Is your Boyfriend, Husband, Significant Other part of your inspriation???


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been meaning to share this for a while now. I've always wanted long hair for myself for years. However part of my desire is driven by the fact that I know my boyfriend likes long hair. Just to clarify he likes me as I am with my current hair, and is not dating me for my hair...however I know he prefers long hair.

I'm just wondering if any of you out there are partly (even if it's a little itty bit) growing your hair for your significant other?

(I hope you ladies understand what I'm saying here)
Lol I know my So is not dating me because of my hair because every time he sees me it's always in a bun or up. He's never seen my hair down....So I just want have a nice pretty pony so i can fling it in his face when he says something stupid l0l...But I'm growing my hair for me
Yes I've shared my hair inspirations with my bf. I told him I wanted at least shoulder length natural hair. Sometimes he will tell me I'm buying too many hair products and will ask what I'm going to do with all of them:lol:. He thinks it's pretty cool that I have an online source to talk all about hair.

ETA: He convinced me to have my friend's sister do my hair. I wasn't treating my hair right...using too many chemicals. I'm so glad I listened to him and started getting sew-ins and taking better care of my hair. It has really thrived since last year!!!!
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I hate to admit it, but he is a small, but significant source of my inspiration. When I met my boyfriend, I had just gotten a short cut after suffering severe breakage from the overprocessing of my hair (a sad story from the past :sad: ), so I know that he's not dating me for my hair. But when he saw pictures of my hair from the previous summer (we met in the winter) when it was healthy and shoulder length, I could clearly see from his reaction which look he preferred.
when I first met my boyfriend my hair was almost shoulder length and then I did a drastic cut to where it was barely an inch in the back ( this was in october ) Yes, he did say that he prefers me with longer hair but thinks that hair is hair and it doesn't matter to him what length it is. He is a small part of my inspiration though.
The guy that I'm seeing (it's too soon to be calling him my S.O. I'd just be jinxing myself) used to have long (well past shoulder length) 3b hair (he's AA) until he cut it over the winter. So it was a royal pain in the butt to be around him with his flowing locks (and trust me he had GORGEOUS hair, he'd blow it out and it'd be swangalin', not just swangin', everywhere) and meanwhile I was painfully trying to grow out my fauxhhawk! So a part of me relishes all the growth I get because it soothes my still damaged ego! :look: But yea, the majority of this hair journey is just for me, I look better with long hair and can't wait to have my sexy locks back!
SohoHair said:
The guy that I'm seeing (it's too soon to be calling him my S.O. I'd just be jinxing myself) used to have long (well past shoulder length) 3b hair (he's AA) until he cut it over the winter. So it was a royal pain in the butt to be around him with his flowing locks (and trust me he had GORGEOUS hair, he'd blow it out and it'd be swangalin', not just swangin', everywhere) and meanwhile I was painfully trying to grow out my fauxhhawk! So a part of me relishes all the growth I get because it soothes my still damaged ego! :look: But yea, the majority of this hair journey is just for me, I look better with long hair and can't wait to have my sexy locks back!
:lol: I can just see his hair swangalin' too!
When I started my hairjourney I didn`t even thought about hubbys thoughts(bad me),however now he is part of my inspiration as I learned that he likes long hair:)
I'm growing my hair for myself but...

my husband is an inspiration,
he has very fast growing hair.
he had a bald head in December, now he has lovely thick almost touching his shoulder cornrows.
i wish my hair grew so fast. he just leaves it alone
and cornrows it every 2.5 weeks....;)
It's good to hear that there a few of you who's SOs are a small bit of inspiration.

I just wanted to clarify that I started my quest for long hair waayyyyy before I met my boyfriend. So my desire definitely started for me and is still predominantly for me, since I'm the one that has to live with my hair 100% of the time. However now he's a small bit of inspiration for me. I would love for him to be able to put his arms around me and GENTLY touch the hair resting on my back.
ella said:
When I started my hairjourney I didn`t even thought about hubbys thoughts(bad me),however now he is part of my inspiration as I learned that he likes long hair:)

Same here. When I started, my BF was not in my life at all. Since he's come along knowing that he likes long hair has served as an inspiration to me as well.
welll my boyfriend said he'd support me either way if i BC'ed or kept it long....although he's told me that i've been the only girlfriend he's had that wears my real hair and thats had it this long...i guess what he said became something i unconsciously thought yeah i'm guessing he's apart of my inspiration...we all want to secretly be appealing to our SO's in some form or fashion....especially since i'm the only half black/half latina he's dated...even some of the latina's he's dated had short hair and had extensions....i think the idea that i've attained what his other ex's (who are "supposed" to have that "good hair"- lol and i'm going by societal labels) don't have has gone to my head a bit...

but more recently, i've decided that what i was doing was for me...i abandoned relaxers and other harmful chemicals (lol although im trying to abandon dye but its sooo soooo tempting!) i want to be waist natural so i don't care if he wants my hair straight or what...its healthiest doing what it does best, being forget him...i'm really just beginning to discover that this is all about me..he's just along for the ride..

but i do think that if i didn't have a man i'd be much more liberal with my hair and i probably would've long since BC'ed but i've beem short for most of my life so i think it would've been just as hard either way...funny enough i found LHCF while we started going so i guess the line gets a bit blurry..
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I did start my hair journey waaaaay before i met my hubby but he is a part of my inspiration now because I know that he loves my hair long. when i showed him a pic of my hair in 2003 when i had a buzz cut he laughed at my pic instantly and said that i looked like a chubby little boy and when i looked at the pic i started to laugh too because i did.:lol: some people can really rock short hair but i'm definitely not one of them.:lachen: :grin:
Thankfully, my SO just cares if I look nice, but ironically, because I do belly dance, I've been more into growing my own hair long for that. I've never had long hair, and for that matter I've never had particularly healthy hair, so I just want to know what it feels like. I'm planning to have just above waist length hair by the time I choose to start maintaining a regular length. That's looking like about 2 years away so far, but the idea of a waistlength braidout: Sigh.
My husband is indeed one of my inspirations. When we met I was natural but he never saw my hair because I kept extensions in and then we he did, he did not like it at all. He would constantly call me edges. So I must say that I am on a quest to grow those suckers in. If you take a peek at my album you will see I got a long way to go, but I up to the challenge.
In some ways my boyfriend inspires me. He does not make a big deal about my hair, but I know he prefers long hair.

A friend told me at dinner last weekend that he thinks I look better with long hair and my BF defended me by saying that he thinks I look cute with my hair just the way it is. “Cute, he says. That was nice, but I prefer sexy. :)

But he inspires me indirectly, because he has nice healthy long hair and just seeing his makes me want the same.
my bf inspires me to take the best care of my hair that i can :) he likes to remind me to deep condition and will sometimes come with me to the beauty supply store! :lol:

when we first met i had a short blonde bob. now i'm back to my natural color (black) and transitioning. he loves it either way!!
My boyfriend loves my hair. He likes long hair period, and is satisfied with my hair now. He's very simple which is nice. But my goal to keep my hair healthy and grow it longer is all for me. My hair used to be very long and I want it back.
In the words of my boyfriend "i don't care what you do, long short, who cares aslong as u look good, but pls beleive i'll tell u if a style dont suit u", he knows im growing it long, but in the growing process he doesn't care how i style it whether it be weaves, extensions or my natural hair. He is still supportive.
When I met my bf, he had cornrows, but when he stretched his hair it was past "brastrap" length. He always said women must be doing something wrong with their hair if HE can grow hair that long and he's a guy. At that time my hair was relaxed never went past the bottom of my neck. He kept encouraging me to stop relaxing my hair and just wear cornrows like he does.

Now I'm natural and I'm at shoulder length, about 3 inches away from my next goal. I can't wait for my hair to be as long as his was. He loves my hair when it's in twists, but he still tells me he would love it if I wore cornrows all the time :lol:
Not at all. My husband couldn't care less about my hair. Probably because I've had shoulder length relaxed hair, braids, twists, a twa, etc. in the time we've been together. He knows that I change my hair every 5 minutes, so he doesn't get too attached to a certain style or length. I get all excited and show him my progress pics and he's like "" I guess it's better this way. I couldn't deal with a guy who only like my hair a certain way.
my boyfriend dosen't care because at the time he met me I was still growing my hair out from chemo treatments.

He does enjoy most of what I do because he benefits from it, and he does get roped into doing some stuff that he dosen't like (like the MTG:lol: )

so for him he just sees it as hair, and no matter how much I have or don't have, he'll love it because its apart of me.

I'm so happy to have a man who doesn't care and who really loves me for me and not what I look like with hair. He'd rather I wear my hair all pulled back in a bun or pony, rather than me sport a weave. He was being so nice to me the other day when I was going through my hair thinning catastrophe. That said, he is a a big part of my motivation ... he just doesn't know it.
My husband loves long healthy hair. When we first met my hair was a few inches above BSL but very unhealthy from constant flat ironing and a disasterous incident with a Dark & Lovely relaxer. :perplexed

When I started to grow my hair and cut off the "relaxed" part DH was amazed with my hair. He loves curly wild hair. ;)

Now he likes to watch after I finish washing it and I add my leave in and butter. He stands in the bathroom doorway and watches me comb it out straight while it's wet and then put it up in a braided bun. He just smiles and shakes his head when he sees me all excited over some new "hair concoction" I've just made in the kitchen. :lol:
wantlonghealthyhair said:
I'm growing my hair for myself but...

my husband is an inspiration,
he has very fast growing hair.
he had a bald head in December, now he has lovely thick almost touching his shoulder cornrows.
i wish my hair grew so fast. he just leaves it alone
and cornrows it every 2.5 weeks....;)

:eek: :eek: WOWZA
Haha, not really. He prefers those short, spikey, oddly cut Japanese anime hairstyles. Which will never happen, :lol: .

He supports my efforts, and always tells me I look nice, though.
Nope. My SO doesn't seem to care, although he did tell me once that he would not like me to have a really short cut. But I think as long as I am chin length or more, he really could care less.
I know I will look as an oldfashioned woman, but I shall confess that I am doing a lot of haircare to please my husband. I had been wearing very long hair long during years, but I had stopped doing so when I met him. However at his (so kind) request, I have been growing hair and resuming weekly rollersetting. For sure, he is in love with my long, smooth and wavy hair. But I do not consider that it is a crime. On the contrary having him taking care is part my overall balance. He is also volunteering to help and never hesitating spending money for hair care (at the salon or me buying products,....) As disclosed in a previous thread, he also bought me a professional hood dryer which is one of the best gifts I ever had. Once again I do not feel guilty going that route. He is also very receptive on how he shall behave or cloth to please me !
He is not the reason I decided to grow my hair out.... but he is an inspiration in that he is very supportive and encouraging of my goals and progress. He compliments me when he sees the difference, tells me how proud he is that I am so dedicated to this goal, and doesnt complain when its time to take my Progress Pictures for Fokti, time-consuming though it may be. (I try to make it fun for him: "Sunshine, don't forget, it's time for another photo shoot this weekend!!!!") :lol:

He does tease me from time to time about the products that I use, and the unconventional, sometimes extreme, lengths that he believes I'll go to, but hey... his jokes arent too far off from the truth. LOL!!!!