Interracial relationships

We've been together for eight years.

I had dated other white men before, but I was the first black women he'd dated.

We met at a Holiday party. I noticed he would follow me from room to room and he was always sitting nearby. He'd would ask if I needed anything thing from the kitchen or if I wanted a drink from the bar. I thought he was just being nice, but later I found out from a mutual acquaintance that he'd had his eye on me since a cookout we both attended in the Summer. So that explained why he was following me throughout the evening :lol:. So, at this holiday party, we both had too much to drink and after much flirting and back-and-forth, we made out. :look:

He asked me for my number and I gave it to him. He called me the next day to wish me a Merry Christmas. He asked me out on a date. We went to a well-known sushi place and ordered one of those sushi boats. We ate the whole thing. :lol: We chatted and I learned that he was a musician and had been married, but divorced. He had no children and had a cat. I like cats. :yep:

Well, since that first date, we've been together ever since.

He's my best friend and he would do anything for me. I've never wanted for anything and he's always got my back. I love him and he REALLY loves me. :lol: When my friends meet him, they say, "he's a real cool dude." I say, "I know." :lol:

We're not planning to marry anytime soon (my choice, not his).
I told him that if we're still together when I'm 64 (like the Beatle's song), then I'll think about marrying him. :lol: I just turned 57 in January.
I didn't realize I held on to my ex so long, bc I was trying to fill a "ideal" (successful black man) and not be with someone who treated me well. Needless to say it took me a year to heal... (He was black Caribbean) my family was so pleased with that, event though he wasn't a great guy.

My new guy and I had a chat today... We showered and it was very humbling, not sexual. He (co)washed my hair for me and it was one of the most... Intimate moments I've had with a guy. He kept saying how beautiful my hair was, gently massaged, and did this for almost 10 minutes. I said to him I wish I wasn't ever "shamed" for having a sexual/romantic preference, he said he's never felt bad for going after who he likes.

I hope to keep him around for awhile... Maybe forever? <3

*disclaimer* this isn't a white is right post, I'm just musing...
I didn't realize I held on to my ex so long, bc I was trying to fill a "ideal" (successful black man) and not be with someone who treated me well. Needless to say it took me a year to heal... (He was black Caribbean) my family was so pleased with that, event though he wasn't a great guy.

My new guy and I had a chat today... We showered and it was very humbling, not sexual. He (co)washed my hair for me and it was one of the most... Intimate moments I've had with a guy. He kept saying how beautiful my hair was, gently massaged, and did this for almost 10 minutes. I said to him I wish I wasn't ever "shamed" for having a sexual/romantic preference, he said he's never felt bad for going after who he likes.

I hope to keep him around for awhile... Maybe forever? <3

*disclaimer* this isn't a white is right post, I'm just musing...

Okay, that co-washing thing <<< that's hot!
I just thought I would share this here. Lately I keep seeing such a cute couple on my university campus. Whenever I eat out for breakfast in the morning I happen to notice them out and about together. The couple is a Black girl and an Asian boy who seem smitten with each other :)
Asian men are getting hotter and hotter. I had a tall, dark and handsome Asian bartender the other night. His tan was almost better than mine :lol:
I just thought I would share this here. Lately I keep seeing such a cute couple on my university campus. Whenever I eat out for breakfast in the morning I happen to notice them out and about together. The couple is a Black girl and an Asian boy who seem smitten with each other :)

SO and I were at the movie theater last weekend and we saw an AM/BW couple on a date. They weren't cute though, lol. In fact, except for the WM/WW behind us, all the other couples in the theater were interracial--the AM/BW, a BM with a WW, and SO and I (HM/BW). It felt very abnormal.
Qotw: If you could go anywhere for a date (all expenses paid) where would you go and why?

I would go to Sicily to meet my inlaws and eat yummy pasta and bread :evilbanana:


hmmmm. do you want me to get at you? or nah?

how goes it waitressing?
if i said what i really thought about you id get banned.

you know that right?


Are you really that bored and desperate in your life. Really? Belittling someone because of their job(or past job)? You're such a bully. Go fix your relationship before you try and imply there are issues with other's and please stop spending your time trolling.

The sad thing is that women come on this forum to try and support each other what ever their choices are in relationships, religion or their skin tone and so on. Yet some people just don't grasp the concept of that.

And yes please threaten to insult me too. Thank god my life doesnt revolve around the internet!
yes youre so above the internet that you had to inject yourself in a conversation that didnt involve you and call yourself scolding somebody because youre so above the internet that when you read this stuff it doesnt bother you cause youre so above the internet.

are you trying to say that youre so above the internet? :lol:

dont worry about what i do. take your so above the internet self to a thread where someone is actually talking to you and whine about your feelings there.
Ladies...come on. (Hug) can we just cooombaya and shiit? Keep it classy san Diego.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Love that movie!

On a serious note.... perhaps someone should start an offficial interracial relationships support thread for those who are interested in being supportive?

I understand that is exactly what this thread is trying to be... but the way the thread title and opening post are set up... it leaves the topic of IRR altogether open for discussion from people who have something negative to say or who don't approve. And we all know there are plenty of those round these parts lol.
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I didn't say I was above the internet.. I use it all the time but anyways...

I'm going to apologize to everyone who is active on this thread. I have no issue with women expressing their dislike in interracial relationships as we are all entitled to our opinion. But thinking that its funny to call other women "pathetic" because of the race of their partner is just too much. Anyway I shall not be feeding the trolls from now on.
Good idea, maybe the mods can change the thread title to 'Interracial Relationship Support Thread' or something like that.

And yes, don't feed the trolls because that's clearly what she's doing. Not sure why people keep falling for the same thing. Also, be careful what you're putting out there because it's just fodder for her lovely blog.
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On a serious note.... perhaps someone should start an offficial interracial relationships support thread for those who are interested in being supportive?

I understand that is exactly what this thread is trying to be... but the way the thread title and opening post are set up... it leaves the topic of IRR altogether open for discussion from people who have something negative to say or who don't approve. And we all know there are plenty of those round these parts lol.

Do you really think restarting the same discussion in another thread will stop the anus factor from showing up? :spinning:

I will say this again, when I am out with a man of another race, the ONLY negative comments and acting extra come from Black women!!!:nono:
It's like they just don't want to see another Black woman happily expressing her freedom to date whomever she chooses.
Some of them are like this poster, just want to stir up crap by making rude gestures. Very immature.

As of yet, Black men rarely make comments but do stare and the look speaks volumes.:giggle: If they make a comment it's after the couple has left, not to their face nor stalk them for blocks making rude comments. Like Black women have done. Many Black men have dated interracial and are not as pressed like some of these insecure, thirsty, dry rot crotch Black women.:nono: White women either stare or look confused. They have their opinions and will express them to the White guy if they know him but not a total stranger. White guys will subtly get the attention of the other White guy he is with and let him know another White guy has entered the room with a Black woman. :lol: But they have not made rude comments nor try to pick a fight with the couple.

Only Black women are ignorant enough to try to cause a scene and demean the couple.
If a White woman says Black women give her crap for dating Black men, it's usually true. :yep:

If you have to make another persons business your business; then you have no business of your own. :look: Get yo life!
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Do you really think restarting the same discussion in another thread will stop the anus factor from showing up? :spinning:

I will say this again, when I am out with a man of another race, the ONLY negative comments and acting extra come from Black women!!!:nono:
It's like they just don't want to see another Black woman happily expressing her freedom to date whomever she chooses.
Some of them are like this poster, just want to stir up crap by making rude gestures. Very immature.

As of yet, Black men rarely make comments but do stare and the look speaks volumes.:giggle: If they make a comment it's after the couple has left, not to their face nor stalk them for blocks making rude comments. Like Black women have done. Many Black men have dated interracial and are not as pressed like some of these insecure, thirsty, dry rot crotch Black women.:nono: White women either stare or look confused. They have their opinions and will express them to the White guy if they know him but not a total stranger. White guys will subtly get the attention of the other White guy he is with and let him know another White guy has entered the room with a Black woman. :lol: But they have not made rude comments nor try to pick a fight with the couple.

Only Black women are ignorant enough to try to cause a scene and demean the couple.
If a White woman says Black women give her crap for dating Black men, it's usually true. :yep:

If you have to make another persons business your business; then you have no business of your own. :look: Get yo life!

Really? I know that is your observation. What I have noticed over and over again is this: the people of the opposite sex but "appears" similar background/race as you and the people of the same sex as you but "appears" similar background/race of your partner are most at shock/disturbed.

The people who are likely to act a fool in front of you would be anyone with that personality that you happen to meet that day. Some are more bold if they "feel" that can get away with it in your and your partner's faces.

I agree that a thread that states the only comments wanted are those of support with a thread title something like "Support Thread: Interracial Relationships" would do good, not harm. I agree for another thread. If the thread allows for open discussion I see nothing wrong with it. However, a thread asking for only support would be respected by the average person with sense.
Really? I know that is your observation. What I have noticed over and over again is this: the people of the opposite sex but "appears" similar background/race as you and the people of the same sex as you but "appears" similar background/race of your partner are most at shock/disturbed.

The people who are likely to act a fool in front of you would be anyone with that personality that you happen to meet that day. Some are more bold if they "feel" that can get away with it in your and your partner's faces.

I agree that a thread that states the only comments wanted are those of support with a thread title something like "Support Thread: Interracial Relationships" would do good, not harm. I agree for another thread. If the thread allows for open discussion I see nothing wrong with it. However, a thread asking for only support would be respected by the average person with sense.

They do it because they are ignorant, lack respect for others and lacking self respect.
I am not opposed to a fresh start to this thread but it won't keep the nay sayers at bay.
Unless we are starting a new thread, I'll continue posting here for now. :yep:

Qotw: If you could go anywhere for a date (all expenses paid) where would you go and why?

I would go to the Youth Fair for my date. I'm still a big kid.

So bright neon blinking lights, fast techno music, overpriced sugared food, couples and families all about is a great date for me. We can sit and chat, feed the animals at the petting area, or watch a circus performance. The best part about a fair date is going on a partnered ride and squeezing my date's hand :)
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I love fairs! We just went to the rodeo carnival and fair here in Houston. I don't know who had more fun:the kids or us. I love funnel cakes and all the other delicious stuff that I shouldn't eat :lol:
Last night we were on the couch together...

"He's like how'd I get so lucky? I have a beautiful, smart, and caring woman"... He snuggled closer.

"And she be putting in that work too."

Omg. Lol.

Side eye. Side eye boo.
Qotw: If you could go anywhere for a date (all expenses paid) where would you go and why? I would go to Sicily to meet my inlaws and eat yummy pasta and bread :evilbanana:

I always wanted a romantic picnic in the park. I know it's hitting the low branch, but like with real china and the like. We have a historical park here in Cincy with the classic terraces and walkways. I'm having a picnic for two for his bday in April. I can't wait!
We've been together for eight years.

I had dated other white men before, but I was the first black women he'd dated.

We met at a Holiday party. I noticed he would follow me from room to room and he was always sitting nearby. He'd would ask if I needed anything thing from the kitchen or if I wanted a drink from the bar. I thought he was just being nice, but later I found out from a mutual acquaintance that he'd had his eye on me since a cookout we both attended in the Summer. So that explained why he was following me throughout the evening :lol:. So, at this holiday party, we both had too much to drink and after much flirting and back-and-forth, we made out. :look:

He asked me for my number and I gave it to him. He called me the next day to wish me a Merry Christmas. He asked me out on a date. We went to a well-known sushi place and ordered one of those sushi boats. We ate the whole thing. :lol: We chatted and I learned that he was a musician and had been married, but divorced. He had no children and had a cat. I like cats. :yep:

Well, since that first date, we've been together ever since.

He's my best friend and he would do anything for me. I've never wanted for anything and he's always got my back. I love him and he REALLY loves me. :lol: When my friends meet him, they say, "he's a real cool dude." I say, "I know." :lol:

We're not planning to marry anytime soon (my choice, not his).
I told him that if we're still together when I'm 64 (like the Beatle's song), then I'll think about marrying him. :lol: I just turned 57 in January.

january noir This is so sweet. :grin:
Just a quick announcement to all the ladies who post in this thread:

Please be very careful what you post and share in this thread and any other potential IR threads. I know this should go without saying in any thread, but I thought I would state it regardless.

I would suggest to think long and hard about what you post that may be sensitive to you and your situation, because it can end up as fodder for that tea tumblr or fodder for mean spirited women in other threads against you. I know this thread should be able to be supportive just like any other thread on this forum, but just please be mindful.