I've dated plenty of guys well over 6 feet and I'm 5.2. My ex was 6.1 and the biggest punk I've ever seen. In fact, I can name at least 3 guys I've dated in the past who were tall, athletic and all that but still little bitttcheez when it came down to speaking up for me, protecting me, etc. Also, conflict is a rare occurrence so when I meet a guy, the first thing I think isn't "how will he protect me if a dude wants to fight." That's so high school IMO. When it comes down to it, you want a man who will get down with whatever situation no matter what his height. Maybe it's easy for me because i"m already short. I used to be one of those chicks who had to have a man over 6 feet. None of them have been a bigger man than my current SO who is only 5.8. When a man is down with you and down for you, he'll get buck with a mountain if he has to. I recently learned that.