Indecent Proposal

Indecent Proposal

  • Heck yeah! $1 million cash tax free shopping spree!

    Votes: 21 32.8%
  • Heck no! There's no price for the damage that could be done

    Votes: 43 67.2%
  • Unsure...explain why

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nope not worth it at all. We value our bodies and our marriage to much for that!...i'll rather go on "who wants to be a millionaire" and keep my dang respect :yep:
This is sooooooo weird cos OH and I were discussing it just this afternoon!!! OP, you and I must be channelling each other :grin:

Well, during our convo I firmly stated that "Heeeeeeelllllll NO!" would I ever do it - no matter how much money was on the table. Then we started discussing various scenarios and then, :blush: I have to admit, that for some of the scenarios I paused for a couple of seconds before I answered - esp as the amount increased!

I still stipulate that I could NEVER though...esp since I have a child and I just would not be able to live with myself and every time I spent that money I would be truly disgusted with myself.

Strangely enough, my OH was seriously considering some of the scenarios I posed to him; that we would never see the other person again, that no-one but us would know, that the other person was Halle Berry circa Boomerang etc. The definite No-No was if the other person was a man. :lachen:

Both of us agreed though that it would not be worth it as we felt that it would affect our relationship so much as neither of us would be able to get over it emotionally and it would break up our little family and our selfish money-hungry ways would hurt our son more than us.

I bet this is a great dinner table topic though as I'm sure you would see some people that you thought you knew very well in a different light...
I'm not marring for love, so yeah, where do we meet?

u stoopit!!!! lolol

My DH would not accept this proposal for ANY amount of money.
If DH wanted me to do it for money, I would do it and stay with the dude with the money. NO JOKE.[/QUOTE]

OMG.....this made me laugh out loud. i don't even know you, but I could hear you saying this lololololol!!!!!

so, uh..what if dude had a tiny winkie woo woo....

wow......this thread is funny.
I would say that a lot of it would have to do w/ our financial situation, but...

I could do a lot w/ a million tax free dollars. Shoot I've done it for nothing so might as well make a few bucks.

As far as a spouse, it would have to be money up front and half of it is in my name
No! I've never prayed for a million bucks but I have prayed for YEARS for a good man. I feel I'd be breaking vows and dissing God at the same time. Plus anytime I got in that car or house or saw anything I got with that money i'd remember that situation. :nono: money is sho noff the root of all knds of evil. I think the movie was right about what it does to marriage.

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Most men, their egos would not allow their wife to willingly be with another man no matter what they say during a discussion about it. After it's all said and done they would not be able to stop thinking about it and comparing themselves to the other guy. Hey, we see how it went down in the movie.

They, on the other hand, would and do sleep with other women all the time for FREE! No million dollars required.:lachen: