Is there a way to get HEAVIER hair

When I use henna that does the trick but since it's a protien, I either have to mix it with the Mizani deep moisturizing DC or use it right afterward. Another thing that I found out is that BKT does a damn good job. And you feel ur hair heaveir instantly after the flat iron step. So that's what I been using.
I remember reading that hair dye does it too but I don't recall my hair feeling thicker when I got it dyed. :ohwell:

A henna or cassia coating gives weight to the hair. Hair dyes that have a peroxide and/or ammnoia actually loosen the curls. Loose curls will hang more.
What is UBH Conditioner? Does it stand for something else or is that the name? Is it a protien or moisture condish? Does the UBH and Lotion Creme come together?

Ultra Black Hair Deep Conditioner and Ultra Black Hair Lotion Creme Moisturizer. Go to These are Cathy Howse's products.

The Conditioner's protein is derived from Aloe; also has Olive Oil and Coconut oil and Peppermint Oil. The Lotion Creme Moisturizer is a thick creamy moisturizer, that is best used to smooth out new growth. It has the consistency of relaxer. They are two different products
I did an aphogee 2 step treatment a couple weeks ago and my hair definitely seemed heavier. I have typically fine strands but they look VERY thick now. I DC'd over night several times afterwards though (and honestly thats my preferred method of dcing now.)

It also seemed to loosen my curl pattern a bit, which is weiiiiird. I dont know if its because of the extra weight or if my hair was just unhappy before and this is what my happy hair looks like, or if I'm just hallucinating the whole bit, but its interesting.

I wouldn't do 2step more than every six months or so though, but I'm natural.
nac cysteine
amino acids
^^^ this daily & consistently did it for me (about 2mos)... i noticed after a relaxer how heavy my hair felt, i mean it actually felt like extra weight on my neck... it's naturally thick but after a relaxer it never feels heavy... i was taking the above supplements for expedient growth, not thinking about density... it was a nice side effect
I want to know if there is a way i can make my hair heavier? It is too light. I have thick 4a-4b hair but is doesnt really "hang".. Even when i straighten it, its too light and "airy"... if that makes sense.

I want hair that hangs and rocks back forths when turning my head. I want hair with some a backbone!

I met a girl that when u lift her hair.. u can feel the weight, and when u let it go, it drops back down hard.

So basically there a way I can condition my hair to become "heavier"?

I understand your question, OP and I had the same issue. Unfortunately the only thing that worked for me was time and health of my hair. I know that's not what you wanna hear :perplexed But the healthier it got, the more heft it had. I don't know how or why. But no amount of conditioner, oil, or moisturizer did that. Reason is (for me) when I apply too much product to my hair, it ends up weighing it down. So it has the heaviness, but doesn't move!! :nono:

When it got healthier, it didn't matter how short it was. It had body, swing, and volume. The better the internal condition of my hair (proper balance between protein and moisture) the better it grew out of my head. The external stuff (conditioner, oils, etc.) gives temporary pleasure :rolleyes:

Find the right products that work for you (less is more!) eat right, drink 64 oz. of water a day, get exercise, get sleep, take your multivitamin and one oil and be more concerned with the internal health of your body and your hair will grow out of your scalp at its optimal level of strength. The healthier it grows out, the less external techniques you will have to do to achieve that swing. Also, you may opt to cut your hair every so often. I maintained the same length for about two years. This is basically to get rid of the damaged hair and rid of the old and welcomed the healthy new!

When my hair was damaged, I had to OD on conditioner and moisturize twice a day. Now, I only have to moisturize my ends once a week. You will find that the healthier your hair gets, the less you need to do to it.

Hope this helps!!
i know that the longer your hair get the more potential it will have to hari only hands when its all wet. it just apart of your hair texture

Yeah...what she said...:look:

I am 3a,3b,3c (:yep: all of those) and my hair is very soft and light. When I was transitioning my hair didn't really have swing (when straightened) until it was past SL. In it's natural state it is almost at SL and it doesn't swing all like
I'd like to suggest moisture. My hair has always felt it's heaviest (and thickest) after it's been plumped with a good moisturizing deep conditioner via a steam treatment. Unfortunately--I don't have a steamer right now...

However, I've reinstated Lekair cholesterol (on dry hair) and Elasta QP Design Foam into my regimen. The Elasta QP definitely holds moisture because I can go a whole week and my hair never feels dry.

I "blow-fry" on a weekly a basis. :look:

This is exactly what I came back in to say. MOISTURE.
How did I leave that out the first time? DC 2x a week, 1 inch hair will swing. :lachen:
I've noticed that my hair has become more light and airy over the past year. I think its all the moisturizing products I used. It makes it easier to detangle but my styles don't last as long. Maybe I need to try protein.
Oh yes! Need tips. HATE having fine whispy hair...though I dont really think there's a way around it. :(
Oh yes! Need tips. HATE having fine whispy hair...though I dont really think there's a way around it. :(

Well, I don't have this problem, but I think protein would help.

It is possible. I have much heavier hair than when I originally posted. I now use protein weekly. My hair holds moisture, holds water and drinks up products now (in a good way). I would like to see if others have successfully improved their hair weight. I didn't have any weight at all before, now I have bounce and swing on my natural (unstraightened) hair.
I think protein makes my hair heavier. I just cut off almost 3 inches of my hair off and I just realized that my hair was heavier when it was longer. It also had great hang time. Now it's all light and fluffy, going every which way on my head uh! I can't wait to get my length back. I use thickening conditioners to help thicken my hair, it also makes my hair heavier. There are two types, the ones that make your hair appear thicker and the ones that actually have ingredients to make your hair thicker like Panthenol. If I'm going out and I want my hair to look thicker that day I'll use the instant thickening conditioner, but for long lasting results I'll use other type.
I still haven't found a way, but I noticed that using a creamy leave in (Profective Breakfree Megagrowth) with a tiny bit of serum and dad of coconut oil has helped "weigh it down" a little. But its easy to apply too much and weigh it down more than I wanted.

ETA the leave in I mentioned has protein and I think that is what helps. Its the same thing that gives weight to hair for BKTs and Brazilian Blowouts.
Sorry I'm late in responding but I just saw this. I have achieved "heavier" hair by adding henna to my conditioner. Full henna treatments are too much for my hair and cause breakage. But a little in my condish make my hair slightly coarser in a good way. I still tend to keep my hair on the softer more moisture focused side though because it make it easier to detangle.
Sorry I'm late in responding but I just saw this. I have achieved "heavier" hair by adding henna to my conditioner. Full henna treatments are too much for my hair and cause breakage. But a little in my condish make my hair slightly coarser in a good way. I still tend to keep my hair on the softer more moisture focused side though because it make it easier to detangle.

Ms Lala thanks! I love your new website. I hope to gather some more tips; and specifically tips about detangling my kinky hair. That is the one hangup I have that is taking me to breakage city. I have shyed away from henna b/c of reading about setbacks like yours that were caused by henna. Maybe I'll look into it again.
I have very fine hair. I've always used a collagen dc weekly and I use actual protein very regularly as well. I started using ayerveduc treatments about 4 months ago...mostly for shine. My wng started hanging when my stretched hair reached apl, my wng is cbl now that my stretch hair is bsl. To get my straight hair to hang I have to either get it done at a Dominican salon or load it up with oils, pomades, etc...
manter26 what ayurvedic treatments are you using? Henna? Could you point me in the right direction?

@virturenaow When I did my research I settled on brahmi, cassia, shikakai, and nupur mehndi- which has 9+ herbs. I rotate randomly.

ETA: my hair hangs because of the length and the density even though it's fine. I don't think I've been using the powders long enough to have a really noticeable difference.