I've never felt so low in my life


Active Member
I am beyond livid right now. My boyfriend of two years is right now in a hotel in DC with another woman. How did I find out? Yesterday I found a prepaid phone with calls to a woman that he works with. I know of this woman because a couple of months ago I asked him to stop speaking with her because I felt that they were too flirtatious. He agreed. This woman is/was married with two kids and no education.

Anyways he works at a non profit in an area with lots of Kangs and Quains, although he is not one. The office employees went to DC on a work outing today and are staying until tomorrow. They always go on an annual trip. At first he said he was not going to go.

So yesterday after I found the phone, I yelled at him for awhile and I called the girl and told her that I was his girlfriend. He called me yesterday and apologized but kept saying nothing was going on--that it was just flirting. I told him it was over and that I didn't believe him, but he didn't care. He said he hoped that I would change my mind and then he said that he was going to go ahead and go to DC. I asked if the girl was going, he said no and that he would show me the list of people going later. He never showed me the list. Anyways he goes to DC and says he staying at the hotel that everyone else is staying at. I decide to check his living social account because he said he bought something for me and I wanted to see what he was talking about. Yesterday, he purchased a deal for a hotel in DC and two tickets for a party boat. I called and changed his reservation for that hotel to a different date and then I called and told him what I found. He said he just wanted to stay somewhere else and do something during his free time with a friend. I reminded him that even though he purchased the deal yesterday, this morning he told me he would be staying somewhere else. He said some bull**** excuse that I cannot remember because I was seeing red.

Then a little later, I find out that this girl is in DC and she is not on the guest list at the hotel that his coworkers are staying at. So I call and he admits to that. I ask him to just finally be honest with me because it is obvious that he is cheating. But he still insisted that nothing is going on and that I just need to calm down. I yell at him some more and start texting really hurtful things to him.

I am guessing that the girl became angry at him after I called her so he bought those things to appease her and probably told her the same crap he was telling me. He said he bought a couple of things for me and that I shouldn't make plans for next weekend :rolleyes:.

All I wanted from him was the truth out of his mouth. It is obvious that I won't get that and that I've wasted two years with a lying, cheating, disgusting man. He couldn't even do that for me.

I will never talk to this man again. I am just trying to keep from doing something crazy since I'm staying with him temporarily and all of his stuff is here.

Please forgive me if this post doesn't make sense. I am seeing red right now and I have never been through anything like this and I have no one to talk to.

Please don't quote.
Girl, pack your bags, be gone before he comes home and don't look back. Don't text, don't talk, cut him off and keep him off. He's not worth it. Don't make a fool of yourself over panty-waste.
I don't know anyone here. I'm going to try to find a cheap hotel to stay at until I can find a place to stay.
Im sorry ur going thru this OP :bighug: but personally I'd be gone before he returned from his trip smh no gf's or relatives near by that u can stay w/for a few days???
I am so sorry that you are going through this, but happy that you are choosing to move on from someone who neither loves or respects you. You deserve better...
it's going to be difficult. You would have to be very very hardcore to leave and never look back.

I would be so nice that it would kill him.use him as a steeping stool til you can get it together save some money and then move on. dont put yourself in harms way by living in a cheap hotel. The relationship is not working and dont forget it.
sorry you're going through this :sad: is there any one you can stay with?? i would be gone before he comes back...show him better than you can tell him
If I had access to his money I'd use that to pay for my hotel stay while I look for a permanent place. Or sell/pawn some of his stuff. But that's just me. That might not actually be a good idea.

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whenever you feel like texting him or going waiting to exhale on his ish, come to this thread and talk to us instead!!

so sorry for your pain, he lost out big time. hope that chick was worth what he gave up
Thank you everyone for your comments. It hurts right now, but I have started packing and I will be leaving tomorrow. I will grab the rest of my things next week while he is at work.

I just can't believe the nerve of this man. I want to give him a piece of my mind so bad. But at the same time I feel like crap right now and I don't want to give him the satisfaction.
Aw OP birds of a feather. He works with quains and kangs and he is a Kang. :nono: ita with everyone else block his number! Please do not goo back to him he has cheated on you lied to you and played you for a dumb fool. I hope it works out How far is the newest family member or friend?
Honestly, if you REALLY want to get him back, just ignore him. I mean literally, fade to black on him. Men respond more to actions and giving him a piece of your mind will only reinforce that you actually care. But if you cut off all contact with that joka like he never existed, trust me, he'll feel far, far worse than your words could ever make him feel.
Not being acknowledged is one of the things that men don't take too kindly.

I'm sorry this happened to you OP. I KNOW it's a terrible feeling, but at least he showed his REAL self without any property or rings being involved.
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I am beyond livid right now. My boyfriend of two years is right now in a hotel in DC with another woman. How did I find out? Yesterday I found a prepaid phone with calls to a woman that he works with. I know of this woman because a couple of months ago I asked him to stop speaking with her because I felt that they were too flirtatious. He agreed. This woman is/was married with two kids and no education.

To the bold :look::lachen:. WTH!!! Uh well it seems like all the bold doesn't mean smit or make her beneath him or you. He is going outta his way to show her a good time. Arse is arse boo boo. He's a player and he is playing you.

What the hell do you need him to confess for when you already know the truth. Chile get yoself together and getcho life. Do you see my siggy quote? and
Honestly, if you REALLY want to get him back, just ignore him. I mean literally, fade to black on him. Men respond more to actions and giving him a piece of your mind will only reinforce that you actually care. But if you cut off all contact with that joka like he never existed, trust me, he'll feel far, far worse than your words could ever make him feel.
Not being acknowledged is one of the things that men don't take too kindly.

I'm sorry this happened to you OP. I KNOW it's a terrible feeling, but at least he showed his REAL self without any property or rings being involved.

Word. After I stopped being the " I need answers from you" type of gal, I learned to say 'f*** this' to unnecessary b.s and go ghost. Did this to a couple guys I used to date, and it drove them up the wall. If you can, try to find some of his ish to pawn for extra money while he's away. And make sure you change/cut ties to anything you and him have: joint access accounts, pass codes, etc.

This move is much easier if you have a low tolerance for b.s.
some good advice in this thread

i would tell her husband, but that's just me. no way she's gonna get to go home and be happy w. her husband after she helped break up my relationship. nope. but maybe im just petty *shrugs*
I wana elaborate on the title of your thread. Don't you dare take responsibilty for his actions.... :nono:

The worst thing a woman can do is blame herself for what her man is doing. You are not responsible for no ones actions but your own. Even if he wasn't happy with you, he should have been man enough to say so, and move on.

But jus know this, a man will never tell you the truth when he's caught, he will take it to his grave... Cuz at this point he may be in that weird area where he's not sure whether he wants to leave you and lose you forever or stick it out with you and miss what could have been with her.

The best way to get past this is to not have "ANY" communication with him whatsoever, none...
The last thing you wanna hear is lies to appease your heart and ultimately let him back in...Don't answer any calls, do not reply to any texts, nothing. Cuz really there's nothing more to talk about.

Best Wishes Doll!!!
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some good advice in this thread

i would tell her husband, but that's just me. no way she's gonna get to go home and be happy w. her husband after she helped break up my relationship. nope. but maybe im just petty *shrugs*

In this situation, it took more than one person to break up the relationship, but I agree with you on that one. After throwing bleach all over his clothes and taking all his right foot shoes and setting them on fire, :look: call the husband and tell them what hotel they're at. Ah, vengeful thoughts seem so sweet and tempting :lick:. Right up the alley of my old destructive ways :rofl:

#Ibustthewindowsoutyourcar :look:

I think it would be best for OP to split which would leave him wondering, and his mind eating away at him. No need to stick around adding fuel to an already messy fire.
Just roll, no contact, not texting, no nothing. You know the deal now just get your life in order and don't worry about him. Don't tell her husband, don't do nothing for anyone else except YOU.

Take care and hugs to you my dear.
The vengeful person in me likes the idea of contacting her husband and letting him know where they are staying but you never know what mindset the husband might be in. You don't want to be an accessory to anything. Trust me moving out and ignoring this man will hurt him much more. You deserve better OP.:bighug:
Thank you everyone for your comments. It hurts right now, but I have started packing and I will be leaving tomorrow. I will grab the rest of my things next week while he is at work.

I just can't believe the nerve of this man. I want to give him a piece of my mind so bad. But at the same time I feel like crap right now and I don't want to give him the satisfaction.

Whatever you dont take now, forget about... It'll put you in a predicament if he chooses to act like a biabia (you coming into *his* house while he's at work). Whatever you are leaving can be replaced... You also don't want him to pop back home, while you are trying to get your stuff

I am proud of your resolve to cut your losses.
OP, I agree with most other posts....BUT I disagree with you taking or pawning his things. I also disagree with your accessing his bank acct (if you have access). Take what you brought to the table. Don't do anything foolish that will result legal action or him needing to continually call you. That will make everything so messy, and it will give the impression that you need him to survive.

Like someone else said...don't say anything else. Walk away cold turkey. Leave with what you came with. Fade to black. It most definitely will hurt him much more in the end than any messiness will.

Just my .02.

Forgot to add...(((HUGS))) to you. Be strong.
I know it hurts. You feel betrayed but DON'T feel low. He should feel low for not being able to be the man that YOU deserve. It's easy to want to destroy his stuff or clear out his accounts but continue to be a lady. Is there anyone you can stay with until you get on your feet? I do suggest you leave his place. If you stay by the time he returns he will be able to sweet talk you. Good luck lovie.

i would stack my paper a bit---but i wouldnt be homeless ova no cheating dude--i would be the sweetest gf ever---take some time to get a game plan going then leave---find a decent place not a hotel...let him think **** is sweet then vanish lolol--

Sounds good, but he'll be all over her wanting sex and whatnot. I'd like to think that a woman have some means of shelter, be it with a friend or family member. She shouldn't stay there because I fear she won't leave and he'll continue to be the beast he is.
true after some thought i couldnt even bare to be around someone whose done me wrong/dirty--so i agree...
and need to edit my post smh---rlp are crazy sometimes....

Sounds good, but he'll be all over her wanting sex and whatnot. I'd like to think that a woman have some means of shelter, be it with a friend or family member. She shouldn't stay there because I fear she won't leave and he'll continue to be the beast he is.
I am beyond livid right now. My boyfriend of two years is right now in a hotel in DC with another woman. How did I find out? Yesterday I found a prepaid phone with calls to a woman that he works with. I know of this woman because a couple of months ago I asked him to stop speaking with her because I felt that they were too flirtatious. He agreed. This woman is/was married with two kids and no education.

To the bold :look::lachen:. WTH!!! Uh well it seems like all the bold doesn't mean smit or make her beneath him or you. He is going outta his way to show her a good time. Arse is arse boo boo. He's a player and he is playing you.

What the hell do you need him to confess for when you already know the truth. Chile get yoself together and getcho life. Do you see my siggy quote? and

Thanks for writing this post, firecracker! Specifically, the reference to the side piece's educational fortitude. Like, what does that have to do with anything...is her cooch going to perform calculus on him and snag him with her MBA?! All that creeping man knows is, is that it takes 2 to tango and he wants to open her 2 legs.

OP, it is unfortunante that you are going through this though.