4b NATURALS...IS There A WAY to UNkink a BIT???


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if there is a way to UN-curl my kinky 4b natural hair

- JUST A BIT, WITHOUT texturizing/perming my hair - just to make is more manageable - I braid my hair every 4-6 weeks but each time I get it redone, I have to flat iron it ( to cut spit ends) or straighten it with a hot comb to make it easier for the braider…AND not to mention the knots and tangles I have to deal with when in between.

Its getting draining and frustrating, I probably pull out more hair trying to untangle/ or using the hot comb, then I would if it were texturized - but I don’t want to texturize.

..Is there another healthy way to straighten/un curl this unruly head?

ALSO is flat ironing/ hot combing my hair 1 or 2 times a month ok? ..it that too much heat?

I always use a heat protectant and I try to be very careful despite the knots…I ONLY do this because its easier for the braider . My hair is always in braids. I have shoulder length hair
There was a thread about people using coconut milk and lime or yogurt around here. You might want to check that out.
I have 4b hair, and the only thing that noticably loosened my texture is henna. Not to the point of eliminating knots and tangles, but just relaxing a little. It did make it a little easier to manage.

I've tried the coconut and lime mixture twice as a prepoo, and it unloosened slightly, but it made my hair drier. Henna relaxed it slightly more though. I do henna glosses.
Overnight conditioning makes my hair much easier to manage. I wouldn't say it changes the texture though. Regularly using heat loosens my texture a tad also. I typically blow dry my hair on low after washing or I can't do a whole lot w/it and it tangles too much.
I got the information from reading another member's advice and it works well. I use plain yogurt each time I deep condition. I mix my con w/ EVOO or coconut oil and yogurt.
There was a thread about people using coconut milk and lime or yogurt around here. You might want to check that out.


I used it on my 4a/b hair and it made it softer and easier to comb. I did it twice as a DC. I haven't done it since though. I don't know about relaxing the curl pattern, but it made it softer thus making it easier for me.
Someone introduced me to curalway. It's a chemical, but it has a ph of 2.5 (same as vinegar).

I did two applications on a test spot of my hair (wearing a half wig) and I was able to set my wet hair and it came out straight.

From what I've heard, curlaway can be a little drying, so you'd have to step up the moisture.

Curlaway is also supposed to temporarily "un-kink" your hair, so if you stop using the product, your hair goes back to it's normal texture.

I liked it.
Find another braider. You should not have to heat str8 your hair to get a smooth braid.
By trimming every 4-6 weeks your also trimming away any progress that may have been realized while braided.

Cosigning on the coconut/lime treatment. It just may loosen your texture enough for the braider to manage.

Henna loosens some textures temporarily.

Try banding your hair in small sections and air drying before a braid session.

Lastly if heat is a must blow dry at home so that your in control of how much heat is applied.
Hmmmmmmmm… this curlaway doesn’t sound too bad

Yodie, do you know if you can mix this with A deep conditioner? Just to make it somewhat texturzied?

The fact that it’s a chemical makes me VERY hesitant …has anyone used this before? What’s the difference between this and a perm?…is it just less harsh?

ALSO these lime and vinegar threads….does anyone have link?..and a good recipe by any chance?
Find another braider. You should not have to heat str8 your hair to get a smooth braid.
By trimming every 4-6 weeks your also trimming away any progress that may have been realized while braided.

Cosigning on the coconut/lime treatment. It just may loosen your texture enough for the braider to manage.

Henna loosens some textures temporarily.

Try banding your hair in small sections and air drying before a braid session.

Lastly if heat is a must blow dry at home so that your in control of how much heat is applied.

Believe me, I’m already looking for another braider. I currently have some ads running, It’s not easier finding one that can braid neatly at all.

The reason why I straighten my hair is to dust the ends…that’s basically all. I only dust every 4-6 weeks., Just dust. And it makes it a heck of a lot easier to for me to control as well as the braiders. These braiders don’t have time to carefully comb your hair before braiding- and im tired of fighting with them. I never blow dry my hair.

I think I may need to get on these coconut and lime treatments.
If anyone had a good recipe please post it - or threads
Also ladies, is straightening/flat ironing my hair every 4-6 weeks ok?
Is this too much heat?
Hmmmmmmmm… this curlaway doesn’t sound too bad

Yodie, do you know if you can mix this with A deep conditioner? Just to make it somewhat texturzied?

The fact that it’s a chemical makes me VERY hesitant …has anyone used this before? What’s the difference between this and a perm?…is it just less harsh?

ALSO these lime and vinegar threads….does anyone have link?..and a good recipe by any chance?

I thread it over night or some like banding it but I don't find it gets it smooth enough. Maybe my techinque is wrong when I band.