Is this FOOL serious?


Well-Known Member
This will be sort of a long post so bear with me...

Background Story: I have been casually dating this guy, let's call him John, for the past 3-4 months. We are not in a relationship (not quite ready for that yet), but we see each other quite often..maybe once or twice a week at the most. When we are together we have a great time and he often mentions that he would like for me to be his SO and that he thinks he is falling for me. Let me mention that we do not communicate every day for various reasons, but he has been adament about wanting something more serious with me.

Fast forward: Last week, John and I had a date on Tuesday night. We hung out and then made plans for the following day to get together at my house. He wanted to cook dinner for me and I told him sure. Why not? :lick:

The NEXT day: So, all day Wednesday I am looking forward to John coming over to cook dinner for me. Thinking about what I'm going to wear, painting my nails, etc. Basically, getting ready for my date. Wednesday comes and goes and I have not heard a peep from John. :ohwell: No call or text letting me know he wasn't coming or would be late. And no, I did not call or text him either. I figured since he suggested the date, he needed to be the one to contact me to let me know things had changed and I was highly PO! :wallbash:

The Following Day: I texted John to see if he was ok because I had calmed down and thought that maybe there was a chance he had an emergency that prevented him from making our date. NO RESPONSE from John.

5 Days Pass: I got a text from John yesterday morning. It said "Hey this is John's mom. I just figured out his password. John was sick on last week that's why you have not heard from him but he is doing fine and he will be coming out of the hospital today" :huh: Later that night John calls my phone and I let it rollover to my voicemail. He leaves no message.

My first thought was "Is this fool serious? Does he really think that I'm that so dumb and will fall for this crap?" Because I am skeptical of all men these days,:look: I wanted to know what you ladies think? Should I still entertain John because this might be true OR do you think John is trying to pull a fast one and I should just move on?? I am really skeptical that his mom would return text messages for her son. I know my mom would not.

5 Days Pass: I got a text from John yesterday morning. It said "Hey this is John's mom. I just figured out his password. John was sick on last week that's why you have not heard from him but he is doing fine and he will be coming out of the hospital today"


I would be so insulted by this foolishness. He showed you not only how creatively stupid he is but how stupid he thinks women are. WTF.

Let that one GOOOO!
The text from the "mom" is suspect. If he "will be out of the hospital today", and has not contacted you in 5 days why is it now so urgent that the mom needs to contact you. Also if he's scheduled to be released that day, I would think that he can talk, why would he need a mouth piece?

He's on some mess. Kick him to the curb.
I am not normally adamant (sp?) about stuff like this, but it is clear to me that he is in another relationship....possibly a live in situation.
That has to be one of the lamest excuses, he could have been more inventive.

Sounds like John found something else to do, I would keep it moving.
It's just interesting to me that he felt he needed to lie to me even though we are just dating. It was not necessary IMO. He could have just said something came up, X,Y,Z...
:ohwell: Where is the Come on Son! gif :ohwell: I can't believe the games men play these days.

Because of what you wrote in the background about not being ready for a relationship with this guy - I would suggest that you forget about him and move one.

There are plenty of guys to have a casual relationship with who won't insult your intelligence.
It wasn't his mom who texted you. It was either him or one of his lady friends. How would a mom be able to figure out her son's password to his phone? No way! I wouldn't believe it.

If you really wanted to investigate, you should ask him which hospital he stayed in and see if he gives a straight answer. If so, then verify with the hospital that he was there.
And if it was that serious she should have at least picked up the phone a called you. Plus, I don't know if it's been said, but did his mother even know about you previously? Because unless he's in a coma, all he would've had to say is, "mom call elegantpearl17 please". Then he could pass out.
Gee whiz, no he didn't try to fool you like that.

How the heck does the Mom know about your plans with you if she had to crack his password instead of just ask him for it?? If she figured out the password he obviously wasn't conscious. And another scenario, how could he have enough strength and energy to give his mom the password for his phone but not enough strength to ask her to dial the phone so he (or she) could just call you instead of texting.

Not only does he think you were born this morning, but he sounds like he's not too great on his playa moves.
And if it was that serious she should have at least picked up the phone a called you. Plus, I don't know if it's been said, but did his mother even know about you previously? Because unless he's in a coma, all he would've had to say is, "mom call elegantpearl17 please". Then he could pass out.

No, she has never met me nor does she know much about me.
No mam!! I will not be doing any investigating :lachen: It's a wrap!

It wasn't his mom who texted you. It was either him or one of his lady friends. How would a mom be able to figure out her son's password to his phone? No way! I wouldn't believe it.

If you really wanted to investigate, you should ask him which hospital he stayed in and see if he gives a straight answer. If so, then verify with the hospital that he was there.
dang yall are good. im so dang naive, as reading the story i was believing the dude, but now i can see how this would be a bust. i have no sympathy for dudes nowadays and agree with everyone and say ditch him.
It wasn't his mom who texted you. It was either him or one of his lady friends. How would a mom be able to figure out her son's password to his phone? No way! I wouldn't believe it.

If you really wanted to investigate, you should ask him which hospital he stayed in and see if he gives a straight answer. If so, then verify with the hospital that he was there.

Um I'm sorry but I wouldnt even waste time doing ANY of the above. I wouldnt even rationalize who what,'s a big arse stupid arse LIE :lol:
Um I'm sorry but I wouldnt even waste time doing ANY of the above. I wouldnt even rationalize who what,'s a big arse stupid arse LIE :lol:

I was just saying IF she really wanted to... I wasn't making it a definite suggestion.
He should have his playa card revoked. I've heard some lame ones, but this one here is just plain stupid. I'm insulted for you.
Let him go. He's a liar who wants you to drop your other options while keeping his open. There's no other reason for him to want to be serious with you yet playing games at the same time.
Lol why didnt mama call you the day of?

You're supposed to believe that the last thing he said before he passed out.while on the strecher is "I have a date with Elegenatpearl, please let her know what happened" then lights out? :lol:
The text from "his mom" came a week later :grin:

Lol why didnt mama call you the day of?

You're supposed to believe that the last thing he said before he passed out.while on the strecher is "I have a date with Elegenatpearl, please let her know what happened" then lights out? :lol:
I wouldn't dead it but I would ask a lot more questions.

If you're asking for our opinion then maybe a part of you (albeit small piece) thinks it might be true. Why wouldn't you follow, respond to the text or at least answer the phone? If anything at all, didn't you care about him or at least to know if he's OK?

You don't have to do anything with him, date him but just find out what the situation your convenience :) And you wouldn't be a fool to do so but you might be a fool to let someone go that you didn't have a problem with before (or did you.) Now, you'll never know.

The only part that doesn't make much sense to me is why would a mother be concerned about cracking a phone code when her son is in the hospital? Now, there are all kinds of snooping parents but probability of this is low. I don't think you have enough info to make a 100% call. If you don't care though...KIM otherwise I'd question.

I'd go visit a friend that cares :)
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If it were me, I would likely want to get to the bottom of it instead of immediately dismissing it as a lie. It is not realistic that his mom would contact you, but I would still want to know what was going on.
That was a weak excuse and story.

The hospital has phones and sick people use them all the time. My only curiosity is what "disease" he would say he had.
That was a weak excuse and story.

The hospital has phones and sick people use them all the time. My only curiosity is what "disease" he would say he had.

I have an answer for everything that has been brought up. In this post, I've been in the hospital before and never used the phones (especially since they're casually dating - calling her may not be a big priority which is another issue) and b) the man may be really ill and c) maybe he doesn't remember her number by heart! BTW, I'm assuming he was in the hospital for 5 days and didn't have his phone.

IDK- suspect, yes but definite no.

I'm soooooooooo curious to know the truth. What's his number lemme find out :lachen:

ETA- I'm reading others posts and Oooohhh ya'll thinking HE sent the text LOL I thought you all assumed his other boo found the phone and texted. I'm so lost. Yet another reason you need to find out...cuz I'm lost LOL!
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