Is there a way to get HEAVIER hair


Active Member
I want to know if there is a way i can make my hair heavier? It is too light. I have thick 4a-4b hair but is doesnt really "hang".. Even when i straighten it, its too light and "airy"... if that makes sense.

I want hair that hangs and rocks back forths when turning my head. I want hair with some a backbone!

I met a girl that when u lift her hair.. u can feel the weight, and when u let it go, it drops back down hard.

So basically there a way I can condition my hair to become "heavier"?
I don't think so. Your hair texture will dictate that. It sounds like you have wispy hair and the girl you described has thick hair.

You could try weighing it down with product but that might make it stiff. I remember reading that silicones coat the hair and make it seem thicker. Maybe that will weigh it down?
^^^ that's what I was going to suggest. A lot of people have claimed that their hair feels heavier and more dense after a henna or cassia treatment.
i know that the longer your hair get the more potential it will have to hari only hands when its all wet. it just apart of your hair texture
I have that problem too. Thanks for the thread OP. I have super thick hair type 4 though. Any thicker and I won't be able to comb it. Seriously. I just figured it will hang when it gets longer.
I have that problem too. Thanks for the thread OP. I have super thick hair type 4 though. Any thicker and I won't be able to comb it. Seriously. I just figured it will hang when it gets longer.

I feel the same way! :perplexed I was hoping I didnt need to be tailbone length before i got heavy hang time :lachen:
If I'm not mistaken pathenol gives the hair "weight". It was mentioned by one of our board members a long time ago, and I noticed it with my own hair when I used the product. I think it was pathenol.
If I'm not mistaken pathenol gives the hair "weight". It was mentioned by one of our board members a long time ago, and I noticed it with my own hair when I used the product. I think it was pathenol.

Oooh. thank you. I was going to purchase this when I purchased my wheat protein.

**off to do a search**
I know that whenever I go to some salon they make my hair heavier. TCB use to carry a leave-in product called "BONE STRAIT" and it was really good at making the hair heavier. But the original formula does not exist anymore. Also one that works pretty good is No more Frizz by HE it's a leave in. It really coats the hair. I also wonder if volumize products help to create the heavier hair when the hair is flat ironed.

Let me know what works for you.
good question, I remember someone asking this before in a fotki...I'd like to know how-- I figured maybe cut down on the amount of product when u flat iron/blowdry
I know that whenever I go to some salon they make my hair heavier. TCB use to carry a leave-in product called "BONE STRAIT" and it was really good at making the hair heavier. But the original formula does not exist anymore. Also one that works pretty good is No more Frizz by HE it's a leave in. It really coats the hair. I also wonder if volumize products help to create the heavier hair when the hair is flat ironed.

Let me know what works for you.

So what are they doing at the salon to weigh your hair down??
If I'm not mistaken pathenol gives the hair "weight". It was mentioned by one of our board members a long time ago, and I noticed it with my own hair when I used the product. I think it was pathenol.
your hair is really nice!!

OP, I think that having really nice blunt ends like frizzy's helps with this. sorry, i don't know about any products that do that. oh, and my hair feels heavier when it's not weighed down by a lot of product.
What I always loved about UBH conditioner and Lotion Creme is that it makes your hair feel heavy. It is not the conditioner for you if you like the silky feel. When I want that silky feeling post-conditioner I will use something like ORS Replenishing Pak, or Affirm Sustenance. But the UBH Deep Conditioner will actually leave your hair feeling kind of hard (the book says this is deliberate and expected), then when you put the Lotion Creme Moisturizer on after and let it air-dry your hair feels thick and heavy.

My hair is kind of thick anyway, but even moreso with the UBH Conditioner. It's worth a try. I'd give it at least 3 consecutive DCs, before you judge it though. When I first started using it 3 years ago, it took three weeks for the OMG moment when I felt through my hair.
absolutely you can! I had airy, light hair until I realized that my hair lacked structure and was too porous. The things that helped were...

started using semi-permanent color which fills in the hair strands and gives it more structure and weight

light protein conditioner also does the same thing but can be tricky - find your level, type of protein and balance with moisture. Until you get protein in the mix, moisture will just make the airy thing worse

but the things that is working best is Nexxus Therappe and Humectress!!! :bouncegre The ceramides do the trick!
light protein conditioner also does the same thing but can be tricky - find your level, type of protein and balance with moisture. Until you get protein in the mix, moisture will just make the airy thing worse

but the things that is working best is Nexxus Therappe and Humectress!!! :bouncegre The ceramides do the trick!
That explains it! I am just now starting to use protein treatments regularly because i stopped for a while. Makes complete sense. I do get great results with ceramides. That's why I loved me some Nexxus therappe and humectress.
What I always loved about UBH conditioner and Lotion Creme is that it makes your hair feel heavy. It is not the conditioner for you if you like the silky feel. When I want that silky feeling post-conditioner I will use something like ORS Replenishing Pak, or Affirm Sustenance. But the UBH Deep Conditioner will actually leave your hair feeling kind of hard (the book says this is deliberate and expected), then when you put the Lotion Creme Moisturizer on after and let it air-dry your hair feels thick and heavy.

My hair is kind of thick anyway, but even moreso with the UBH Conditioner. It's worth a try. I'd give it at least 3 consecutive DCs, before you judge it though. When I first started using it 3 years ago, it took three weeks for the OMG moment when I felt through my hair.

What is UBH Conditioner? Does it stand for something else or is that the name? Is it a protien or moisture condish? Does the UBH and Lotion Creme come together?

absolutely you can! I had airy, light hair until I realized that my hair lacked structure and was too porous. The things that helped were...

started using semi-permanent color which fills in the hair strands and gives it more structure and weight

light protein conditioner also does the same thing but can be tricky - find your level, type of protein and balance with moisture. Until you get protein in the mix, moisture will just make the airy thing worse

but the things that is working best is Nexxus Therappe and Humectress!!! :bouncegre The ceramides do the trick!

This might be it. I was staying away from protein because it made my hair hard.

I found out recently its animal protein my hair doesnt like so I now trying to find plant proteins my hair likes. I bought AOGBP the other day and my took to that. I had a bad experience with henna (dryness issue) but i realize I didn't add alma to it which helps combat dryness.

So I think I might try that and purchase some oils with ceramides at from vitamin shoppe
Henna does work quite well.

I used a tiny amount of panthenol two days ago, it instantly made my hair look thicker. A bit heavier too.
I remember reading that people's curls seemed elongated or heavier due to repeated henna applications as the henna actually deposits on the hair strand. Henna and my hair didn't agree so they parted ways after a few uses. This panthenol sounds interesting though, it was definitely an ingredient in a DC I used to use, hmmm....
I'd like to suggest moisture. My hair has always felt it's heaviest (and thickest) after it's been plumped with a good moisturizing deep conditioner via a steam treatment. Unfortunately--I don't have a steamer right now...

However, I've reinstated Lekair cholesterol (on dry hair) and Elasta QP Design Foam into my regimen. The Elasta QP definitely holds moisture because I can go a whole week and my hair never feels dry.

I "blow-fry" on a weekly a basis. :look:
Where are you guys buying this liquid pathenol? and do you suggest both internal (b5 supplements) and external usage?