It's finally over.


New Member
I feel as if the four-year saga with my ex boyfriend is finally over. He told me today that he didn't really hate me (up until that point, every time I spoke to him he would tell me how he hated me/how I was a bad person.) and didn't meant the things he said. He told me he only said those things because he thought it was best if we both stayed out of each other's lives.

This entire situation makes me very sad. I feel as if we should have a movie-esque "couple finds out they're still in love with one another, get back together and live happily ever after" ending. But I know it can't be that way because there's way too many complications involved now.

He was my first boyfriend, and in leaving him/dating someone else/reading The Rules, I realized I have so much more to learn about relationships/friendships/love in general to get back with him and have it work out well. I also realized that I have way too much resentment built up for him, and it's nearly impossible to make things work as long as I still feel that way.

I know it'll be hard never seeing him again, but I know the end of that relationship and the beginning of a new one (which is what it took for me to realize how much better things could be) was necessary for me to grow as a person.

I'm not looking for advice, I just needed to talk about this. I feel like everything's going to be okay in the end, but I also know it'll be a long journey and it'll also be very hard not to contact him again or read his blog just to check up on him.

The only thing keeping me from continously reading his blog is because I know that if I do that, the only thing it'll accomplish in the long run is me still pining over him and slowly watching him move on. Then I'll be in the same place I am now and it'll be much worse knowing he's with someone else/has moved on emotionally.

When he told me he didn't really hate me, it gave me a lot of confidence that my new relationship will work out well. (Before then I was questioning my worth as a person/girlfriend/etc, and deep down I was afraid I would mess up somehow or my boyfriend would "realize" that I'm a bad person.)
I feel as if the four-year saga with my ex boyfriend is finally over. He told me today that he didn't really hate me (up until that point, every time I spoke to him he would tell me how he hated me/how I was a bad person.) and didn't meant the things he said. He told me he only said those things because he thought it was best if we both stayed out of each other's lives.

This entire situation makes me very sad. I feel as if we should have a movie-esque "couple finds out they're still in love with one another, get back together and live happily ever after" ending. But I know it can't be that way because there's way too many complications involved now.

He was my first boyfriend, and in leaving him/dating someone else/reading The Rules, I realized I have so much more to learn about relationships/friendships/love in general to get back with him and have it work out well. I also realized that I have way too much resentment built up for him, and it's nearly impossible to make things work as long as I still feel that way.

I know it'll be hard never seeing him again, but I know the end of that relationship and the beginning of a new one (which is what it took for me to realize how much better things could be) was necessary for me to grow as a person.

I'm not looking for advice, I just needed to talk about this. I feel like everything's going to be okay in the end, but I also know it'll be a long journey and it'll also be very hard not to contact him again or read his blog just to check up on him.

The only thing keeping me from continously reading his blog is because I know that if I do that, the only thing it'll accomplish in the long run is me still pining over him and slowly watching him move on. Then I'll be in the same place I am now and it'll be much worse knowing he's with someone else/has moved on emotionally.

When he told me he didn't really hate me, it gave me a lot of confidence that my new relationship will work out well. (Before then I was questioning my worth as a person/girlfriend/etc, and deep down I was afraid I would mess up somehow or my boyfriend would "realize" that I'm a bad person.)

Good for you; you've grown from the experience. Never put your self worth on any man's yourself..the only measurement you need is your own. You'll never forget your first 'love' but one day you'll wonder:perplexedwhat all the fuss was about.
I know it must have been hard to hear those harsh words from him for such a long time, I am glad that he finally had a conversation with you that spoke volumes to his and most importantly, your feelings, and emotions. First love is something crazy. It seems as though the pain will never go away, and then one day you wake up and its a thing of the past.

I wish you so much happiness in your new relationship, stay positive and be beautiful inside and out.

Take time to heal and learn from this experience. I Broke up with my fiance of 4 years this past July. I am telling you time and prayer heals all wounds.
I'm happy for you that you've moved on and that you have developed so much more confidence in yourself. Sometimes we place too much emphasis on the other person while we neglect our on needs and feelings.
You are a blessed beautiful and talented young lady, continue to have faith in yourself.

I say never make another person ur priority while you become their option.
God has a divine purpose and plan for everyones life. He was not apart of your plan. I am glad that you have learned from this experience and this experience can/will make you stronger.
You'll be okay. I know time heals all wounds and it always feels it will take us along time to get there. I'm in this situation right now.

Just take it one day at time and always look out for your wellbeing. You come first..needs/wants/happiness/self-worth always.

I feel as if the four-year saga with my ex boyfriend is finally over. He told me today that he didn't really hate me (up until that point, every time I spoke to him he would tell me how he hated me/how I was a bad person.) and didn't meant the things he said. He told me he only said those things because he thought it was best if we both stayed out of each other's lives.

This entire situation makes me very sad. I feel as if we should have a movie-esque "couple finds out they're still in love with one another, get back together and live happily ever after" ending. But I know it can't be that way because there's way too many complications involved now.

He was my first boyfriend, and in leaving him/dating someone else/reading The Rules, I realized I have so much more to learn about relationships/friendships/love in general to get back with him and have it work out well. I also realized that I have way too much resentment built up for him, and it's nearly impossible to make things work as long as I still feel that way.

I know it'll be hard never seeing him again, but I know the end of that relationship and the beginning of a new one (which is what it took for me to realize how much better things could be) was necessary for me to grow as a person.

I'm not looking for advice, I just needed to talk about this. I feel like everything's going to be okay in the end, but I also know it'll be a long journey and it'll also be very hard not to contact him again or read his blog just to check up on him.

The only thing keeping me from continously reading his blog is because I know that if I do that, the only thing it'll accomplish in the long run is me still pining over him and slowly watching him move on. Then I'll be in the same place I am now and it'll be much worse knowing he's with someone else/has moved on emotionally.

When he told me he didn't really hate me, it gave me a lot of confidence that my new relationship will work out well. (Before then I was questioning my worth as a person/girlfriend/etc, and deep down I was afraid I would mess up somehow or my boyfriend would "realize" that I'm a bad person.)
:giveheart: ... been there done with that you will thank yourself later on, it was a hard time coming but in the end its worth it, and when that other man comes along, he will be thanking God it didnt work with your ex..and so will you :yep: