Is this FOOL serious?

Thanks for all the input ladies. I really don't think I want to hear anymore of his lies so I'm not gonna contact him. If he feels the need to play games then I need to move on. It just blows my mind how some men are selfish and have no respect for anyone. Like some posters have stated above it was not that serious.

Please dont call him

some women are desperate and want others to join them in their madness. lol @ calling and demanding an explanation where its not like it's been a 3 year relationship. please.
"You "DO lose dignity calling his lying azs . :)

"babe i swear i couldn't call you ,i hit mah head while i was fixing my granma 's roof and i passed out fo 4 days ,my mama was tryna call my dad but didnt have a cellphone so she tried to use mine ,she cracked the password (cuz it's your name baby girl) ,she saw your texts and let u know i was in there ...i know u dont believe me but why would i make all this up,forreal?i could of just said anything ,why would i make all this up? You gptta believe me when am i gonna see your pretty face again ?i miss you like crazy ... Hm. "
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It would be a wrap for me. But I would be curious enough to call him and hear what he will claim was wrong with him during his "sick days".
^^^ (in reply to Kindheart)

in calling him now, yes, i agree. Possible dignity lost there. In answering when he called that night, no. :lol:

Also, the five minutes spent "investigating" when he called would've been more efficient than the days spent here trying to figure out what's going on in his head.

(phone rings)

ElegantPearl: Hello?
Fool: <insert "Baby i swear" excuse from post above>
ElegantPearl: *click*

Done. :lol:
:dead: :lachen:
"You "DO lose dignity calling his lying azs . :)

"babe i swear i couldn't call you ,i hit mah head while i was fixing my granma 's roof and i passed out fo 4 days ,my mama was tryna call my dad but didnt have a cellphone so she tried to use mine ,she cracked the password (cuz it's your name baby girl) ,she saw your texts and let u know i was in there ...i know u dont believe me but why would i make all this up,forreal?i could of just said anything ,why would i make all this up? You gptta believe me when am i gonna see your pretty face again ?i miss you like crazy ... Hm. "
"I just figured out his password"...

Key sentence. If John asked his Mom to contact you, he would have givin her his password, she wouldn't have had to figure it out on her own.. And if you guys weren't that serious, Mom wouldn't have deemed it absolutely neccessary to decipher his password to contact you.
hes hilarious. I'd answer next time he calls just to listen to him dig himself an even deeper hole.

dont take it personally & consider it entertainment because you know how seriously to take him now.
Yeah, the fact that his mom had to "crack" the password is mad suspect. Then, when she finally got into the phone, how did she know who to call??? I'm sure OP isn't the only person saved in his phone. Ninja please!!! Also, I guess it took her 5 days to "crack" the password. There's just so much wrong with that. "She" text you that he was getting out today, so just in case you actually text back, there'd be no reason to come up to the hospital to see him. LOL...this is TRULY insulting.

Then, the fact that he called but didn't leave a message is also a dead giveaway. If you were truly in the hospital in a coma, then you'd definitely leave a message and try to talk to the person.

EPIC FAIL. He needs his playa card revoked or whomever told him to do this stupid mess! :nono:
Please dont call him

some women are desperate and want others to join them in their madness. lol @ calling and demanding an explanation where its not like it's been a 3 year relationship. please.

What is your deal? Because we don't agree with you, we are desperate? And as far as I know, no one said to call and demand an explanation. I said do some investigating, NOT interrogating, and by his answers determine whether or not to believe opposed to just writing him off as a liar and cutting off all contact. Sometimes, things do happen, as lame as his explanation was, it probably was a lie but why not, instead of assuming (since it appears you really like him) just try and find out what happened. If his responses don't satisfy you, then move on. I don't understand why some are so quick to cut someone off when an a mere conversation with the person could tell you all you need to know.
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Even if she investigated (ie. Wasted her time/life/energy) - no good/reputable hospital should give any information on the liar in question, especially since its been some time since his *discharge*...

I'm insulted for her as well, but worrying about this dud is a waste of her life, IMO.

Even if it happens later in life - the truth will be revealed - that never fails.
"You "DO lose dignity calling his lying azs . :)

"babe i swear i couldn't call you ,i hit mah head while i was fixing my granma 's roof and i passed out fo 4 days ,my mama was tryna call my dad but didnt have a cellphone so she tried to use mine ,she cracked the password (cuz it's your name baby girl) ,she saw your texts and let u know i was in there ...i know u dont believe me but why would i make all this up,forreal?i could of just said anything ,why would i make all this up? You gptta believe me when am i gonna see your pretty face again ?i miss you like crazy ... Hm. "

chile please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen:
I don't think I've laughed this hard in awhile... the comments in this thread are hilarious..
His story does seem sketchy.. the Pisces in me would do some serious investigation on him.

Like others have said If he wasn't tied down, or in a coma he could have called you via his phone, or on the hospital phone. Hell, he could have gave your number to his mom the day of, and tell her to call you. And/or leave a detailed voicemail on his situation(including what hospital he's in, his room#, things like that)
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Honestly if I would you I would assume it was bullsh$&. Maybe he hung out with someone else or like someone stated lives with someone and this is why I say it's bs, supposingly the mom just contacted you five days later and then on that day she tells you where he is and just so happens he contact you the same day?! If he was well enough to contact you later that day, why did the mom contact you, she should of left it alone because apparently he was fine. That's bs girl and I know you can feel it...