. Anyway, when I arrived he wasn't there and that was a red flag. I called and told him my time was too valuable and left. He kept calling and calling.. So I eventually went out with him after my test. Anyway he had his own business and he kept telling me how all of his business partners were stelaing from him. He eventually fired everyone and asked me to assist him in the office. Since I was an adjunct instructor , I had a lot of free time. So, I would help him with his corespondences, budget, invoices, etcs. Basically I did everything and I feel stupid even admitting this. We hardly ever went out. We only went to his office and to his apartment. He introduced me to all his friends. When he graduated (w/his MBA) I was the only person at his graduation. Anyway he kept telling me that b/c of his illness doing his business was very difficult and he needed me to help him. He eventually moved out of his apartment and into a back room in his office.

So I flunked the tes and I decided that I wasn't going to do his work anymore. I had been so concerned and worried about him I really didn't put that much energy and effort into myself. This past February he was hospitalized. He started acting really funny... telling me that he didn't want me to come to the hospital and then I knew something wasn't right. We stopped all of the benefits of being a couple then, yet whenever he wanted me to read a contract or a response to a client complaint he called me. He even went so far as to ask me to borrow $500 this past June. I really was bitter at this point and I said no. He got really cold and distant---well he was always somewhat cold and distant and he kept telling me it was b/c he was worried about his business and his health. I told him that I was moving on and was dating someone (I was dating, but I wasn't really serious). He then said that he was too and that he was going to be married. I really didn't take it seriously b/c we talked everyday since February. Even when I said I didn't want to be friends he'd continue to call me at work 5-6 times.

Anyway we didn't that much this month and basically we had all but stopped talking. I saw one of his friends out and I guess he told him that he had seen me. This past weekend he blew up my phone.. he called five times on Saturday, once on Sunday and a couple of times on Monday--wanting to know if I had been with his friend. I didn't answer..... but, out of curiosity, I called him last night and some woman answered the phone. She basically told me that they were married and I asked her if she knew that he had been calling me over the weekend. I asked how long had they been married... she didn't answer.

I'm a little in shock and this post is waaaay longer than it should be.... I just need to vent and sort out my thoughts. I have been so hurt in this relationship and I was so numb last night. I feel relieved b/c I knew that something just wasn't right....

I feel like such an idiot for NOT following my gut instincts.... I would have saved myself a whole lot of heartache and trouble...
Oh my God. I'm so sorry to hear this, you seem like SUCH a sweet person. :sad: PM me if you need to vent/talk.
I am in complete shock...... I had been dating him for almost 2 years.... He's older, Nigerian, and had just overcome a life-threatening illness when I met him. I am SO ANGRY with myself and with him at the moment. I really feel like an idiot b/c I kept making excuses for him time and time again..... I've wanted to write about this for a while, but I am so embarassed that I was so naive and STUPID.

I'll try to make this brief....

I met him in 2003. Nothing really happened b/c I was in a new relationship. I had emailed him a couple of times after my relationship ended but I never heard from him. Then, out of the blue in Jan 2006 he sent me an email telling me he had had a brain tumor and was just recovering. He asked to go out on a date, but I was studying for the bar and told him that it would have to wait until after the exam. He kept pressuring me so I decided to go ahead and meet for some down time. Anyway, when I arrived he wasn't there and that was a red flag. I called and told him my time was too valuable and left. He kept calling and calling.. So I eventually went out with him after my test. Anyway he had his own business and he kept telling me how all of his business partners were stelaing from him. He eventually fired everyone and asked me to assist him in the office. Since I was an adjunct instructor , I had a lot of free time. So, I would help him with his corespondences, budget, invoices, etcs. Basically I did everything and I feel stupid even admitting this. We hardly ever went out. We only went to his office and to his apartment. He introduced me to all his friends. When he graduated (w/his MBA) I was the only person at his graduation. Anyway he kept telling me that b/c of his illness doing his business was very difficult and he needed me to help him. He eventually moved out of his apartment and into a back room in his office.

So I flunked the tes and I decided that I wasn't going to do his work anymore. I had been so concerned and worried about him I really didn't put that much energy and effort into myself. This past February he was hospitalized. He started acting really funny... telling me that he didn't want me to come to the hospital and then I knew something wasn't right. We stopped all of the benefits of being a couple then, yet whenever he wanted me to read a contract or a response to a client complaint he called me. He even went so far as to ask me to borrow $500 this past June. I really was bitter at this point and I said no. He got really cold and distant---well he was always somewhat cold and distant and he kept telling me it was b/c he was worried about his business and his health. I told him that I was moving on and was dating someone (I was dating, but I wasn't really serious). He then said that he was too and that he was going to be married. I really didn't take it seriously b/c we talked everyday since February. Even when I said I didn't want to be friends he'd continue to call me at work 5-6 times.

Anyway we didn't that much this month and basically we had all but stopped talking. I saw one of his friends out and I guess he told him that he had seen me. This past weekend he blew up my phone.. he called five times on Saturday, once on Sunday and a couple of times on Monday--wanting to know if I had been with his friend. I didn't answer..... but, out of curiosity, I called him last night and some woman answered the phone. She basically told me that they were married and I asked her if she knew that he had been calling me over the weekend. I asked how long had they been married... she didn't answer.

I'm a little in shock and this post is waaaay longer than it should be.... I just need to vent and sort out my thoughts. I have been so hurt in this relationship and I was so numb last night. I feel relieved b/c I knew that something just wasn't right....

I feel like such an idiot for NOT following my gut instincts.... I would have saved myself a whole lot of heartache and trouble...

Always go with your gut instinct...it's usually right. Never put yourself in a vulnerable situation. I am so sorry this happened to you. But, it's his loss not yours. He sounds like a jacka** and KARMA is a Baaaaaad B***ch! U can also PM me if u need to talk.

Wow- I am so sorry. Have you heard from him since you spoke to his 'wife'?

I agree with wantlonghair25. His loss, not yours. He didnt sound all that loving to begin with. I can understand that you feel foolish, of course now in hindsite you see the signs that you ignored before.

Keep it movin! :yep:
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Okay you've beat up on yourself enough. But as I've stated in previous threads regarding immigrant relationships....Errah there are rules that apply.

  1. How much do you really have in common with this person?
  2. What's their situation?
  3. Can they do anything for you?
  4. Don't go outta your way doing shyt for them and family members!
I'm sorry this happened to you...Really I am! But you should always be cautious and keep in mind that you could be used as a mark. it sounds like you've been okie doked.

The rules apply to American Men, but for some reason women are forever letting their guard down with foreign men:sad:

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I'm so sorry this happened to you. I swear, this must be the season for this type of thing. One of my girlfriends found out yesterday that her guy is married (separated), but he kept that information from her nonetheless. How she found out...the wife called her and left a voicemail saying how they were "working things out,etc". She didn't call her back...and she doesn't plan on it either. She's just leaving the whole situation alone cold turkey, the guy included.
Sounds like he was a handful from the very beginning.

When I got married to my ex husband - even though everything really did seem right - we did wait till we got married to have sex - we both were in college - SOMETHING undescribable and unidentifiable (unless you want to call him GOD) was telling me NOT to walk down that aisle but I did it anyway.

After my divorce a I look back (hindsight is 20/20), I realized there WERE in fact signs that I ignored.

Honey, God has done you a tremendous favor by revealing the true nature of this man. Seems like you didn't quite listen at first so he had to make things more obvious for you but thank Him or whomever it is you thank...because he's saved you from a lot of misery that you didn't even know was on the way.

I know it's easier said than done but even with my divorce ending the way it did, I thank him everyday that it wasn't worse and you can ALWAYS be thankful at least there aren't any children involved.

Wow- I am so sorry. Have you heard from him since you spoke to his 'wife'?

I agree with wantlonghair25. His loss, not yours. He didnt sound all that loving to begin with. I can understand that you feel foolish, of course now in hindsite you see the signs that you ignored before.

Keep it movin! :yep:

Yes. He called me this morning and said that if his wife leaves him it will be my fault. He's calling my phone now, but I am not answering....
Oh wow. He has some nerve!

What's his number. I'm going to call his wife right now! If she's smart, she will leave and it'll be HIS fault.

What a dummy.

You know I'm always like :wallbash: when people ask why we don't go back to Africa but in his case I think I'll make an exception.

Was he a citizen before he got married...naturalized or something...? :rolleyes:

1-800-immigration...I'd like to leave an anonymous tip...."insert whatever will get him shipped back to the motherland here"
Sorry this has happened to you.

Some men prey upon women with a good heart and trusting nature. This is a lesson learnt in trusting your gut instincts.
In the meantime - shut the door, cry your eyes out, eat ice cream, thank God that you're not married to him and never have contact with that guy again.

You'll be fine
Lord, I've heard it too many times about both American and Foreign men. You have to watch them both! But the foreign ones are very crafty. I'm sorry you had to go through this but consider it a blessing from God. Good thing you didn't get deeply involve with him.

Next time keep your guards up.
Oh wow. He has some nerve!

What's his number. I'm going to call his wife right now! If she's smart, she will leave and it'll be HIS fault.

What a dummy.

You know I'm always like :wallbash: when people ask why we don't go back to Africa but in his case I think I'll make an exception.

Was he a citizen before he got married...naturalized or something...? :rolleyes:

1-800-immigration...I'd like to leave an anonymous tip...."insert whatever will get him shipped back to the motherland here"

Get em girl!!!!:lachen:
I am really sorry this happened to you:( Cease all contact with him ASAP! Just go cold turkey. Like another poster said cry, eat junk food do whatever you gotta do, you will be okay believe me I went through a similiar situation some years back.
I am really sorry this happened to you:( Cease all contact with him ASAP! Just go cold turkey. Like another poster said cry, eat junk food do whatever you gotta do, you will be okay believe me I went through a similiar situation some years back.
To be honest, I wouldn't even shed a tear over this fool! Just take it as a lesson learned. Men like him will get theirs. Makes you wonder what was really going on with his business.
Yes. He called me this morning and said that if his wife leaves him it will be my fault. He's calling my phone now, but I am not answering....
I can't believe the nerve of him! He's the one who lied and schemed trying to get you to work on his business. He's mad because he got caught and he's catching hell from wifey. He doesn't want to be accountable for his own actions! If he threatens you in any way let him know that you will contact the authorities on his ***! I don't think he wants a visit from immigration.
Okay you've beat up on yourself enough. But as I've stated in previous threads regarding immirant relationships....Errah there are rules that apply.
  1. How much do you really have in common with this person?
  2. What's their situation?
  3. Can they do anything for you?
  4. Don't go outta your way doing shyt for them and family members!
I'm sorry this happened to you...Really I am! But you should always be cautious and keep in mind that you could be used as a mark. it sounds like you've been okie doked.

The rules apply to American Men, but for some reason women are forever letting their guard down with foreign men:sad:


ITA with JG. I'm curious his new wife didn't say anything. It sound like they are newly weds... She should have been upset...

Take comfort in that you are not the one who ended up marrying him.
ITA with JG. I'm curious his new wife didn't say anything. It sound like they are newly weds... She should have been upset...

Take comfort in that you are not the one who ended up marrying him.
Ain't that the truth! Too bad she has to deal with the headache. Honey, you should be jumping up and down thanking God.
He's a loser; get him out of your life. Now that you know he has deceived you, move on because you deserve better. I suggest that you break all ties with him, especially since he's married. I know it's easier said than done, but time heals all wounds. Things will get better. (((hugs)))
Puck that busta. You wanna go bust his *** upside the head in the spot he had that tumor?

Why in de hell did you have to say this??!! Now my co-workers think I am crazy b/c I cant stop laughing. :lol:

OP: Count your blessings. This could have remained a longer burden on you than it was. Take it as a lesson learned. Because you DID learn something form this and this could possibly save you more hardship in the future. Hugs coming your way. Please, dont hesitate to pm me. We have ALL beeen hurt in one way or another when it comes to affairs of the heart. Love ya chica :)
Yes he definitely has some nerve. Let him go and work on purging him out of your system :nono:

I dated a man from Trinidad for almost a year and he started showing sings of shadiness after about 6 months that I chose to make excuses for (it's his culture, this is just how they act, etc, etc) I realized after a few more months he was full of BS. Did alot of talk about what he can do for me, his "goals" and "ventures he working on now".... maaaaan that knee-grow don't have nothing to show as far as progression. I just had to let him go.

Be strong and stop beating yourself up over it :wallbash: I know that's easier said than done, but you will be okay :yep:
Yes. He called me this morning and said that if his wife leaves him it will be my fault. He's calling my phone now, but I am not answering....

You should call his wife and tell her about the relationship, just to spite him. He has a lot of nerve! What does he think should happen to adulterers? THis is his fault. He made his bed and now he is trying to pin his mistakes on someone innocent. I hope his wife does leave his stupid ass. He doesn't deserve any woman.