New Member
putting my busines out there to say that you just NEVER know!
I married the quiet, good, smart, Christian, guy. He ended up being a nightmare. No one EVER suspected that he could possibly do have of the triflin' things he did. Even my bff would dismiss my suspicions because in her mind "he was not that type of guy". Long story short, we are divorcing because he was is a garden tool. He apologized, got us counseling and even cried...when I finally got to the point that I wanted to try to consider forgiving him for the sake of my child and keeping the family together.....he went to Iraq to make more money for himself, said that he found God but that God told him that he had another family out there for him and he never should've started one with me so he chooses not to work on us anymore, and he just became an all-around lying fool.
No....I never saw this coming. Ever. Everything about him changed. Sometimes you can do everything possible to make sure you have the right man.The one that won't cheat you, beat you or disrespect you....and then still end up with him.
ETA: We are now in the midst of a divorce.
Sorry you are going through this <sigh> Post number 1,248 for why I need to be glad that I am single. As I've said before, what I read here reflects what I see IRL. Time to get a little tiny dog and call it a life. These types of posts don't make me discouraged, but they confirm what I already know/experienced/see.