Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
It is said that we inherit our hair type from our mother. This is the most common. For me, NOT! My mother had very thin 3a hair. Her mother had thin 2b hair. My sister has semi thin 3c hair. I have 4a/b hair. I think I inherited my fathers hair. So let's take a poll, I'm bored!

Ooops, forgot to add the poll thingy, can I edit and fix that????
my moms 3a/b
dads 4a

im 3c :)

same goes for my daughter
with me being 3c, and her dad being 1, kaylynn is a type 2b with 2c at the very bottom by her nape.
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My hair is just like my mother's; texture and every thing; the way it grows (long in the back, short on the sides and front). I wish I did get the hair from my father's side, but I got my mother's personality and that has helped me more than anything in my life (except God).
No, but I wish sometimes. My mom's hair is a curly/baby fine texture (possibly 3c). I have 4a/b like dad.
My hair is more like my dad's. His is 3b, very silky and when it's cut short it is completely straight. My mom's hair is 4a, very pretty tight coils. Her hair would be beautiful natural but she relaxes.
Mine is like my dads.............I see that alot of ladies chose dad. I wonder if the fathers hair gene in more dominant then mother hair gene:scratchch
My mom has very fine wavy--ish hair (just judging by her new growth and what others have told me). My dad is maybe a 3b (his hair always looks straight because he keeps it short). I am a 3b/3c combo... I chose dad because my hair isn't fine like my mom's...but I think I am a combination of their textures and density.
my daddy definitely!!!! He is more 3b/3c. my mom more 4a. I picked up his coil pattern, texture and density.
My mommy has coarse thick hair. My dad has baby fine slightly wavy hair....I have his type. It's kinda good though, I think if I ever wanted to, I would be a lovely natural
Looks like what I saw on the Discovery Health Channel was a fluke. They were talking about what we inherit from our parents and hair was USUALLY inherited from mom. Looks like dad places the order and mom delivers!
I didn't vote because I have a combination of the both of them. My dad has thin super wiry type 3c hair, and my mom has thick, cottony, super soft 4a/4b hair. So I have thick, super wiry 4b hair.
Looks like what I saw on the Discovery Health Channel was a fluke. They were talking about what we inherit from our parents and hair was USUALLY inherited from mom. Looks like dad places the order and mom delivers!

I had always heard that our hair "gene" was inherited from daddy...:drunk:
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My hair is Just like my Dad's
And All my first cousins on his side of the family (His brother's children)
have that same hair.

Bangin' Afrotastic Hair! :drunk:
My hair is like my dads :yep:, My mom has thin hair and my dad had thick coarse hair. I used to hate it growing up but now that I know how to take care of it, I love it :grin:
I think neither. I take from both sides. I would be closer to my father in the curl pattern of my hair and thickness I guess. But like my mom's in texture (soft, fine and finicky)

My mother has like 3a-b-c (all of it) hair that she relaxes for no reason so it's always flat. She is the one sister in the house that couldn't get an afro in the 70s. :lachen:

She got it from her paternal grandmother. My maternal grandfather (her dad) had hair that was straight and wavy. Very very silky in texture, very strange--but her mother had typical beautiful cottony 4a-b hair.
wish I had my moms 3C's very thick which smooth coils, but she relaxes. I have hair like my dad mostly.......he had 4b. I have a mix....4a/b