Just finished calling in the One


Well-Known Member
Ok I finally finished the book calling in the One, based on LOA, the secret type principles. Ive been keeping my energy positive and I actually feel loved LIke they say to do in the secret, and this book, and I'm able to get myself in my happy-love space in seconds. with all of that i still know that some work has to be done on my part so over the holidays when I went places instead of being a wallflower I talked to guys and approached, a BIG step for me b/c I used to be bubbly and friendly then I shut down.

Also my Friend was pushing eharmony on me, so I signed up for a week and ughhh frustration I didn't like the personalities or the looks off the initial photos that they were "matching" me up with. does that make me vain, difficult or a snob? I hope not. I never felt like this was the way for me.
I felt like they just wanted me to stick around for months and months I mean its not free and they're making money the more time I stay. I'm going w my instincts and feelings on this one despite what my Friends say etc... I should feel good about what I'm doing right?

I canceled that same week cause I didn't feel that this was right for me from the beginning but she's living w her BF whom she found eharmony now so that and her going on about how great it is convinced me to look. I watched the secret new years eve day to prepare for the new year and I went over that part about relationships, the guy said if it doesn't feel right or natural to you if you're saying to yourself I could so it this way BUT id hate that etc... then you're on the wrong path. So now that I've dumped my past relationship and childhood hurts I'm ready for what comes but I'm still repeating the face your fears affirmations, I know this was a tough one for me.
So I'm calling in The One...I wonder who's showing up? :lol:
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can't wait to here the rest of this story as it unfolds. I've never read the book.
Congratulations! :clap:

Seriously, I'd joined the originally challenge but only made it to Lesson 17. Yesterday, I updated of my goals list and completing all the Calling In The One exercises is one my goals. I take your post as a positive sign that I should, :yep:. Thanks for sharing.