Dating men who are SERIAL TEXTERS!

You ladies are so right whatever happened to a decent conversation. People can hide behind email and texting to the point that you don't really know who they are, then when you talk with them on the phone its like, who the hell is this? Its like your talking to a diffrent person, because they don't have time to think about what they are going to say. I rarely used to text, but now being in a long distance relationship any and all communication is precious, but it infuriates me, and I'm about to cut it off. I can't believe you ladies are going through the same thing as me, cause I'm new to this game. As a matter of fact that's exactly what texting feels like, running game.
I text when i don't want to talk to my BF. If we're "fighting" i will text because i know if i call he won't answer and i'll have a serious attitude
i prefer texting...

during the day, it keeps me occupied cuz my work definitely doesn't.... when i'm out doing stuff, it's more convenient for me to text than to walk around talking on the phone... when i'm home, i generally have other things to that i need to do where talking isn't all that convenient... i mean i'm not totally against phone convos, but, if we're going to talk, i like to do it in person... otherwise, texting, ims, emails whateva are cool with me...
I text alot as well but I do prefer phone calls over texting when it comes to guys Im dealing with. The latest guy prefers to text and I just told him "I dont understand text" when we were having a somewhat serious conversation. I ignored his following text until he got the msg and just called me. I think some guys prefer text so they can take their sweet time getting back to you or think of what theyre going to say. Sometimes I prefer text because I'd be disappointed if someone didnt answer the phone then I'd have to wait for a phone call back to say what I wanted to say. I can just text them, let them sit on it, and respond whenever. Hayle, alot of the guys I've dealt with recently will text me back faster than call me back. Weird.
I don't believe in building a relationship over text messaging....quick little messages are ok every once in a while...but I don't think you can get to know someone via text....the interaction over text is not personal enough....
I talk to a guy that e/m text and we talk in the evenings, but because the e/m and text is unemotional we have a lot of misunderstandings and I hate it.
I loath texting, but I think for ladies in the prequalifing stages email only contact is great. There's really no need to talk to a man who doesn't want anything and no man who really wants to make it pop and ready to make a move will keep chating it up with you via email. He will want to know when's the best time to call or see you in person.
You control when you are available.
Tell him you only respond to hand written
I like texting. Its short and sweet and provides me with lots of giggles throughout the day. I think its good for close friendships... its an easy way to include someone in your day. Its hella distracting though... and I think it takes a way from my interpersonal communication skills. I remember I went through a facebook album that my friend made of this event we attended and 60% of the pics I was tagged in had me texting someone.... I would never have an argument over text msging though... what kind of passive aggressive stuff is that????

I remember the one time I did engage in an "argument" over text.... I express myself very well through writing and I knew exactly how to push his buttons... either way I texted him, and this dude called me back and cuss'd me out worse than I have ever been cuss'd in my life. :nono:.

That put me off of texting for awhile.
I'm the total opposite. I luv to text and my SO absolutely hates it. haha When we first started dating--he would interrupt plenty of text sessions I was trying to start with a return text that said "call me". haha Almost 2 years later--he's getting better at it. We both have BlackJack II's so now he txts more. haha Had to upgrade him. ;)
DH and I text when in situations (church, drs appts, or any quiet place), but if I'm driving, I'll just call him and we'll talk. Texting costs $$ in some cases. Tell your man to text the house # and see what happens.
So worth bumping. I just had to check in with my LHCF sisters to see if "I" was missing something or stuck in the 90?s!

I've recently be contacted by what seems to be a "serial texter". .....I honestly think he dosen't know how to talk to me (known'em 3 yrs); or he's trying to feel me out. If I have to explain as indicated below, he's going to find that I the rumors of me having no patience are so "true".

Today we had a convo-text session where I dropped him a 2nd hint:
Me (after the 5th txt of the day and an inquiry about my weekend ): I love texting becuause it keeps my minutes free so I can talk to the important folks in my life"

He called me within minutes, the convo was brief because I was going to a meeting.

Me: (So once setteld in I text back) "Cute".
Him: What is cute?
Me: I'll explain later

Lawd knows if I gotta explain it, it probably won't be "tactful". My 1st hint came after about 5 days of texting when I asked him has he "always been a "serial texter?"; after the initial "hint" he gave a silly response & I became a lot less responsive. I've been on the road a lot lately so the texting was a little amusing; but I'm not going for a 3rd week of text-convos.
My potential right now is a computer\technology greek to then th degree, but he told me right away he doesn't like personal conversations via text nor email. I did a "Thank You Jesus dance". He said he will speak with his coworkers and students via email and text but outside of work that is a no no.
I don't tolerate it. I let men know up front that I don't do excessive texting. If you want to talk to me, then call me. If you attempt to do excessive texting then you will be ignored.

I tell them that from day one so they can't even get into the habit of doing it. They either respect what I have said and call or I never hear from them again, lol.

Occasionally I will meet someone from a dating site that I am on and want to give him my phone number. Almost all of them pull that texting crap. Once I tell them to either call and have a real conversation or stop contacting me, 9 times out of 10 I never hear from them again. I don't have time for dumb games, grow up!
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I don't tolerate it. I let men know up front that I don't do excessive texting. If you want to talk to me, then call me. If you attempt to do excessive texting then you will be ignored.

I tell them that from day one so they can't even get into the habit of doing it. They either respect what I have said and call or I never hear from them again, lol.

Occasionally I will meet someone from a dating site that I am on and want to give him my phone number. Almost all of them pull that texting crap. Once I tell them to either call and have a real conversation or stop contacting me, 9 times out of 10 I never hear from them again. I don't have time for dumb games, grow up!
Totally agree. I told my SO from the jump , I wasn't going to be texting him...he still stuck around. More fool him!:Devil: