Is your dh or so shorter than you??

I'm 5'11" and my SO is 6'3". When I wear heels we are about the same height. I like our height difference. I told him the other day that he makes me feel little.

I've dated a couple of guys who are shorter than me. It was a bit awkward, but I liked them so I got over it.
I've dated a few guys who were my height... never shorter. I'm 5'7". I prefer my height to about 6'2" at the very most. I really don't like guys who are too tall... I know that's weird but that just turns me off for some reason. I have slight megalophobia though.
I'm 5'2", dh is 5'7". I dated a guy who was 6'2". I felt like a child holding her father's hand...

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I'm 5'9 and a half and used to think that I needed to only date a certain height of men, but now that I've gotten older I've realized it doesn't really matter. Yes, tall is nice, but I've also dated guys who were just my height (which to me is short because I like heels).

If the guy was confident and ok about it then I'd be fine- if the guy was insecure (I could tell because he'd ask me why I needed to wear heels smh :perplexed) then his self-consciousness would rub off on me too and I'd feel uncomfortable.

It is sort of nice to be talking to a dude who is 6'4 though. :lol:
Im 5'4 and S/O is 6'3.

I've never dated a guy that was shorter than me before because I'm pretty short.
I'm 5'7 and my FI is about half an inch taller. I don't like being taller when i wear heels but he doesn't mind. I'm 135 lbs and he is 120 lbs. His build is slight and I have a bit more bone.

At first when we were dating I was a bit self conscious of what my family and others thought of my choice in a man but I don't care anymore. I've been spoiled since day 1. He builds me furniture, cooks most meals, helps me show and train my dogs, and is Mr. Fix it around the house. I realize now if I had held out for who I thought was ideal I would have missed out BIG time.
Im 5'1 (barely) lol. My exH was 6'5 and I loved it lol. I don't date men under 6'O... I like to feel secure n protected. My SO is 6'1 and he always says he jus made the cut off point LOL
I have a four inch height minimum. I'm 5'9, I can't do anything less. I've dated 5'10, 5'11 and was just underwhelmed.

My friends have said that I need to lower my standard, but if the shorties can set their height minimum one foot and above, I don't think I'm asking too much :look:
JessieLeleB said:
..... no one will answer my question?...... smh

To my understanding

DH - Dear Husband.

SO - Significant Other

FH - Future Husband.

Someone correct me if I am wrong tho...
I tried dating a short guy once and quickly learned that ish is for the birds! I really liked him but it was just weird. Im 5'5 1/2 and he was like 5'7 (so he say, but i think 5'6). When my roommate boyfriend (6'4) or guy friends of ours came over, he always had to look up to them. He wasnt even as tall as some of their shoulders :nono: like a lil brother of theirs. AND he loved wearing flip flops, the flattest shoes out there.
And as far as what these abbreviations mean, I still don't know what they mean by lachen and look. there's another one but I can t remember it
Just to add. At 5'6, I'd prefer a mate to be at least 6'0. I am not particularly thrilled by any guy that is in the 5's...but If I was single and he was in that height range, I wouldnt necessarily discriminate. But He'd have to over 5'6. I experienced shorter, but wouldnt want to again.
My SO is 5'4'' and I am 5'7''...5'11 in heels. This has never been a problem for me, and I feel no different than when I dated tall people... I actually like the visual dynamic we have.

I guess I've never felt the need for someone to be hovering over me in order to feel protected. Nor do I feel that he couldn't protect me if need be. Do people fight with their height?
There's a guy interested in me who's 6'7" and his height is kind of intimidating. I'm only 5'4" and he towers way over me.. seems like it would be awkward to kiss or hug while standing up. Around 5'10"-6" is ideal for me. I'm fine with shorter guys as long as they're not skinny.. short and skinny is a no go, then I feel like I could pick him up or give him a piggy back ride :lol:

I also don't like to deal with short men who are insecure about it.. that's the worst. Confidence goes a long way..
Theresamonet said:
My SO is 5'4'' and I am 5'7''...5'11 in heels. This has never been a problem for me, and I feel no different than when I dated tall people... I actually like the visual dynamic we have.

I guess I've never felt the need for someone to be hovering over me in order to feel protected. Nor do I feel that he couldn't protect me if need be. Do people fight with their height?

Exactly! My FH is the same height as me (although he insists on claiming 3/4 of an inch more than me :lol:) and shorter when I wear heels. No man has ever or will even try him. They know that his height has nothing to do with his strength because he is built. I feel very much protected, :giggle:
ETA: towering over them makes you look like a least that's what FH tells me.

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My DH is almost 6', I am 5'1. I love tall men, and they have always loved me. I have dated a few shorter than this - but none shorter than me. As I dated taller guys - I never looked back. A lil' man can be cute all he wants, just not my cup of tea. I love to be picked up, and bear hugged...amongst other unmentionable things :)
My Sis in law is much taller than my brother, and they look cute together. She is 6', so I believe that she already dealt with the fact that she may be taller than many men. I think opposites attract.
Exactly! My FH is the same height as me (although he insists on claiming 3/4 of an inch more than me :lol:) and shorter when I wear heels. No man has ever or will even try him. They know that his height has nothing to do with his strength because he is built. I feel very much protected, :giggle:
ETA: towering over them makes you look like a least that's what FH tells me.

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:lol: It does. Being 5'7'' I'm not really considered tall. But, when people see us out together they go and on about how tall I am. I'm not tall, he is just short. :lachen:

And my SO loves the attention he gets from his friends/co-workers who try to figure out how he 'got' me.
I used to require that guys be a certain height also but ive always crushed on the short guy.
This is me, I ideally want a dude over 5'11" but I usually fall for the 5'6" or 5'7", I am 5'4". This last guy I dated he was maybe an inch or 2 taller but I couldn't tell and in heels I was taller but I didn't really mind.

I think I have gotten over the height thing but dude can't be shorter than me.
We are the same, I think 5'7...but hubs slouches ALL THE TIME, so he looks shorter. I'm bigger, in size, meaning I weigh more, but he has a lot of muscle. So it works. Sometimes I wish he was a tad taller, so when I wear 4" heels I don't tower over him. But he's cool with it, so am I. In his words: I don't like small or short girls:look:
I guess I've never felt the need for someone to be hovering over me in order to feel protected. Nor do I feel that he couldn't protect me if need be. Do people fight with their height?

I wondered the same. I don't think being tall means you can fight. If the guy works out and is muscular he can probably fight I assume. A short muscular guy is probably more intimidating, than a skinny, lanky tall guy I would think.
I'm 6' and I only date men 5'11 or taller. In the past I dated men shorter than me(5'8) and I felt really uncomfortable.
Like I would have to bend over to hug them...or bend over to give them a kiss....or when I would wear heels(usually 3 inches or lower) I would be towering over them. I just felt huge compared to them..even though I'm a rather slender person.
I'm currently dating someone 6'2 but we look the same height.
There is only one drawback for us, with me being 5'6 and him 6'4...When we hug close, I dont feel certain things pressing in certain places. Like his lower parts are more pressing against my stomach rather than saying "hi" to my lower parts, so hugging is more like him stooping down to bear hug me. Dont get me wrong cus I love that too. If we are lying down...well that's a who nutha story :lol:

Hope y'all understood what I was saying :drunk:
I've dated plenty of guys well over 6 feet and I'm 5.2. My ex was 6.1 and the biggest punk I've ever seen. In fact, I can name at least 3 guys I've dated in the past who were tall, athletic and all that but still little bitttcheez when it came down to speaking up for me, protecting me, etc. Also, conflict is a rare occurrence so when I meet a guy, the first thing I think isn't "how will he protect me if a dude wants to fight." That's so high school IMO. When it comes down to it, you want a man who will get down with whatever situation no matter what his height. Maybe it's easy for me because i"m already short. I used to be one of those chicks who had to have a man over 6 feet. None of them have been a bigger man than my current SO who is only 5.8. When a man is down with you and down for you, he'll get buck with a mountain if he has to. I recently learned that.
Not dating, but have only dated guys who were 5'9 to 5'11. Pretty much all of them were 5'11 (even the Asian one).
I could not date a guy who is shorter than me. I'm only 5'4, so that would be awkward. I need 5'9 and up, bc I like to wear heels sometimes.
I did go out on a date with a guy who must have been 5'6, and when I wore heels on our date, I was walking next to him and thinking: wait a minute, am I looking over his head right now??

He didn't seem to mind. Sounds like he had dated a lot of tall girls.