It's possible! 0" to SL in 1 year! (pic heavy)

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@Ladybelle, and this is what makes English interesting. Shoulder blades are not at the top of our backs but they are about halfway between MBL and shoulders. They are nowhere near shoulders. Similarly hipbones are close to the waist and nowhere near hips. The bone names have nothing to do with the parts of the body they are named after. Just like collarbone is not up near the neck where a collar sits.

So the names given to the bones of the human skeleton have nothing to do with the names given to the parts of the human body aka the skeleton when dressed with flesh and skin.

These diagrams were for different discussions but show you what I was talking about.

The shoulder blade is that traingular bone that sticks out in the back, which is why BSB means below shoulder blade:

And this shows the hips and hipbone:

Ohhhhhh....... I see now. I had to go back and look at that again.:grin: Thanks for clearing that up for me!!!!

You're good. :yep:

I take it back again, OP is SL. :lol:
Oh boy! Smileny, I wasn't asking you to derail or even respond. I expected you to realize I asked the question as a joke that didn't even need any response. My adding "J/K" = just kidding was my way of saying, "I'm only pulling your leg" (in other words, don't even take me seriously and respond). Your response implied you didn't take it as a joke, hence my wondering what's with the humor around these parts.

If someone said to me, "Just kiddin'!" I'd know immediately that I'm to disregard what they said because they didn't mean for me to take it seriously. :look:

*face palm* :lol: ok Nonie :yep:

Trust me.. I wasn't taking you seriously.

Sent from my iPhone.
I come in here and I am bombarded with scientific charts, skeletons, rulers, etc WTF is going on :lachen:

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF
Interesting thread. The OP has great growth but I think it's best if we measure hair in inches on our hair growth journey. It allows us to to accurately track our hair growth/retention.

There is so much variance in hair measurements depending on an individual's body type and proportions. My hair is just at tailbone length/full hip length but I know that I have 23 inches of hair from scalp to tip.

My question has nothing to do w/ op. Just curious. How is the first line indicative of where sl starts?? Your shoulders are not attached to your neck like that. I believe that shoulder length is the 2nd line. What am i missing?

:huh: What do you call the part where your body stops the downward descend that is called neck and starts the horizontal shape? The part this lady has her hand?

Je Ne Sais Quoi That whole horizontal part of the body is called shoulder. So I don't know why folks are ignoring such a wide part of the body and only labeling the end just before it starts a downward descent into arms.

This is called a shoulder massage because it is the shoulder's being massaged, ie the horizontal part of the body right below the head that forms the top of the torso:


This is a neck and shoulder massage because the neck and shoulder are connected and the massage is being done right at the point they join:

So indeed where NL ends is where SL starts because when you travel down the body, the minute the part called neck ends, you find yourself at shoulders.
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You are so funny, but accurate indeed! :lachen: How did the guy say it in Love Jones, "let me go ahead and break this down so it can forever and consistently be broken." That's what you did.
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For someone like me, a natural 4B, to have that, I'd have to be sporting a hi-top or Don King do


this concern about where the crown falls would only apply if we were all going for the look of the tranny/mannequin I posted.


These are shoulders:

This is a neck:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

*wipes tears*

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This probably isn't the right thread but.. I'm confused (kinda) let's say if my hair in the front is a bit past my chin, the back reaches the collarbone, and the sides are where the bottom of neck ends(start of shoulder). What length would that be since all ends are not the same?

To the OP: nice growth! It looks like what your claiming to me...

gforceroy, I think I answered your question here.
I still consider shoulder length hair hair that reaches at least the top of the scapula-- the majority of it, not the last 2 inches. Above that (but under neck) or less than that and it's almost shoulder. About shoulder length. Close to shoulder length. But to each his/her own.

ETA: like, when you get a massage and the therapist bends your elbow and rests the back of your hand on your back, therefore exposing the scapula... the top of that (flat part with indention) is shoulder length for hair.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
I am confused. I see progress but I don't even consider myself SL. And I BCed to about 1/4". Granted, we BCed at two different dates. I do consider myself a fast grower.

Can someone tell me what SL is and is not. TIA.
Lucie - i love ur hair color!!!
Interesting thread. The OP has great growth but I think it's best if we measure hair in inches on our hair growth journey. It allows us to to accurately track our hair growth/retention.

There is so much variance in hair measurements depending on an individual's body type and proportions. My hair is just at tailbone length/full hip length but I know that I have 23 inches of hair from scalp to tip.

Raine054 I agree with the inches being more accurate, but I think that'd be only relevant or necessary if we were comparing progress, or if that's what one prefers. I think most people use their bodies because we are visual creatures and we consider long hair not by squinting and estimating the length in inches on someone's head but by seeing where it falls on their body or how big the afro relative to their head. Now if we are discussing how much growth one got in a set time, I do agree that inches would be more useful in painting a clear picture of what the average growth is that can be achieved. All the talk of "I made butt length in two years" is a bit misleading when one's a little person.

But in the case where we're just tracking our own growth, I think it woudn't even matter what we called it. The point is just to be able to show that previously my hair could only reach here, but now can reach this lower point here. It's more about being able to see a change in length that is visible than being able to be correct about that length to the 4th decimal point.
I'm choosing to stay out of this particular topic cause...yeah, scary though contests to OP! I may not know what length you are but you're not bald so thats an accomishment right there! :grin:

Nonie where do you GET all your diagrams and pictures??? It seems like you have 1 for EVERY topic! I swear...I could see some ladies arguing about a dihydron collider and you popping into the thread like "Ladies observe portion B of the first picture..." what I'm saying is it's always very amusing and informative.
I think there is a designation of "full shoulder length" that people sometimes use. I like that one, as now I am full shoulder length and that does separate you from that time when you were just getting there.
Nonie where do you GET all your diagrams and pictures??? It seems like you have 1 for EVERY topic! I swear...I could see some ladies arguing about a dihydron collider and you popping into the thread like "Ladies observe portion B of the first picture..." what I'm saying is it's always very amusing and informative.

LittleLuxe, you made me howl! :lachen: :lachen: :dead:

I don't even know what that is but boy you have me in tears! You're so silly!
I still consider shoulder length hair hair that reaches at least the top of the scapula-- the majority of it, not the last 2 inches. Above that (but under neck) or less than that and it's almost shoulder. About shoulder length. Close to shoulder length. But to each his/her own.

ETA: like, when you get a massage and the therapist bends your elbow and rests the back of your hand on your back, therefore exposing the scapula... the top of that (flat part with indention) is shoulder length for hair.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2

EtherealEnigma why you gotta rain on our parade? Don't you know how good it feels to be at SL even if just barely? Why you gotta be a party pooper?

I'm kidding! I hear you. I too felt most confident claiming SL when my hair was at CBL simply because I don't live on the forum (even though it may seem like I do. :lol: Believe it or not, I actually live out there on Planet Earth where no one would know what I was talmbout if I didn't wait to get to CBL to call it SL. So I only talked about SL here behind closed doors. Of course I screamed off the rooftops when I got to CBL that I was at SL. (Yes, that CBL word is also a secret among us. I don't tell it to people in my world. They no speak LHCF, you see?)

Anyway, what you call SL is fondly known around these parts as "Full SL or CBL" as LadyRaider pointed out.
uhm... wow.

we posted diagrams of the human skeleton. in a length thread.

my mind is officially blown.

IMO if diagrams and graphs and whatever else is being pulled out then there must be some kind of ish. not putting anything on OP here... it's just LHCF culture i suppose. i'm afraid to disagree on anything now lest the diagrams come out.

anyhoo, OP i find that as much as it's nice to claim a length (progress is progress right?) it's more effective (for me) to wait a bit before claiming. it somehow makes time at each length seem to pass faster. claiming SL now might mean a whole lotta waiting until you can claim APL... OTOH there is no approval process here so you're free to claim what you wanna. but if you post about it... anybody is free to disagree...

but perhaps next time those who may disagree won't be bludgeoned with charts and such. or be called out for disagreeing. sheesh... it's a forum. many opinions. in this case pulling out a chart doesn't make your opinion any more factua. we're using woefully inadequate measures that are not universal/changes by person & method of measurement and method of documentation. until we're all measuring the same way and using inches rather than subjective bodyparts it just can't be this serious :perplexed
I'm choosing to stay out of this particular topic cause...yeah, scary though contests to OP! I may not know what length you are but you're not bald so thats an accomishment right there! :grin:

Nonie where do you GET all your diagrams and pictures??? It seems like you have 1 for EVERY topic! I swear...I could see some ladies arguing about a dihydron collider and you popping into the thread like "Ladies observe portion B of the first picture..." what I'm saying is it's always very amusing and informative.


Sent from my HTC Inspire™

Lol Okay, you're right. This isn't the thread for being a party pooper
, this is a thread for kudos and the OP has done a great job of retaining length.

More of the community should speak LHCF, though. It's such a great language.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Nonie where do you GET all your diagrams and pictures??? It seems like you have 1 for EVERY topic! I swear...I could see some ladies arguing about a dihydron collider and you popping into the thread like "Ladies observe portion B of the first picture..." what I'm saying is it's always very amusing and informative.

Lol! That is so true!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
I don't get the confusion about where shoulders are. If a person places his hand "on your shoulders" they are not going to touch you on the back of your neck!!! If the bulk of your hair only reaches the bottom of your neck, you're neck-length. The space below your neck is your upper back, not your shoulders. Only on LHCF will folks act like a person's neck and shoulders are the same thing, but okay!!!

It has nothing to do with shrinkage because the length measurements are based on where the hair would be if straightened. If your hair can touch, but not rest on your shoulders when straightened or stretched, you are either still neck length or just barely grazing SL.
uhm... wow.

we posted diagrams of the human skeleton. in a length thread.

my mind is officially blown.

IMO if diagrams and graphs and whatever else is being pulled out then there must be some kind of ish. not putting anything on OP here... it's just LHCF culture i suppose. i'm afraid to disagree on anything now lest the diagrams come out.

anyhoo, OP i find that as much as it's nice to claim a length (progress is progress right?) it's more effective (for me) to wait a bit before claiming. it somehow makes time at each length seem to pass faster. claiming SL now might mean a whole lotta waiting until you can claim APL... OTOH there is no approval process here so you're free to claim what you wanna. but if you post about it... anybody is free to disagree...

but perhaps next time those who may disagree won't be bludgeoned with charts and such. or be called out for disagreeing. sheesh... it's a forum. many opinions. in this case pulling out a chart doesn't make your opinion any more factua. we're using woefully inadequate measures that are not universal/changes by person & method of measurement and method of documentation. until we're all measuring the same way and using inches rather than subjective bodyparts it just can't be this serious :perplexed

:lol: I really wanted to know how length is determined and maybe this thread wasn't the appropriate place for that, so I'm sorry OP.

I posted the skeleton chart because I was thoroughly confused on what parts of the body people were basing length designations off of.

I didn't realize it was so technical or is it subjective? idk.

I don't get the confusion about where shoulders are. If a person places his hand "on your shoulders" they are not going to touch you on the back of your neck!!! If the bulk of your hair only reaches the bottom of your neck, you're neck-length. The space below your neck is your upper back, not your shoulders. Only on LHCF will folks act like a person's neck and shoulders are the same thing, but okay!!!

It has nothing to do with shrinkage because the length measurements are based on where the hair would be if straightened. If your hair can touch, but not rest on your shoulders when straightened or stretched, you are either still neck length or just barely grazing SL.

But, if you're hair touches the spot where you say if someone touches you on the shoulder, isn't that SL? I think the debate started in people saying you're not SL until you're hair is past that point, which doesn't seem to be a fair designation to me.

It's really not that serious to me, I was just very curious as to how the length designations were being determined. At the end of the day, it is still just hair.

I do know that when I get to SL again, I will NOT be posting a thread about it for some heifer to tell me I'm not based on some technicality that I can't even understand. :lachen: That would make me :perplexed.
All of this reminds me of when a coworker asked me how long my hair was a couple of months ago. I told her truthfully I don't know but that it is at least at the bottome of my shoulder blades. Coworker then corrected me telling me my hair wasn't that long. She told me that when I wear my hair wavy (tight braidout) that it only goes to my shoulders and couldn't possibly stretch to bsb (of course she didn't use that term) . My coworkers have never seen my hair straight. I didn't even bother to argue.

Couple of weeks ago same coworker and I started going to a dance class. We wait at my house till time for class. I decided to wear a wig so she offered to do a few corn rows for me. As she started combing through it she started saying "wow!" She then stretched my hair out and stated, "your hair is where your bra ends, almost to the middle of your back! It never looked like it could be that long!".

Moral of the story, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks as long as you know ;)
This Has Gots To Be The Funniest Thread Of The Year.:lol:

Some Of Y'all Even Posted Pictures Of The Skeletal System.:lachen:
*Its Rough Out Here In These Streets*
:lol: I really wanted to know how length is determined and maybe this thread wasn't the appropriate place for that, so I'm sorry OP.

I posted the skeleton chart because I was thoroughly confused on what parts of the body people were basing length designations off of.

I didn't realize it was so technical or is it subjective? idk.

But, if you're hair touches the spot where you say if someone touches you on the shoulder, isn't that SL? I think the debate started in people saying you're not SL until you're hair is past that point, which doesn't seem to be a fair designation to me.

It's really not that serious to me, I was just very curious as to how the length designations were being determined. At the end of the day, it is still just hair.

I do know that when I get to SL again, I will NOT be posting a thread about it for some heifer to tell me I'm not based on some technicality that I can't even understand. :lachen: That would make me :perplexed.

You are not the cause of this thread going in the direction it did. I could have told you from the title and the first post how it was going to go. Anyone who has watched this board for a while knows where a thread is going to go. It is just the way it is.

I actually posted the chart before you did. So blame me :ohwell:

The chart has been around for a while and it is used in many of the length challenges. It is not a new thing and it is used just as a reference.

I am with you though, I leave my hair progress updates to length challenge thread.

But nothing wrong with a little discussion.
I am with you though, I leave my hair progress updates to length challenge thread.

But nothing wrong with a little discussion.

Agreed. That is why I will not be posting too many specifics when I am finally completely natural. But then again, I might for the shoots and giggles:lachen::lachen: I wonder what diagram would be used to determine what constitutes a big chop? :lachen::lachen:

But seriously though, I think it is so great that OP's hair is where she never imagined it would be. I will be so excited for when she meets her next hair goals :yep::yep:
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