Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

Day 1: done! (Oil scalp massage/downward facing dog.
Day 2: done! (No oil because my scalp had enough oil from yesterday, I did. 3 minute scalp)
Day 3: done (with oil massage)
Day 1: done! (Oil scalp massage/downward facing dog.
Day 2: done! (No oil because my scalp had enough oil from yesterday, I did. 3 minute scalp)
Day 3: done (with oil massage)
Day 4: done (no massage)
Day 5: done (no massage)
Ill be honest, I havent done this in months but im starting back. Tonight when I go home ill use my olive oil mix and start hanging.
Inversion has not been going great. I have been taking my vitamins but i realize my life seems to get congested around the 1st of every month so i'll start again today.

Checking in for Day 1-completed
Day 1: done! (Oil scalp massage/downward facing dog.
Day 2: done! (No oil because my scalp had enough oil from yesterday, I did. 3 minute scalp)
Day 3: done (with oil massage)
Day 4: done (no massage)
Day 5: done (no massage)
Day 6: done (light massage)
Day 1: done! (Oil scalp massage/downward facing dog.
Day 2: done! (No oil because my scalp had enough oil from yesterday, I did. 3 minute scalp)
Day 3: done (with oil massage)
Day 4: done (no massage)
Day 5: done (no massage)
Day 6: done (light massage)
Day 7: done (with oil and scalp massage)

I will repeat this challenge next month.
I flat ironed my hair for mothers day and oh my! My hair is growing back from my recent cuts (not trims) so fast, even I'm impressed! It has to be this inversion method because I am always a slow grower. At this rate I will be at my original 2013 goal of BSL by August/September. I also cut during the Moroccan Lunar Spring Equinox so who knows if one or both are the reason. I plan to definitely continue doing the inversion method for sure.
Oh snap! I just realized i missed a couple days and not just 1 like i thought. I need some encouragement. I'm gonna take pics tomorrow and start over AGAIN tomorrow like i have been doing for the last couple of months. I hope to get it right without any hicups
@HairPleezeGrow, I see you consistently get 1" every month, that's awesome :grin:. How exactly do you do your inversions every month. Do you oil every day, every other day? How long do you massage and invert for?

I've completely fell off my inverting and would like to start back up today. Your progress is on point :yep:.
@HairPleezeGrow, I see you consistently get 1" every month, that's awesome :grin:. How exactly do you do your inversions every month. Do you oil every day, every other day? How long do you massage and invert for?

I've completely fell off my inverting and would like to start back up today. Your progress is on point :yep:.

Sorry I'm just now seeing this...I don't get mentions on my phone but any who I don't get an inch every month but I have been getting decent growth. My inversions are pretty much the same except if I'm too lazy to walk to my bedroom. I oil my scalp with NJoy oil and massage for 1-2 minutes. Then hang over my bed for 5 minutes. When I don't make it to my bed to hang over forward I just hang backwards off my couch. I invert from the 1st to the 7th of every month and that's it. Sometimes I notice a difference right away and sometimes it's at the end of the month.
I did something new tonight. I used my own moisturizing spray mix and i sealed my edges and ends with Vicks (dollar store) version.

Day 1 completed. I'll continue this for the next 6 days and i hope it doesn't affect my hair negatively.