Is this FOOL serious?

Oh my goodness I laughed so hard at that text. He could have done better than that, did he think you were born yesterday?
He has another woman and that woman was pregnant. She went into labour and he went to the hospital with her....he couldn't tel you that so said he was sick............

I experienced a similar scenario :ohwell:.
Unless his illness/injury involved both of his hands be removed and him being on a ventilator, he had access to his phone and could have called you himself. From day one.

Investigate if you want to, but for me, this would be a wrap.
This same thing sorta happened to me but his mom said he was in jail and needed bail money. Uh no I don't associate with criminals. :lachen:
It's just interesting to me that he felt he needed to lie to me even though we are just dating. It was not necessary IMO. He could have just said something came up, X,Y,Z...

that's what i don't get either. why did he go through all of that, just to fake? it wasn't that serious. he said he was falling for you and wanted to cook you dinner! who plays like that? we are too grown for that mess.
He has another woman and that woman was pregnant. She went into labour and he went to the hospital with her....he couldn't tel you that so said he was sick............

I experienced a similar scenario :ohwell:.

that happened to me, but the guy was my man of 3 1/2 years. we planned a date and he never showed up. come to find out the girl he was cheating on me with went into labor.i found out a year later from this chick i went to school with. she was just randomly talking and i started putting dates together.
Stuff really does come up. If you all were casually dating you probably weren't high on the priority list to get notification.
...and if he was on his death bed, who was charging his phone for the last 5 days? Oh yeah his Mom charged it for him. :rolleyes:
If my child was on his death bed the last thing I would be worried about is his phone.
You dodged a bullet girl....
Stuff really does come up. If you all were casually dating you probably weren't high on the priority list to get notification.

Stuff definitely comes up, but I mean come on! :lachen: Mom texting a chick that her son is casually dating after "finding out his password"?? Was it THAT serious for her to let OP know 5 days after their date was supposed to occur??? We need to stop falling for this B.S., ladies!!! It would be completely different if HE called HER a couple of days later and explained what happened. MAYBE he would deserve the benefit of the doubt then. And that's a big maybe. :lol: But putting his mom in the middle of it?? :perplexed It's like he wanted OP to know he was lying. :nono:
gabulldawg said:
Stuff definitely comes up, but I mean come on! :lachen: Mom texting a chick that her son is casually dating after "finding out his password"?? Was it THAT serious for her to let OP know 5 days after their date was supposed to occur??? We need to stop falling for this B.S., ladies!!! It would be completely different if HE called HER a couple of days later and explained what happened. MAYBE he would deserve the benefit of the doubt then. And that's a big maybe. :lol: But putting his mom in the middle of it?? :perplexed It's like he wanted OP to know he was lying. :nono:

I understand what you're saying, but I'm saying you can never know and assuming is silly when it takes a few seconds to verify by talking to him.
Unless he was in a coma which is very unlikely, why his mom couldn't just ask for his password why the need to mention "cracking" it in the text,whats the need to mention that unless it s not his mom but himself over justifying,he made up that story so that you would be less upset about his absence .."see even my mom know about u " ,also if it was a serious illness it wouldn't have lasted 5 days .

ITA w this below . Common sense :)
B_Phlyy said:
Unless his illness/injury involved both of his hands be removed and him being on a ventilator, he had access to his phone and could have called you himself. From day one.

Investigate if you want to, but for me, this would be a wrap.
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dang yall are good. im so dang naive, as reading the story i was believing the dude, but now i can see how this would be a bust. i have no sympathy for dudes nowadays and agree with everyone and say ditch him.

I was gonna say the same thing. Thank god for LHCF cause I probably would've fallen for some mess like that!
ElegantPearl17 said:
It's just interesting to me that he felt he needed to lie to me even though we are just dating. It was not necessary IMO. He could have just said something came up, X,Y,Z...

Yea this kinda unnecessary lying over small things is a huge red flag even without everything else in this stor
I understand what you're saying, but I'm saying you can never know and assuming is silly when it takes a few seconds to verify by talking to him.

I bet £5 that he doesn't answer his phone, return OP's call or return a text. And if he does it will be days later with something lame like, 'how are you?' Then she will be left looking like she was chasing him down.
Thanks for all the input ladies. I really don't think I want to hear anymore of his lies so I'm not gonna contact him. If he feels the need to play games then I need to move on. It just blows my mind how some men are selfish and have no respect for anyone. Like some posters have stated above it was not that serious.
I wouldn't dead it but I would ask a lot more questions.

If you're asking for our opinion then maybe a part of you (albeit small piece) thinks it might be true. Why wouldn't you follow, respond to the text or at least answer the phone? If anything at all, didn't you care about him or at least to know if he's OK?

You don't have to do anything with him, date him but just find out what the situation your convenience :) And you wouldn't be a fool to do so but you might be a fool to let someone go that you didn't have a problem with before (or did you.) Now, you'll never know.

The only part that doesn't make much sense to me is why would a mother be concerned about cracking a phone code when her son is in the hospital? Now, there are all kinds of snooping parents but probability of this is low. I don't think you have enough info to make a 100% call. If you don't care though...KIM otherwise I'd question.

I'd go visit a friend that cares :)

If it were me, I would likely want to get to the bottom of it instead of immediately dismissing it as a lie. It is not realistic that his mom would contact you, but I would still want to know what was going on.

I have an answer for everything that has been brought up. In this post, I've been in the hospital before and never used the phones (especially since they're casually dating - calling her may not be a big priority which is another issue) and b) the man may be really ill and c) maybe he doesn't remember her number by heart! BTW, I'm assuming he was in the hospital for 5 days and didn't have his phone.

IDK- suspect, yes but definite no.

I'm soooooooooo curious to know the truth. What's his number lemme find out :lachen:

ETA- I'm reading others posts and Oooohhh ya'll thinking HE sent the text LOL I thought you all assumed his other boo found the phone and texted. I'm so lost. Yet another reason you need to find out...cuz I'm lost LOL!

I understand what you're saying, but I'm saying you can never know and assuming is silly when it takes a few seconds to verify by talking to him.

OK I'm sorry to be so blunt but wth ya'll telling her to do?

This man is lying, clearly.

Nothing to investigate, no need for an explanation, no need to waste anymore time hearing his lies. All he is going to do is lie to her.

Who needs that? OP, just move on. This guy is a joke
intergalacticartist said:
OK I'm sorry to be so blunt but wth ya'll telling her to do?

This man is lying, clearly.

Nothing to investigate, no need for an explanation, no need to waste anymore time hearing his lies. All he is going to do is lie to her.

Who needs that? OP, just move on. This guy is a joke

You have your opinion, I have mine. No need to apologize. :grin:
you know this actually did happen to a poster on here; turns out he really was in the hospital. I think it was Ediese it happened to.
.... you never know....
you know this actually did happen to a poster on here; turns out he really was in the hospital. I think it was Ediese it happened to.
.... you never know....

I remember that story and it was Ediese, except I don't think the guy stood her up. (I could be wrong though.) I also think the mom actually called Ediese. (I could be wrong part II.) I don't feel like digging up the thread, but someone else can. Plus, he was still in the hospital when Ediese was contacted. (I'm not wrong about that part.) This fool, I mean guy, waited until after he conveniently left the hospital.
My curious self had to look up Ediese's old post. Here it is:

Ediese's guy was a no-show but he eventually contacted her while in the hospital. She did do some detective work before then, but the fact that he contacted her while he was in the hospital bed is way different, imo, from the situation in this thread. The guy in this thread "conveniently" waited until he left the hospital and even then didn't leave a message or detail his situation. Prior to that, there is the "phony" text from his mom, again not detailing his situation, but just saying that he was vaguely "sick" and is leaving the hospital. The story is just off. In Ediese's situation, the guy explains the nature of his hospital stay.

It helps that in Ediese's case, the guy's job confirmed that he was out and in the hospital. OP, if you want to do detective work like others suggested, go for it. But, imo, details = truth and vague = sketchy. Plus, the mom and password story just speaks a "let me bolster my alibi by sending this text".
OK I'm sorry to be so blunt but wth ya'll telling her to do?

This man is lying, clearly.

Nothing to investigate, no need for an explanation, no need to waste anymore time hearing his lies. All he is going to do is lie to her.

Who needs that? OP, just move on. This guy is a joke

I agree that it's likely a lie, but there is a small chance he is telling the truth....then she runs the risk of ruining a potential relationship b/c of being too hasty. I never said she has to go out with him again, but if it were someone that I liked I would want to find out what was going on instead of just cutting off all contact. If his story still doesn't sound realistic then move on. She really hasn't lost anything if she decides to do some investigating instead of just cutting him off.....
^^^ As much as I think that this guy is lying, I co-sign with the above. I would've picked up the phone when he called just to hear what he had to say and to ask my "investigative" questions. There is no dignity lost in doing that.
Stuff definitely comes up, but I mean come on! :lachen: Mom texting a chick that her son is casually dating after "finding out his password"?? Was it THAT serious for her to let OP know 5 days after their date was supposed to occur??? We need to stop falling for this B.S., ladies!!! It would be completely different if HE called HER a couple of days later and explained what happened. MAYBE he would deserve the benefit of the doubt then. And that's a big maybe. :lol: But putting his mom in the middle of it?? :perplexed It's like he wanted OP to know he was lying. :nono:

OK I'm sorry to be so blunt but wth ya'll telling her to do?

This man is lying, clearly.

Nothing to investigate, no need for an explanation, no need to waste anymore time hearing his lies. All he is going to do is lie to her.

Who needs that? OP, just move on. This guy is a joke

THANK YOU. I grew up with a best friend who had 5 big trife life brothers who treated me as a little sis. They used to school us on all the game guys will play and tell us dont get caught up. Now does this prevent us women from never getting caught up or falling for any game? NO. But this rightheah is straigt up insulting arse bs. But he wouldnt attempt this if there werent women who have obviously fallen for it in the past, soooo.

It's not even the story line, it's the way he did it. It jus sounds so damned stupid.