Is Life This Hard In The Dating Streets?


Well-Known Member
There's my "fake medical" thread, my crazy SIL and then the stories I hear from my single friends.

#1. Someone I know was dating a guy and he would always come to her house and she would pay for all the food all the time (it'd be over for me). So a friend told her ask to go to his house. She went and dude didn't even offer her water. Then she went in his bathroom and found long hairs, hair products, lotions, perfume, pink hairbrushes...surprise surprise. She still slept with him and then coyly asked him about the products. His response, "I ain't married to you." And yes, she's going out with him again.

#2. Girls runs out of the office in tears. I go check on her and she shows me her man's texts. He is calling her an ugly fat pig because she refused to send him money and his baby momma is all on him about giving her money. She doesn't understand why he is "being so mean..." She is trying to "work things out with him."

#3. She gets asked out. She immediately asks the guy if he will pay for dinner (*sigh*). He says yes. Says meet me at 6pm. She shows up at 6pm and finds he came at 5pm, ate and paid for his own food. He asks her to order and watches her eat and pay for her own meal. She not only proceeds to the movies with him but is calling him daily wondering why he won't return her calls.

So my friends, is it really this rough out there? And are folks so lonely they are willing to put up with it?
Yes, there is A LOT of hot garbage out there. The part that stuck out to me the most in these scenarios is that your friends accepted the garbage —this is a no-no. Many believe that any man is better than no man (my family believes this), but I think it’s better to keep it moving rather than deal with the bs.
Women’s self esteem doesn’t force these dudes to act like savages. The men came to the table like that and were going to try it regardless.

So yeah, that is indeed how bad it is out there.

They knew who to try it with. I'm sure that the ladies gave off signals that they were down with sub-par treatment. Blood in the water.
I mean, eating at 5pm, an hour BEFORE the date. Who does that? At least he's not returning her calls, and soon she'll get the message. (Hopefully.)
They knew who to try it with. I'm sure that the ladies gave off signals that they were down with sub-par treatment. Blood in the water.
I mean, eating at 5pm, an hour BEFORE the date. Who does that? At least he's not returning her calls, and soon she'll get the message. (Hopefully.)

These dudes try it with everybody to see who it’ll stuck to. It’s Negging 101 and a whole generation of dudes been studying it for a decade.
Most of these women are casual friends because I work with them. I have over 1,000 coworkers. Many of them I could not be friends with outside of the office because of this. Because unless we are closer I give it to you straight and then I am done. There is only so long I can stanf listening to someone cry to me over the same fool I told you ain’t ish.
There's my "fake medical" thread, my crazy SIL and then the stories I hear from my single friends.

#1. Someone I know was dating a guy and he would always come to her house and she would pay for all the food all the time (it'd be over for me). So a friend told her ask to go to his house. She went and dude didn't even offer her water. Then she went in his bathroom and found long hairs, hair products, lotions, perfume, pink hairbrushes...surprise surprise. She still slept with him and then coyly asked him about the products. His response, "I ain't married to you." And yes, she's going out with him again.

#2. Girls runs out of the office in tears. I go check on her and she shows me her man's texts. He is calling her an ugly fat pig because she refused to send him money and his baby momma is all on him about giving her money. She doesn't understand why he is "being so mean..." She is trying to "work things out with him."

#3. She gets asked out. She immediately asks the guy if he will pay for dinner (*sigh*). He says yes. Says meet me at 6pm. She shows up at 6pm and finds he came at 5pm, ate and paid for his own food. He asks her to order and watches her eat and pay for her own meal. She not only proceeds to the movies with him but is calling him daily wondering why he won't return her calls.

So my friends, is it really this rough out there? And are folks so lonely they are willing to put up with it?

I don't know how the men are to be blamed. They are showing their true colors from the onset; it's the women chosing to work with mediocrity. No one was trapped or deceived.

S1-man eats up all your stuff doesn't offer you a damn thing, even water and is obviously living with another chick? S2 demands money and call you out your name plus he has baby mama drama? S3 he makes sure to eat first so he doesn't have to pay for you?

In all these scenarios, the next sentence should be '...and that is when I realized he was a bum and I moved on.' If you see a bum and chose to treat the bum like a prince despite the obvious signs of worthlessness, then you deserve what's coming to you. In a world full of self help aisles and books like 'He's not that into you,' I'm a guess that some chicks like to learn the hard way.
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I don't know how the men are to be blamed. They are showing their true colors from the onset; it's the women chosing to work with mediocrity. No one was trapped or deceived.

S1-man eats up all your stuff doesn't offer you a damn thing, even water and is obviously living with another chick? S2 demands money and call you out your name plus he has baby mama drama? S3 he makes sure to eat first so he doesn't have to pay for you?

In all these scenarios, the next sentence should be '...and that is when I realized he was a bum and I moved on.' If you see a bum and chose to treat the bum like a prince despite the obvious signs of worthlessness, then you deserve what's coming to you. In a world full of self help aisles and books like 'He's not that into you,' I'm a guess that some chicks like to learn the hard way.

Men should always be blamed and criticized for their bad behavior. No one is forcing them to behave how they do. But it is also a woman’s responsibility to protect herself from predators. But our community keeps telling us to lower our standards, to not be so picky, and that they need a man. When she dates “others” she’s criticized. These men are trash. Their behavior is trash. The women are desperate and lonely and have low self-esteem. It’s a sad situation all around.
Men should always be blamed and criticized for their bad behavior. No one is forcing them to behave how they do. But it is also a woman’s responsibility to protect herself from predators. But our community keeps telling us to lower our standards, to not be so picky, and that they need a man. When she dates “others” she’s criticized. These men are trash. Their behavior is trash. The women are desperate and lonely and have low self-esteem. It’s a sad situation all around.

I meant the men showed they were trash from the start. No games, no hiding, no games. I find men who present as good guys but are hiding their awfulness are the dangerous ones who selfishly try to snare the innocent.

Bum ass fbois show their true colors from the get. I appreciate their lack of effort because I know from the jump I need to avoid them like the plague. Wish more men would wear their faults and flaws on their sleeves. Would save so much time.
Exactly. The dating game has changes but the issue here is the way those women responded. For example, if I was suppose to have dinner with a guy at 6PM, he got there at 5 PM and proceeded to eat, there's no longer a date and there wouldn't be a second one.

Yeah, I wasn't even going to judge ol girl for asking upfront about him paying for the date (re: I knew he was broke when.... thread) but once she got there and seen he had eaten, I would of left and continued my evening elsewhere.
Women’s self esteem doesn’t force these dudes to act like savages. The men came to the table like that and were going to try it regardless.

So yeah, that is indeed how bad it is out there.

Posting for emphasis, just uploaded to the Single ladies thread... These men are something else...
