Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

I believe in start where you're standing. I was supposed to start my June challenge on Sunday, but I forgot. Now it's Wednesday and I still haven't started. I'm going back to what helped me remember to invert in the first place--writing on my calendar in red ink when each day was completed. I'll be back to post when I have completed my Day 1.
Just found this thread. I'm on day 4 of my inversion, and I do it just touching my toes for 4 minutes.
I use my MN mix which has peppermint and tea tree oil in it. I'm braided up, so I can see the new ripples coming in at the parted scalp. This is amazing!
So how does the inversion method work? You do it for 7 days the wait for the next month or do you do it everyday of the month?
^^^7 days per month then check your results on the 8th day and at the end of the month as well.

Day 2 for me completed. No oil and no massage tonight.
Starting my inversion today, its nice to see most of the original challengers still continuing this challenge; you ladies give me strength.

Thanks everyone.
Day 1 down 6 more to go. Inverted in 2 braids and GHE. Massaged earlier with my essential oil mix.

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